-Love Love*

New Member
Hey Ladies, I've had a MAJOR SET BACK. :(

I had two strands [kinky twists] and the girl used BEE'S WAX in my hair, and I had to detangle the hair which was MATTED up in each braid, causing me to lose A LOT of hair. :cry3:

It took everything in me not to just start CRYING.

My edges are also a MESS because she braided WAY too tight.

But with every DARK CLOUD there's a SILVER LINING.

I guess since I'm transitioning it doesn't make THAT BIG of a difference that that hair is gone since it was gonna be gone anyway. And I'm grazing APL :spinning: And my new growth is sooo gawjuss! I'm not gonna use heat on my hair until I get it back to health. Braid outs for me!

When getting braids, please don't let the braider use wax unless you're getting dreads and Don't get the edges done TOO TIGHT.

Wow, I'm so sorry this happened to you :(. However, your new growth is beautiful, and at least you're being optimistic about the situation. I'm sure you'll help your hair recover :)
I'm really sorry that this happened to you. Your new growth is beautiful, though, and I'm sure that your hair will recover soon.
WOW!! this is giving me cold feet about getting micro braids...I am sorry you had to go through all that! Stay strong! and like you said..."it was gonna be gone anyway".
I'm so sorry that happened to you. Great way of looking at the glass as half full! I get braids about once a year and found someone one doesn't braid tight especially around the edges.
Yeah, that is a lot of hair. But like you said, that hair will be gone later anyway. Keep taking care of your hair, you'll be okay.