Clove oil: Hair life extender!
@newgrowth15 ........Where you at?
*Me looking through this thread trying to find her.
Because I just found out that clove oil has the HIGHEST
Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC). This is fancy speak that means it is one of strongest Antioxidants. Means, it helps limit free-radicals damage.
Caveat: ORAC was abandoned and stopped being used in 2012 and they have other forms they use, BUT I DON'T care because clove oil rates high on them other scales/measurements, too.
So clove oil has a rating of 1,078,700 with ORAC and in contrast, the food 'gold standard' which is goji berries is 30,300!
So, I'm saying that the more I learn, the more I am realizing that the sprouted fenugreek, clove and rosemary oil is THE ELIXER of Hair Life Extension.
Hair weathers which means it gets 'worn out' over time, like fabric or clothes get worn out over time. One huge culprit for wear and tear on the hair is the environment, specifically the sun.
The sun creates free radicals by changing the molecular and chemical make-up on the hair strand resulting in damage. So, clove oils (in vitro-in a test tube), theoretically absorbs the impact of those free radicals BEFORE they can get to the hair strand and do damage.
I think the dried cloves are necessary. But, you can add clove essential oil AFTER the oil is ready to use. I put about 20 drops into a small bottle of the oil. Be careful because clove oil can burn the skin.
I personally have been using the oil ONLY with the dried cloves, up until today, December 8th, 2024. That oil has made an incredible difference in my hair.
By minimizing free radical damage, you can extend the life of a hair because you are minimizing the damage on the actual hair strand. Remember though, a hair strand has a specific length of time for its life expectancy. That 'hair life' ends when the root of the hair comes out the hair follicle.
The clove oil, in the way I am referencing it, positively impacts the health of the hair strand, while it is securely embedded in the hair follicle. So, clove oil helps the hair to remain beautiful and healthy while it is on your head.