Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge - Fall 2011

What does baggying do? How do you do it? And would it work for a 7 year old? lol Thanks Ladies I know their threads on this I am being lazy (hey at least I'm honest right?)
It's been a while since I checked in, so here goes! I abandoned using the hand lotion. It's effects were amazing but I can't take the smell. Too spicy, and it kept making me think I needed a shower. After that, I tried using a protein conditioner to strengthen my ends, but my hair rebelled horribly! So I went back to basics and started using my butter and oils mix on my ends. They're so much softer than usual and really manageable. I've been flat ironing more often, because I'm almost 21 weeks into a 24 week stretch, so I may need to do a trim soon. Other than that, my ends are doing pretty well!
What does baggying do? How do you do it? And would it work for a 7 year old? lol Thanks Ladies I know their threads on this I am being lazy (hey at least I'm honest right?)

Sorry you didn't get any replies to your post tiffjust2002. I am not a big baggier (if thats a word) so I was hoping someone else would respond.

Baggying is merely the process of covering your hair with a plastic cap or plastic wrap to infuse moisture into your hair. Some mist their hair first with water or some type of mist and some don't. Then they leave the plastic cap on for varying periods of time. It is supposed to increase the moisture in your hair.

Some only baggy the ends or baggy their bun instead of putting the plastic bag over the entire head.

And yes you could do this on a 7 year old.
It's been a while since I checked in, so here goes! I abandoned using the hand lotion. It's effects were amazing but I can't take the smell. Too spicy, and it kept making me think I needed a shower. After that, I tried using a protein conditioner to strengthen my ends, but my hair rebelled horribly! So I went back to basics and started using my butter and oils mix on my ends. They're so much softer than usual and really manageable. I've been flat ironing more often, because I'm almost 21 weeks into a 24 week stretch, so I may need to do a trim soon. Other than that, my ends are doing pretty well!

Thanks for sharing all of your variations. And glad to hear that your ends are doing well.
Sorry you didn't get any replies to your post tiffjust2002. I am not a big baggier (if thats a word) so I was hoping someone else would respond.

Baggying is merely the process of covering your hair with a plastic cap or plastic wrap to infuse moisture into your hair. Some mist their hair first with water or some type of mist and some don't. Then they leave the plastic cap on for varying periods of time. It is supposed to increase the moisture in your hair.

Some only baggy the ends or baggy their bun instead of putting the plastic bag over the entire head.

And yes you could do this on a 7 year old.

Oh okay sounds interesting, thanks for answering :) May I ask why you aren't a big fan?
[USER=318989 said:
tiffjust2002[/USER];14509973]Oh okay sounds interesting, thanks for answering :) May I ask why you aren't a big fan?

There is a thread on baggying. It shouldn't be too many pages back in the list. I think I saw it yesterday in the 1st 5 pages.

I'm not a big fan because I tend to have issues when my scalp stays wet for long periods of time. After about 1 hr my scalp starts to itch. If I try to baggy overnight my scalp actually feels like its burning. When my hair gets longer I will probably try baggying my ends.

Nothing wrong with baggying. My scalp just doesn't do well with it.
I think all of this extra work of moisturizing and sealing daily is paying off. I am switched up from 2x a day to 1x a day but its working well. Last night I misted the ends with water and really worked the shea butter into the hair. I braided my twists and put on my bonnet and my ends feel really good. Wish I could say the same for my roots :lol: The weather is really keeping them dry.

My ends still look and feel a little rough. But I am noticing very little breakage and I have been running my hands through my twists on a frequent basis.
I can't wait to steam this mess tonight. I'm in a fro-hawk today with a makeshift bang. I honestly don't know what my hair is doing today. I sprayed my hair with AVJ and put MoeGro oil on my scalp and hair just to help loosen it a bit (matted hair). Lawd this detangling session tonight is gonna be awful. *DEEP SIGH* My ends look so dry geez. I plan to steam tonight using AOHSR diluted with AVJ and water. Then use up the rest of my KCKT and put Qhemet Alma heavy something or another on my ends. Will let you guys know what my ends look like tomorrow.
Ok faithVA I am officially commiting to my wig. I went and had my hair braided up today. So no trimming the ends and no manipulation of the hair. Just letting it ride for the foreseable future.
DCing at the moment with Cholesterol and a lil salt and ACV, gonna do a protein DC afterwards and then probably thread my hair for the night. Dry baggying is really working for me@ My hair is so much more moisturized and soft and i have less breakage. I think it might be giving me some growth too? We'll see.
This challenge is for everyone who wants to focus on healthier ends. We know our hair is always growing and that healthy ends are key to retention.

If you
1. had healthy ends but damaged them in some way
2. have ends that are dry, brittle, bushy
3. have ends that are thin, breaking or brittle
4. have breakage you just want to get rid of
5. or fill in the blank

this challenge is for you.

To join, post
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
2. Current Hair Length
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends
4. What you have tried to improve your ends
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends

1. Natural
2. Between SL and APL...ok...SL.
3. Some heat damaged ends that have splits.
4. Reduced heat (used heat last week, first time in 6 or 7 months). Trim ends. Moisturize and seal.
5. Continue as above. I hope I dont have to trim all the heat damage, the stick straight ends have been cut off and I still have some loosened curls that are a result of heat damage. I would like to retain these ends.

I cant believe I missed this challenge. Thanks faithVA.
Hey ladies. My ends feel great today. I think I found a regimen for my dry ends issue. At least my ends are holding more moisture. Last night and added a tsp of salt to my conditioner. I dc'd for like 2 hrs and then rinsed it out. I then used a dime size of Oyin 2 min mask. Concentrating mostly on my ends. I sealed with shea butter. Bunned my hair and tied it down. This morning my ends wear soft and moist (a little damp). I am currently deployed in Aghanistan (dry heat). 12 hrs later from taking my scarf off my ends are still soft and moist. I didn't even use a baggy. That's a total of over 26 hrs since I rinsed out the conditioner. I got the ideal of adding salt to my conditioner for this thread. Please check it out. :yep:
I will come back and let you know how long my ends stay moisturized.

:update: Hi guys I am back. I finally co-washed yesterday. My ends stayed moist for approximately 82 hrs (4 days). Anyway, like i said I co-washed last night then did a kimmaytube like leave in and sealed my ends. We will see if my ends stay moist like it did last time. The only difference is I didn't add the salt to the conditioner. Keeping fingers cross. :pray:
:update: Hi guys I am back. I finally co-washed yesterday. My ends stayed moist for approximately 82 hrs (4 days). Anyway, like i said I co-washed last night then did a kimmaytube like leave in and sealed my ends. We will see if my ends stay moist like it did last time. The only difference is I didn't add the salt to the conditioner. Keeping fingers cross. :pray:

Definitely want to hear how that goes. Please let us know how it turns out. I will try to keep up with you.
WOW! The salt an ACV in my condish was AMAAAAZING!! I kept rinsing and rinsing cuz I couldn't believe all the condish was out and my hair still felt so silky! Definitely a staple this one!
I think my DD are doing better I started trying the water and grease method I saw a post on a while back so I spray her ends with water after I've twisted or braided it and then I add a little grease on them and so far it's working :)
Will CW and deep condition tomorrow. Will commit to whatever oil I can get my hands on. I've decided to braid hair up and wig until the rest of my hair catches up with my ends. I have a lot if split ends, and right now I don't want to clip my ends. I think I will be happy with end results of this process.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc: Natural
2. Current Hair Length: SL
3. The issue(s) you are having with your ends: Dry ends
4. What you have tried to improve your ends: Paying more attention to my end by mosit and using a heavy seal.
5. What you are going to try to get those healthy ends: baby my ends
I would like to join if its not to late....
faithVA :update:

Definitely want to hear how that goes. Please let us know how it turns out. I will try to keep up with you.
My ends were alright but not as soft and moisturized as when I added the salt and acv to my conditioner. I think I am going to have to go back to using that.

WOW! The salt an ACV in my condish was AMAAAAZING!! I kept rinsing and rinsing cuz I couldn't believe all the condish was out and my hair still felt so silky! Definitely a staple this one!
Yeah I loved the way my hair felt afterwards. I am going to have to do this again.
My ends are feeling a little better. I think as my hair evens out it will make a difference in how they feel. But I won't be going for an even cut until I am at BSL.

After my last rinse I am still coating my ends with my shea butter mix. I made larger twists this time to reduce the tangling on the ends. I also applied shea butter to my ends this morning. And since I am wearing my hair in a bun, I will baggy my ends while I exercise this evening.
Just checking in... I'm due for a S&D the approaching month
I have been using the rosewater faithfully
I've switched to coconut oil instead of evoo
this is my 2nd time trying it 1st time it made my
ends feel dry so we shall see.
I haven't been dcing... But I may get back to oil rinsing
How are you ladies doing?
Well I did what I said I'd do upthread, my ends look and feel fine, but I'm scared to take the twists out. My last twist out was :nono:. I'm stilly baggying every night (with no product). I might start moisturizing every night. I haven't really found a good leave in yet though.
I don't know what to do anymore. My ends have been really crunchy lately. I moisturize and pay attention to my ends. I baby them like a newborn, and yet they still fight me. I don't want to give up, or cut them (I've worked too hard to reach CBL!!), but at this point, it's like I'm stuck in a corner...:cry:
Haven't washed my hair in over 2 weeks. Trying something different-stretched (light flat ironed) and twisted hair pinned up for a couple days, then take my almost ApL twists down and pin the wavy hair up. Pretty cute style, very easy and I use lots of hair accessories (scarves, flowers). Moisturizing my ends with SM Curl Enhancing Smoothie or QB AOHC/QB BRBC/QB OHHB mix. Also doing S & D. My ends are smooth and silky. Heck, my hair is very soft. I have noticed a lot less SSKs. I am going to see how long I can go without cowashing/shampooing. This natural hair thing is a WIP.
I don't know what to do anymore. My ends have been really crunchy lately. I moisturize and pay attention to my ends. I baby them like a newborn, and yet they still fight me. I don't want to give up, or cut them (I've worked too hard to reach CBL!!), but at this point, it's like I'm stuck in a corner...:cry:

What are you moisturizing your ends with AryaStarr258?

Remind me again, are you natural or relaxed? How do you wear your hair?

Maybe we can give some group love to those ends.
What are you moisturizing your ends with AryaStarr258?

Remind me again, are you natural or relaxed? How do you wear your hair?

Maybe we can give some group love to those ends.

Thank you! My ends need the love. Anyway, I'm relaxed, 21 weeks post, and I've been moisturizing with my own mix of Shea and Mango butter, and carrier oils: extra virgin oilve, jojoba, glycerin, caster, and coconut.

At first I THOUGHT I was moisturizing, and that it was working well, but now I'm not so sure. It's probably the oils. I just don't know what's the best water-based moisturizer to use.
Thank you! My ends need the love. Anyway, I'm relaxed, 21 weeks post, and I've been moisturizing with my own mix of Shea and Mango butter, and carrier oils: extra virgin oilve, jojoba, glycerin, caster, and coconut.

At first I THOUGHT I was moisturizing, and that it was working well, but now I'm not so sure. It's probably the oils. I just don't know what's the best water-based moisturizer to use.

Any other relaxed ladies in this thread that can give some feedback?

The only thing that concerns me AryaStarr258 is the glycerin added to your oild mix. Glycerin works best mixed with water.

I have been using Shea Moisture Mist and I like it. It has a nice moisturizing effect without causing my hair to frizz. If you are open to trying something new you may want to try it. I think just spraying a little into your hands and coating your ends may help.