I felt the pain all through my core when reading your post. Sorry this happened to you. Mupirocin is a great ointment. I was prescribed it for a 2nd degree burn.

However, in the times when I've had some scabs from relaxer irritation, I've used neosporin and aloe vera juice/gel. These help to heal the area. I suggest using the Mupricon though since it's dr. prescribed.

Going forward, you can try to be super gentle and do scalp massages. I'd say hold off on using anything that would irritate your scalp for the here and now. You can then do a patch test of the various growth serums out there to see if your scalp will accept it.

Tolerance differs person to person and you may be allergic or aggravated by recommendations so do proceed with caution -- jbco is great as has been one of the most effective that I've used. HTH
I'm sorry to hear this...I wish more women would have the courage to walk away from a hair appointment going's your hair and your body, and anyone that is causing pain, tell them to stop, if they refuse, as your stylist did, to take the braids out, just leave....don't worry about what you look like walking out the door..

I think you already did the right thing by going to the doctor. Your scalp has to heal, that's where the damage is. Very gently massage the bald spots to stimulate blood flow in your scalp..your hair still looks healthy, scalp just needs some extra TLC..
Eugh, so sorry :nono: Extreme tightness can indeed cut off the follicles' blood circulation which accelerates the dermal papilla's release. It makes sense that you were feeling so pained very early on.

Can't wait for the comeback thread, it will grow back.
Hello OP...So sorry about your hair set back. I had a bad one last summer after some too tight sengalese twists. They were lovely, but too tight and too small. When I took them out, a triangular patch in the front came out. I went and bought 13 wigs right away. I was so self conscious. I use Jamaican black castor oil a lot and I have some Mixed greens. I massage the scalp but not enough I think. There is some return but the entire area has not fully recovered and I had breakage in the crown as well. After your scalp recovers, just be meticulous in your care and be consistent. I have viviscal, multi,b complex, garlic, msm, algae, biotin,zinc and good products. I just did a length check today. This is the first time I straightened my own hair, blow dried and use a hot curler in two years. A set back is always followed by a comeback. We all have setbacks, and then the board gives us new ideas that we can use to improve and avoid problems.My hair has grown by leaps and bounds in a year, and I can cover the recovering area with my hair. It may not take this long for your hair as mine has. I got a water filter, seamless combs, a steamer, and a stand dryer. Like others, I could virtually open my own shop. Your hair and scalp will recover. will be able to help others. Best wishes and I hope you feel better soon!:yep:
I'm so sorry to hear this Bre. I hope your scalp continues to heal and your hair grows back quickly.
Oh boy :sad: !!! I'm so sorry for you.

This happened to my Aunt a few months ago and it was worst. She had a really bad weave job (and when I say bad I'm nice !)

The "hairdresser" she went to used a dirty comb (like the same unwashed comb she uses for ALL her customers, seriously who does that ?!), greasy hands, nasty fingernails (she had the nerve to eat her fried chicken while braiding !) AND she braided wayyy to tight !

My Auntie wanted to try a weave for the first time and apparently, from all the hairstylists in Paris she picked the WORST ! She's a very shy person and I guess that's why she let the lady doing all that gross stuff in her hair :nono:

Well, I told her to use castor oil and Phytotraxil once all the scabs and redness were gone and it seems to work really well. Maybe you could give it a try.

I hope you'll get better :)
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The "hairdresser" she went to used a dirty comb (like the same unwashed comb she uses for ALL her customers, seriously who does that ?!), greasy hands, nasty fingernails (she had the nerve to eat her fried chicken while braiding !) AND she braided wayyy to tight !

OMG!!! @ all of that. I'm glad her hair grew back.
Hi Bre:). I remember reading your progress thread and I felt so badly that you had this setback((( hugs galore ))) . This healthy hair journey may cause setbacks, but I hope you are ready for a comeback because you will be stronger and you will be able to help someone else who needs some TLC from the LHCF ladies. I started my hair journey with a half dollar size bald spot due to a discovered thyroid condition, but as I read and gained information, that bald spot is filled with healthy, thick coils, so be encouraged, Hun, you are going to reap the benefits of a healthy scalp and strong hair. Be blessed:)

Sent from my iPad using LHCF
So sorry to hear this and to see these pics! At least you learned the lessons now before you get to your goal length and THEN have a set back.

In the meanwhile keep using the ointment and when you can, apply some tea tree oil in the problem area and every night gently massage with your fingers. Pretty soon, you'll have enough hair to cover the spots with no hair.
I know I'm not a weave person but this is not the first story we heard this month. Is anyone concerned about what they maybe doing to that fake hair you all are using? Because your hair is not going to fall out over tight braids, bumps yes, pain yes. This is happening too many times. They would do anything to cut the cost.

These were my thoughts exactly.

Sorry to hear about this OP. The ladies here gave some great tips.
There's a special seat reserved for you in heaven because if it was me I would have tore holes in her behind. No not holes, potholes. I think you should try massaging the bald spots with an oil mix containing peppermint oil and rosemary oil. Theses promote hair growth. You could use coconut or sesame oil as the carrier oil as they both promote hair growth. Wear styles that don't pull on your hair like maybe a loose bun and twists or maybe put on a phony bun or half wig until your hair fills back in. Poking holes in vitamin E capsules and rubbing the oil on your scalp should help with soreness. Make sure you save the hair that fell out and the next time you see her shove it down her throat and make her eat it.
So sorry for your setback! You've been given wonderful advise, and I want to add just one more suggestion. I started my hair journey with several bald spots on my crown. Growing my hair out, I was able to camouflage them pretty successfully. Then I started taking Chlorella. FINALLY they are filling in! Check out the chlorella thread!
((((((HUGS)))))) I feel your pain. The same thing happened to me with a hairdresser some years ago before I knew about healthy hair practices and LHCF. I took Tylenol and everything and the pain didn't stop. Back then because I didn't know any better I tried to keep it in but it was unbearable and I ended up taking it out that night or the next morning.

I waited too long because my hair came out in the crown area just like you described and everything. I was able to save some of it by leaving it alone and putting Neosporin on it but some of it I was not able to save. The only thing that concerns me is that those scabs (hairs with the white pieces at the base) is what it looks like when the entire follicle coming out of the scalp.

When it heals and you don't see a little hole or feel tiny hairs and it feels smooth that means your follicle is gone. (i.e. if you observe men with balding they don't have any follicles on the balding parts) With no follicles the hair cannot grow back. I have about 1/2 dime size bald spot in that area that still hasn't grown back from all those years ago.

BUT---that was like 10 years ago and I'm sure that the dermatologist will have some solutions for you. I should have gone to a Derm back then but I didn't. I'm sure your hair will make a recovery because you have all the tools necessary to help your scalp heal.