Macherie's Blowin' in the Wind Challenge - No Heat for 4 Months!

I used my first pass last wednesday... I got a relaxer and flat ironed. Y'all I had a major set back :sad:.... so I guess I'll be adding protein treatments to the regimen that I'm still trying to build. Anywho I'm going to DC today and attempt my first full braid out or bantu knots.
Sorry to hear about that. Whats you set back?

I used my first pass last wednesday... I got a relaxer and flat ironed. Y'all I had a major set back :sad:.... so I guess I'll be adding protein treatments to the regimen that I'm still trying to build. Anywho I'm going to DC today and attempt my first full braid out or bantu knots.
Welcome Challengers!


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Is this challenge almost over? Will there be another one starting when the first 4 months are over?
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I'm down for the next one :yep: This was a GREAT idea!! No/Little heat rules!!!:rocker:

I've only straightened my hair once since March and I definitely see growth :yep:

It was very tempting to straighten it again lol, but I have a goal in mind.

My avatar pic are the results but here's a bigger pic

I'm down for the next one :yep: This was a GREAT idea!! No/Little heat rules!!!:rocker:

I've only straightened my hair once since March and I definitely see growth :yep:

It was very tempting to straighten it again lol, but I have a goal in mind.

My avatar pic are the results but here's a bigger pic

OMG D... your hair is beautiful.
Your hair is unreal!:heart::hair:

I'm down for the next one :yep: This was a GREAT idea!! No/Little heat rules!!!:rocker:

I've only straightened my hair once since March and I definitely see growth :yep:

It was very tempting to straighten it again lol, but I have a goal in mind.

My avatar pic are the results but here's a bigger pic

Sorry to hear about that. Whats you set back?

Hey... Sorry it took so long to reply. When I finally got a relaxer and after a super long stretch, I learned that my ends were shot! They were very thin and I also noticed some breakage. That's the bad... on a more optimisic note; I've learned that stretching works for my hair... I was very close to APL, but I didn't want to hold on to limp looking thin ends. So now I'm past SL, and I will stretch again. Not sure if I'll push out 30+ weeks, but I'll see how far I can go; however, I will incorporate protein treatments as well as some cholesterol. Now my new problem will be my how often I should do protein.

Is the challenge over now... or almost over? You've made a "no heat" believer out of me! Oh yeah PrettyfaceANB that braid out is banging Girl!
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Thanks! :grin:

Its over at the end of Auugust. But it will contnue after that with a new set of rules.
Hey... Sorry it took so long to reply. When I finally got a relaxer and after a super long stretch, I learned that my ends were shot! They were very thin and I also noticed some breakage. That's the bad... on a more optimisic note; I've learned that stretching works for my hair... I was very close to APL, but I didn't want to hold on to limp looking thin ends. So now I'm past SL, and I will stretch again. Not sure if I'll push out 30+ weeks, but I'll see how far I can go; however, I will incorporate protein treatments as well as some cholesterol. Now my new problem will be my how often I should do protein.

Is the challenge over now... or almost over? You've made a "no heat" believer out of me! Oh yeah PrettyfaceANB that braid out is banging Girl!
Well, I made it to August. I only used two heat passes and my hair is noticeably thicker. I have had some growth, but I am not going to measure it just yet. I just no that it comes down further than it did in the beginning, so that is a positive, because it means that I am finally retaining my ends. The braidout was good to me. Kept my hair looking done but kept the damaging processes at bay.
I still have 2 passes left...I plan on using one for the wedding this weekend, but I 'prolly will still have left at the end of the am SO proud of myself. :grin:

I think my hair is really liking the no-heat, lo-mani thing since I only comb my hair on wash days...I can definitely see some growth even with my 18 week post roots...:blush:
Well, I used ALL of my passes. HEHE! :grin: :lachen: :blush:

But I should be good through the end of the month. This was my first time in at least 3 months using direct heat. I am happy with my hair and its growth. I am 2 inches from BSL! YEA!

I will be modifying this challenge. Allowing steam and heated deep conditioners. I notice that not have heat with my deep conditioner increases dryness and split ends.:wallbash: So I'll tough it till the end of the month but this challenge will continue...
I am at 18 weeks post and still holding strong without heat. I have used two of my passes and don't anticipate using the third unless I do a DC under heat...I loved this challenge, bc it was a challenge for me. But, I do miss my roller sets... And, I agree ends seem to be getting a little raggedy...not sure if it's the braidout's or what...
I haven't used heat since May!!! (I guess that is four months!!!). But I will keep away from the heat until next May. I just use half wigs not and they are the best thing ever. As long as I smooth down the front of my hair (using castor oil as gel) I am good to go.

I haven't straightened my hair since I started my journey so I cannot wait until May. The light blowouts I did still did not show my length
Well, I used ALL of my passes. HEHE! :grin: :lachen: :blush:

But I should be good through the end of the month. This was my first time in at least 3 months using direct heat. I am happy with my hair and its growth. I am 2 inches from BSL! YEA!

I will be modifying this challenge. Allowing steam and heated deep conditioners. I notice that not have heat with my deep conditioner increases dryness and split ends.:wallbash: So I'll tough it till the end of the month but this challenge will continue...
Me too!!!:grin:
Please continue this!I'll re-join for sure!Made me think twice about putting that heat on my hair...i actually found more ways to work with my hair:yep:
Thanks ladies,and i'll say it again:i couldn't have made it without the styles posted in the beginning!They were life savers:yep:
YAY! I'm so glad to be at the end of this challenge :grin: I've gone 4 1/2 months with no heat (I used one pass to flat iron a one inch section of hair to check the length). I have an appt to get hair flat ironed next Wed. Keep your fingers crossed that I've gotten lots of growth :drunk: I'll post pics next week.
Whew!!! I completed my first challenge successfully with one pass left to spare!!!! :dance7:

My hair has definitely grown (and feels thicker...but the thickness could be attributed to my transition) during the challenge, but did anyone else notice a problem with their ends? Mine weren't split, they were just kinda rough and raggedy - course like.:perplexed I guess the rollersetting and heat served to help smooth them out and keep them under control? I typically did braidouts 80% of the challenge and updo's the other 20%, but I used endpapers and rolled with perm rods for my braidouts, so I thought I was still smoothing them out. I dunno...I am looking forward to a nice smooth rollerset, tho- after 4.5 months of no heat....:drunk:
Congrats! Your hair looks beautiful.

I notice dry and split ends. When I ended the challenge, I relaxed, trimmed, and HINed (henna-indigo) my hair. I needed it. But I retained thickness. Maybe to help this no heat campaign, I'll add indirect heat as an OK. Like Tracyee's KISS challenge.

Whew!!! I completed my first challenge successfully with one pass left to spare!!!! :dance7:

My hair has definitely grown (and feels thicker...but the thickness could be attributed to my transition) during the challenge, but did anyone else notice a problem with their ends? Mine weren't split, they were just kinda rough and raggedy - course like.:perplexed I guess the rollersetting and heat served to help smooth them out and keep them under control? I typically did braidouts 80% of the challenge and updo's the other 20%, but I used endpapers and rolled with perm rods for my braidouts, so I thought I was still smoothing them out. I dunno...I am looking forward to a nice smooth rollerset, tho- after 4.5 months of no heat....:drunk:

YAY! I'm so glad to be at the end of this challenge :grin: I've gone 4 1/2 months with no heat (I used one pass to flat iron a one inch section of hair to check the length). I have an appt to get hair flat ironed next Wed. Keep your fingers crossed that I've gotten lots of growth :drunk: I'll post pics next week.
I used up all my passes but I only have another 3 weeks left. :yay:
My hair is definitely thanking me, although not as much as Dsylla's hair is thanking her. :ohwell: :)
Congrats! Your hair looks beautiful.

I notice dry and split ends. When I ended the challenge, I relaxed, trimmed, and HINed (henna-indigo) my hair. I needed it. But I retained thickness. Maybe to help this no heat campaign, I'll add indirect heat as an OK. Like Tracyee's KISS challenge.

THanks!! My NG felt GREAT, tho- I did end up trimming about an inch to 1.5 inch off once it was said and done bc once I straightened it, I could see more issues...But I still had a lot of growth and overall gained an inch or so. I need to henna-indigo too get rid of some of these grays...:yep:


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