Major Set Back: Need Support


I'm sorry to hear about your hair plight at the moment. And I guess what makes it worse is that it you have visions of how you want to look for your special day in a years time. I counted 11 months from Decemeber to October and with your amazing growth rate (which I wish I had) you'll get close enough to your goal.

Try and relax your mind and body and get this bad experience out of your system. Remember your body and hair can't thrive unless you are healthy and stress free. I know this episode will make you more determined and stronger than ever to reach your hair goal. You aren't being a drama queen about it at all, yes it is your hair, and you've worked very hard to maintain it to get it where it is today, so when you have a setback like that of course you are going to be angry and upset, and what a better to blow off steam other than here where our crowing glories are all very important to us as well as our health and everything else around us.

I wish you luck in your hair journey, and hope you'll make your goal by your wedding next year.

Oh yeah and pray too, I felt funny asking God for some more hair, but I know he doesn't mind cause he gave me some LOL and he'll give you yours too. You just gotta out in your share of the work also.

Good Luck sweetie /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Feel better about it soon
I want to thank all of you for your beautiful and heartfelt responses. Everyone of you is right. I have decided that I won't let this get me down. There have been several products I wanted to try anyway. I have a good basic hair care and vitamin regimen.
After my parents left for Florida yesterday, I did my yoga took a long hot bath and really let go of all that negative energy. I woke up this morning with a much better outlook. I know I can do this. It was a struggle to get my hair to that length healthily because of how fragile my hair is. But, I am now motivated to do it again. I owe that motivation to this board.

Thank you all so much.
Hey girl I just wanted to give you a big ole ((((((HUG)))))) and to echo the encouragement you've gotten from everyone else here. I agree with everyone that your regimen and growth rate are great and your hair will be BEAUTIFUL on your wedding day. I come from a family that can sometimes be hurtful too and the best way to get back at them for me has just been to ignore them and SHINE ON girl!!!

As for cutting the rest of the hair I was wondering if maybe wearing it in curlier styles will help to camoflage the cut and that way you can even it out little by little instead of just cutting it all.

And remember you're beautiful NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY!!! Yeah... I been listening to Christina Aguilera lately. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I am so sorry to hear about this horrible experience. I can definitely feel your pain, but cheer up, sweetie, because you will not let this negative experience get this best of you. And besides, We (the ladies of the hairboard) won't let you. Congratulations on the wedding and the healthy hair. Don't worry, your hair will grow back in no time. I definitely know how you feel because last year in August, I had to get my BS length hair cut to shoulder blade length because of see-thro ends. I went home and cried aftewards.. But let me tell you, by December, my hair was so healthy and in much better shape. And it was growing really nicely. That was over a year ago, and I am almost back to bra-strap length, don't have any see-thro ends and my hair is very healthy as well. That experience taught me to cherish my hair more since it is an extension of me. I know you were already cherishing your hair to this point, but it will grow back and quicker too. But one thing you have to remember, if you allow this negative situation to take over and make you bitter, you and your hair will suffer. Honey, you are still a queen and I believe that maybe God has something deeper he wants you to look at from this situation. I hope your mother did not do this out of spite, but you really don't know what the motivation was at this point. Forgive your mother and release her. But before you do that, you can still cry over the loss of your hair, becaus you have experienced a real loss. Get your feelings and hurt all out of your system so that you can focus on preparing that dream wedding. Put your energy into another area of your physical life, like maybe getting in shape, getting those nails healthy, making sure your skin is nice, etc. I am going to say a prayer for you in the meantime. Be encouraged and know that your hair will grow back faster than you expect.
I echo everyone whose posted so far. And I want to add that on your wedding day people will admire the entire vision of you - and yes it will be crowned by your gorgeous hair. Whether it's waist-length or close to it, all that will register in their minds is "beautiful, long hair". And that's the real goal. Shoulder, Bra-strap, Waist-length or all just markers. From the outside people only think "Long Hair". So you will have reached your goal after all /images/graemlins/smile.gif

In the meantime, just keep it healthy and do it yourself.

As for your mother, exchanging general pleasantries are all that's needed to keep things civil. Stick to topics like the weather or current events or something. Steer it away from beauty/fitness and relationships if it's unclear if there is envy floating there somewhere.
I'm sorry this happened, but don't keep thinking why, or what for, let go of any bitterness you might feel BUT remember the lesson you learned. You have plenty of time to grow some length back. Keep your head up.
I am so sorry your mother did that to you. I can't even type because I'm still reeling at reading that
. If it helps I hope your hair grows twice as fast and twice as long!
I have a quick question (it's a little off the topic). I'm currently taking 800mg of biotin(3x) and 500mg of msm(3x) daily. Do I need to increase my intake of these two in order to see a difference? I've been taking the biotin for about a month and the msm for a few days. Please help me out!
a month is not long enough to judge. give it more time. I think 800mg is way plenty! remember, it can take up to 3-6 months for supplements to start producing results depending on how your body needs (if you are dificeient) and metabolizes them.