Male-female relationships only?


New Member
So yea i noticed on the top of the page it informs us that we can talk about all types of relationships including interracial(which stirs up the most replies here) but then in parenthesis says only male-female relations

Is that saying only heterosexual relations can be talked about here?

And if so why?:perplexed

Not trying to start anything just wanted to see if i read right
Reasons for which I won't be renewing my membership.

I can understand how the new members get upset about this but I don't see why older members do. This is no different then when Bev created the Christian forum and stated that it was for Chritianity praising only (or something like that). So the older members stayed when that issue was going on but chooses to leave when the relationship board is being exclusive does not make sense to me.
I can understand how the new members get upset about this but I don't see why older members do. This is no different then when Bev created the Christian forum and stated that it was for Chritianity praising only (or something like that). So the older members stayed when that issue was going on but chooses to leave when the relationship board is being exclusive does not make sense to me.

Maybe I'm a big lezza? :p
Um i was simply asking a question and didn't need nasty replies like "let it go" and i wont be here for much longer or whatever lol

but thank u for everyone else for being nice and explaining it to me

lock it if u want just wanted to make sure what i read.....

............moving along:look:
Um i was simply asking a question and didn't need nasty replies like "let it go" and i wont be here for much longer or whatever lol

but thank u for everyone else for being nice and explaining it to me

lock it if u want just wanted to make sure what i read.....

............moving along:look:

Um, I wasn't being nasty :perplexed. I was being honest and hoping that you WOULDN'T get banned, but if that's how you chose to take it, rock on :peace: