Major Hair Setback (Pics Inside)


New Member
Hello ladies,

I took my sew-in down and decided to wash my hair and give it a rest before my next one. I decided to use a new shampoo ION straightening shampoo. I finger combed my hair thinking that it wouldn't make a difference because I've done this in the past. Big Mistake!!! I think the damage was caused in combination with me not combing through the hair and the new shampoo. My hair dreaded up and created knots (almost ping pong ball size) all over my head at the scalp. I had to comb the knots out which caused ALOT of breakage! (pics below) It took me 3.5-4 hours to comb out. My head is still hurting from the ripping :cry2: I am so depressed because I had made a lot of progress. While my sis was taking my sew in out, she kept saying how long and thick my hair has gotten. Now it's gone. I guess I just need some encouragement. My hairdresser is fitting me in today, so we can come up with a solution. I have more pics in my fotki as well.

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it looks like this all over....
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the back of my head...
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ur images didn't show. i think you have to upload them differently, maybe thru photobucket or something, or post a direct link.

it looks like this all over....

the back of my head...
Inquiring Mind you have to use IMG tags instead of <img src>. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Did the sew in cause the damage or was it only the knotted hair from the shampooing?
Inquiring Mind you have to use IMG tags instead of <img src>. I'm sorry that this happened to you. Did the sew in cause the damage or was it only the knotted hair from the shampooing?

It wasn't the sew in. It was the shampooing. As I was lathering, I could feel it dreading :sad:
I'm so sorry this happened to you sis..Hugs..was it also shed hair from the sew in? I know my sis lost alot of hair when she did sewins.
I dont think its the shampoo that caused all the dreading. You said that you finger combed your hair after you took out the sew in.:nono: You have to really get in there and remove that shed hair, cause it will wrap around itself and cause knots.:wallbash:

:yep:For future reference, I would suggest spraying your hair with braid spray after you have remove the installation. That way its being conditioned, then proceed to brush (denman) or comb all that hair out, wash it. Another good suggestion is doing a conditioner wash instead of shampoo and combing while in the shower to get the remaining hair out.

really sorry to hear and read this.:cry:
once my moms hair was a tangled,knotty,dreaded mess as she washed with a new shampoo. i sprayed better braids unbraid spray and it worked on them knots like magic, we thought she was going to lose all her hair, but she did not lose any thankfully

it is a set back but your hair will grow back healthier and longer
I dont think its the shampoo that caused all the dreading. You said that you finger combed your hair after you took out the sew in.:nono: You have to really get in there and remove that shed hair, cause it will wrap around itself and cause knots.:wallbash:

:yep:For future reference, I would suggest spraying your hair with braid spray after you have remove the installation. That way its being conditioned, then proceed to brush (denman) or comb all that hair out, wash it. Another good suggestion is doing a conditioner wash instead of shampoo and combing while in the shower to get the remaining hair out.


:yep: i used better braids Unbraid spray to get rid of my moms knots!!!
Oh sweetie,
I'm sorry about your setback and although you experienced breakage, I see you gained some thickness and length.

I would baby the hair and get the protein/moisture balance in place and do a lot of lo-manipulation styles.

As you know from your own hair experience, your hair will snap back and thrive as it was doing before as long as you stay consistent :yep:.

Now, no more fretting- and off you go to recovery :yep:.
i'm so sorry about your setback. i have been there so i know how you feel. :needhug: i checked out your fotki and see that you've already accomplished growing out your hair to longer, thicker and stronger proportions at least once before (from the chin length bob to below shoulder length). you can definitely do it again.
InquiringMind, I'm so sorry that this has happened to you. I understand completely how you feel. I had a major set back in August of last year due to braids. It's gonna be okay Sis...with determination, knowledge and the support of the ladies here...I know that you'll be back on track in no time.
Girl, I'm sorry this happened to you. I've had matting before and I've had to save my BFF hair from serious matting from the same thing. She shampoo her hair w/o combing it out well and she thought she was going to have to cut it all off. But I had her come over and I whooped out every conditioner I could think of and put it in her hair but the life saver was using Silicon Mix. And me and my cousin each took a side and combed her hair out. She lost some but not as much as if she would have cut it off. Now you know what to do for the future and you'll come back better than ever. Here's what I do:
1. detangle hair w/ cheap contioner
2. shampoo w/ Creme of Nature (really works for this-dont mind the buildup):
divide hair if necessary into braids when doing this to minimize tangles
3. condition w/ Le Kair Cholestrol and whatever else I can think of (w/ heat)
When ever I take my weaves down I have to go back to the old school products to mangage the new growth.
OMG, I'm so sorry that this happened to you.


I'm so sorry about your setback. It wasn't the shampoo that caused the matting but rather the fact that you didn't remove all the shed hair before shampooing. Having said that, it's too late to go back and prevent your breakage, but maybe someone else will be helped by this. :yep:
:crybaby:Those photos were so hard to look at. I am so sorry this happened. I have been there girlie, it will grow back...
I am so sorry this happened to you. :hug: I think everyone goes through that one at some point in time. Never shampoo your hair after a long time in a braids or a sew-in without brushing all that shed hair out first. THIS IS KEY!
I dont think its the shampoo that caused all the dreading. You said that you finger combed your hair after you took out the sew in.:nono: You have to really get in there and remove that shed hair, cause it will wrap around itself and cause knots.:wallbash:

:yep:For future reference, I would suggest spraying your hair with braid spray after you have remove the installation. That way its being conditioned, then proceed to brush (denman) or comb all that hair out, wash it. Another good suggestion is doing a conditioner wash instead of shampoo and combing while in the shower to get the remaining hair out.


I agree with the bolded above, but instead of brushing, I would use a wide-tooth comb to get the tangles out :afro:.

From what I know about straightening shampoos, I believe they contain alcohol. I use one to prep my hair for flat ironing, and it works well for that, but it isn't something I'd use to condition my hair, 'cause it's a lot more drying than Pantene.

I'm soooo sorry this happened to you :(! I really think you should stay away from the sew-ins for a long while. I checked out your fotki and saw all the progress you had made on your edges. Your edges will forever be at risk if you keep getting sew-ins.

Girl, I just took my sew-in weave out after only 4 days of having it put in. I don't think I could stand to keep it in longer than that!
This happened to me. It was horrible! I was APL and my hair looked just like yours in the back in the SAME spot!

I still have not fully recovered in length, in my opinion, after years. :nono:

By my hair has grown back. And the area that was broken off is actually healthier than the rest. So you can find some comfort in that, although it is easier said than done. :nono:

After this happened, I got a hair cut and also another weave, but is was called an Interlock weave. There was no braiding with it. It was expensive but it got me through about 6 weeks.

That is when I found LHCF.

After that I got braids for a while so that my hair would grow back in and have a rest. That really helped me get over the hump and also look nice.

The challenge was trimming. Because of the way my hair broke, either an aggressive cut would even the ragged ends or progressive cuts would help me maintain length. I chose progressive trims and over time things got mych better.
Oh girl, I'm so sorry that this happened.

Just take a deep breath and step away from the mirror for awhile.

Do some scalp massages for the pain and to stimulate your scalp and just let it rest for a moment.

Just know you have support here and you also know what you need to do to get back on track to healthy hair.
Sorry for your loss. IMHO sew-ins can break and pull hair out the longer they are left in.

It will grow back. Hang touch sis.
Im very sorry this happened to you.:grouphug: It can be discouraging if you let it, but dont get depressed or down. Just move forward. I think on the quest for long hair we have all hit a few snags. i know I did over six months ago, but I bounced back better than ever. And I know you will too :kiss:
Yes, I lost so much hair with sew-ins and my hair knotted bad. One of the reason I decided to go natural. I would suggest taking a break from sew-ins and getting styles with less work and heat, so your hair can recover. It's ok girl, we all go through this moment.
I am so sorry this happened to you, but don't worry your hair will come back in good shape pretty soon. I had the exact same thing 6 weeks ago. I took my braids out and then shampooed my hair:wallbash: Big mistakes. I had to cut my knots and ended up with as much hair lost as you. Surprisingly when I flatiron my hair, it was all even and I could not see where I lost the hair. The thing is my hair was longer on both sides of my head exactly where I happened to have the knots. So to make a long story short, I considered like a big trim was needed and that is exactly what I got. Good luck by the way and hope the damage is not that bad.:nono:
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