Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge - Fall 2011

I haven't updated in a while. But my ends are looking WAY better! I pretty much stuck to my original plan to recover. I've trimmed twice in two months, incorporated ceramide oils into my reggie, upped my protein (both internal and externally), and baggied and protected my hair. My ends are officially no longer raggedy, although they are still thin. All the below thumbnail images are clickable, I just didn't want to have HUGE photos in the thread:

Here is a picture of my wet hair post relaxer and trim:

Here is my hair currently (dry):

This was in September after a trim:

And this was an October check:

I've lost a little length - even just looking at my siggy picture, but just look at the improvement from September til now!
I haven't updated in a while. But my ends are looking WAY better! I pretty much stuck to my original plan to recover. I've trimmed twice in two months, incorporated ceramide oils into my reggie, upped my protein (both internal and externally), and baggied and protected my hair. My ends are officially no longer raggedy, although they are still thin. All the below thumbnail images are clickable, I just didn't want to have HUGE photos in the thread:

Here is a picture of my wet hair post relaxer and trim:

Here is my hair currently (dry):

This was in September after a trim:

And this was an October check:

I've lost a little length - even just looking at my siggy picture, but just look at the improvement from September til now!

It looks healthier and fuller. It looks really nice. Keep doing what you're doing.
I found a bottle of BB Moisturizing growth lotion hidden away in my stash and just used it to moisturize my ends. Now I'm GHE'ing my hair for the night.

Do you use this on dry hair?

My hair is pressed, and I put it on just before I go to the salon, because it will cause my hair to revert. It's a good moisturizer, though. I would use more often if my hair was completely natural.
Do you use this on dry hair?

My hair is pressed, and I put it on just before I go to the salon, because it will cause my hair to revert. It's a good moisturizer, though. I would use more often if my hair was completely natural.
@ bolded, I put it on both slightly damp (not wet) and dry hair but I mostly put it on dry hair at night before bed. I am applying it right now and doing another GHE.
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I am dusting my ends tomorrow and I am so excited. :lol: I don't know why I like cutting my hair. But my ends have done well because my last trim was in September and my ends are just starting to tangling together.

I twisted my hair with conditioner yesterday and my hair is so soft. So I may incorporate conditioner into my regi some type of way, either twisting with it or using it on my ends.
My ends are doing well. I'm going to dust them in about 2 weeks or so. Still a little on the dry side but I'm working on it. Moisturized w/ some Shescentit Butter last night and they feel great today.
I soooooooo didn't trim my ends when I had the mini twists. I definitely need a trim. Maybe next weekend.

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Had a long hair day today: wash, henna, DC'd, dusting and twist.

Aftering conditioning and applying my leave-in, my ends felt the best they ever have. So before twisting up I decided to dust. My ends were just starting to show signs of tangling. So I dusted about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. And I dusted a few strands with SSKs. I didn't get them all but I have far less than I had 6 months ago.

I sprayed my hair with water, applied oil down the length, applied a butter blend and then twisted with KCCC. I really think the water, oil, butter combo is perfect for my hair. So I plan on switching up my wash day regimen to incorporate this.

I have been noticing a lot of breakage lately. I don't know if it is more than usual or not. So hopefully this regimen change will help.

We have 4 more weeks to go.
I just texlaxed my hair and is now deep conditioning with KeraCare Humecto Conditioner for about 30 minutes. I am really trying to keep up with my weeekly DCs.
I'm really late to this, but I want to jump in with you ladies. My ends are always dry and split. I plan on using only JBCO on my ends 3x's a week. Id like to focus on using one thing on my ends and see howit works.
I'm really late to this, but I want to jump in with you ladies. My ends are always dry and split. I plan on using only JBCO on my ends 3x's a week. Id like to focus on using one thing on my ends and see howit works.

Come on in yodie. It's never too late. Especially for the ends.
I forgot I had this argan serum in my closet :nono: Have no idea what's in it. And I also had mixed some conditioner and water and that's just sitting around. So going to mist my ends with the conditioner water mix and seal with the argan serum to use both of those up. Did that tonight. Will see how they feel in the morning.
I have been wearing my hair in 4 twists for the past 2 weeks (under a satin cap and scrub cap). QOD wetting hair with water and sealing with castor oil. My ends are tucked into the twists to protect them.

These dayum phone apps-can't thank, can't see animated gifs and often can't see avatars.
I'm really late to this, but I want to jump in with you ladies. My ends are always dry and split. I plan on using only JBCO on my ends 3x's a week. Id like to focus on using one thing on my ends and see howit works.

Welcome Yodie:wave:
Checking in for last night. I texlaxed, deep conditioned and moisturized my hair yesterday. I don't know, it felt kinda sticky last night after spraying it with Aphogee green tea restructurizer and so I think I will be cowashing it this morning and see if that takes care of it.
I'm not being perfectly consistent with my product regime, but I have been baggying every night. Usually using some combination of water, infusium 23, oil, and redken smooth down butter treat. Plus keeping my scalp moist with grease (B&B). My hair has been doing great, thick and my ends look good. However I washed my hair Friday (dove shampoo, dc'd with queen helene cholesterol+EVOO, leave in with chi keratin spray and redken smooth down butter treat). I let it air dried, and it's now extremely hard to moisturize. The relaxer I got about 3 weeks ago feels like it never happened, I have so much new growth, and other than walking around with wet hair all the time I'm not sure how to keep my hair moist. Last nite I used redken smooth down butter treat and motions oil moisturizer and slept in a scarf and that helped a bit, but I think I'm entering the mode where I need to focus on stretching my relaxer without breaking my hair.

Could someone shoot me a thread on this? I'm sure there are many but if anyone knows of the "best" one that would be great :)
twisted with AOHC last night ... holy moly I forgot how much my hair likes this, even better than the BRBC.
Essentially I saturated my hair with motions oil moisturizer and was able to go thru it with my big wide-tooth shower comb. It is ok shedding slightly. See Nov 9, 2011 and now. In fairness my Nov hair was slightly bumped but I've grown, excited to see it relaxed.


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Sorry to come back so soon but after my recent dryness drama I realized the problem was my recent DC....I think the cholesterol+evoo is not loved by my hair and that is why it was not moisturizing no matter how much product I used. Started over today, washed out all the gunk I've put in it with bliss supershine lemon and sage (I find it good for clarifying) and my hair feels good again, very soft after air drying a bit since I had to run an errand. Back at home now DCing with staple (design essentials). Lesson learned.
Sorry to come back so soon but after my recent dryness drama I realized the problem was my recent DC....I think the cholesterol+evoo is not loved by my hair and that is why it was not moisturizing no matter how much product I used. Started over today, washed out all the gunk I've put in it with bliss supershine lemon and sage (I find it good for clarifying) and my hair feels good again, very soft after air drying a bit since I had to run an errand. Back at home now DCing with staple (design essentials). Lesson learned.

You never have to apologize for coming back to soon. :yep:

Do you think it was the cholestrol DC? It is a protein DC right? Perhaps your hair just didn't need that much protein and it needed a moisturizing DC after it.
Hmmmm very possible. I actually don't know if cholesterol is a protein conditioner, I will defer to you and the other experts on that. If so that definitely explains it. I didn't use a moisturizing conditioner after other than my leave in.
Hmmmm very possible. I actually don't know if cholesterol is a protein conditioner, I will defer to you and the other experts on that. If so that definitely explains it. I didn't use a moisturizing conditioner after other than my leave in.

I don't know either. I am not a conditioner expert at all.
I used cholesterol and evoo when I first started on my HHJ. That's funny, I remember going to WalMart and thinking I was doing big thangs by buying a "deep conditioner". LoL! I used it with heat and couldn't understand why my hair was crunchy and tangly. But I kept at it. I do not know if cholesterol is a protein, but I know my hair reacted like it was. I didn't even know about protein/moisture balance back then.
Thanks LaidBak and FaithVA!!! My excuse is that my HHJ started last month so hopefully everybody will be patient with my reggie revisions :blush: I just threw the cholesterol out. Also I'm getting rid of my Motions Oil Moisturizer and just ordered Cathy H's UBH satin creme, based on the forum comments I think that it's probably better for my hair. Finally...since I'm out of my normal shampoo (design essentials), even tho that's been fine I dished out for Kerastase oleo relax shampoo this time, just to see what the big deal is. Want to make sure my growth and health are retained.
This is the first time on my hair journey, where I have run my fingers down my twists and not felt a highway of SSKs. :yay: I still have them but they are not as massive as they were. I probably can actually do a search and destroy. Prior to this, I would just have to cut off huge chunks of hair to get the SSKs off.

Despite all of that earlier trauma, I still have had some growth and retention for 2011. So I am looking for wonderful things in 2012. :woohoo:
my ends wont stop splitting!!! :wallbash::cry2::eatme::drowning::whyme:

Ok we are coming to save you abcd09. (um I'm too lazy to go find the right emoticons :look:)

So what are you doing for your ends consistently,
balancing protein and moisture?
Moisturizing and Sealing (more now because its fall)?
DCing or steaming regularly?
dusting regularly to keep them away?
Keeping them hidden?