Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2024

What problem are you looking to resolve so you CAN have Luscious, Healthy Ends in 2024?

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I add 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to my teacup along with an herbal teabag and honey. After I finish my tea, I eat the softened seeds. They help to lower blood sugar, cholesterol and are a source of fiber. There are many more benefits of fenugreek.

@Chicoro, I love the fact that you researched and posted some of the scientific studies regarding the benefits of fenugreek. May we all attain long, healthy and strong hair as a side effect of using fenugreek.
I've been doing this unspoken toast for the attainment of long hair since 1928. At some point, I'm going to have and KEEP me some long hair. So let me join in and accept your fenugreek well wishes and hopes!

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Alright, Day 3 sprouts


They are FULL to the top now! Three little plastic spoon fulls have filled up a spaghetti sauce jar. It's gonna take me FOREVER to get through this bag of seeds. lol

So I'm not sure I want to use the sprouts beyond making a tea/rinse. I've gotta research how long I can keep them in this state before I have to discard them. I really don't feel like mixing up a DC or anything so I will either need to find another use for the sprouts or I have to throw them out. :( I know I can dry them out but I would only need a little for my scalp oil, not sure what to do w the rest as I'll be making more for fresh rinses. I guess from now on, I'll do one spoonful at a time.

I have decided to get a pitcher specifically for my hair tea/rinse and keep it refrigerated between usage. I'll pour some into my rinse container ahead of time and let it naturally warm up to room temp, maybe add a little hot water to it and then pour it on in the mornings. I'm more likely to keep up something simple like that. Also, it allows me to shower at night more often, which fits my lifestyle better.

With my hair cornrowed, my ends will be protected but still accessible for the tea and also for the water treatment I used on them.
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Alright, Day 3 sprouts

View attachment 495075

They are FULL to the top now! Three little plastic spoon fulls have filled up a spaghetti sauce jar. It's gonna take me FOREVER to get through this bag of seeds. lol

So I'm not sure I want to use the sprouts beyond making a tea/rinse. I've gotta research how long I can keep them in this state before I have to discard them. I really don't feel like mixing up a DC or anything so I will either need to find another use for the sprouts or I have to throw them out. :( I know I can dry them out but I would only need a little for my scalp oil, not sure what to do w the rest as I'll be making more for fresh rinses. I guess from now on, I'll do one spoonful at a time.

I have decided to get a pitcher specifically for my hair tea/rinse and keep it refrigerated between usage. I'll pour some into my rinse container ahead of time and let it naturally warm up to room temp, maybe add a little hot water to it and then pour it on in the mornings. I'm more likely to keep up something simple like that. Also, it allows me to shower at night more often, which fits my lifestyle better.

With my hair cornrowed, my ends will be protected but still accessible for the tea and also for the water treatment I used on them.

Do you do hair masks? You can grind them up and use them in this way.


Nope, I stopped doing masks 10 years ago. It was too much work when I saw the same benefits by just mixing up products once a month to use daily or weekly. KISSing definitely fits my lifestyle.

Infusing oils and mixing teas for my daily spray (M&Sing) and then mixing up my own cleansers and condishes using powders has been good for my hair and my mental health. lol

I think I'm gonna try to dry out this batch of sprouts and see how I can use them. I know I'll add some to my scalp oil mix but I'm not sure how else I'd want to use it. My condish and cleansing mixes are already good and I don't believe in fixing something that isn't broken. That's why I think these rinses are the way to go but it feels wasteful not being able to really use the sprouts beyond that.
Alright, Day 3 sprouts

View attachment 495075

They are FULL to the top now! Three little plastic spoon fulls have filled up a spaghetti sauce jar. It's gonna take me FOREVER to get through this bag of seeds. lol

So I'm not sure I want to use the sprouts beyond making a tea/rinse. I've gotta research how long I can keep them in this state before I have to discard them. I really don't feel like mixing up a DC or anything so I will either need to find another use for the sprouts or I have to throw them out. :( I know I can dry them out but I would only need a little for my scalp oil, not sure what to do w the rest as I'll be making more for fresh rinses. I guess from now on, I'll do one spoonful at a time.

I have decided to get a pitcher specifically for my hair tea/rinse and keep it refrigerated between usage. I'll pour some into my rinse container ahead of time and let it naturally warm up to room temp, maybe add a little hot water to it and then pour it on in the mornings. I'm more likely to keep up something simple like that. Also, it allows me to shower at night more often, which fits my lifestyle better.

With my hair cornrowed, my ends will be protected but still accessible for the tea and also for the water treatment I used on them.
You can rinse, put on a paper towel for an hour or two and put them back in the jar and put them in the fridge. The cold will put them in a type of suspended animation and stall the growth or slow it down tremendously.

Nope, I stopped doing masks 10 years ago. It was too much work when I saw the same benefits by just mixing up products once a month to use daily or weekly. KISSing definitely fits my lifestyle.

Infusing oils and mixing teas for my daily spray (M&Sing) and then mixing up my own cleansers and condishes using powders has been good for my hair and my mental health. lol

I think I'm gonna try to dry out this batch of sprouts and see how I can use them. I know I'll add some to my scalp oil mix but I'm not sure how else I'd want to use it. My condish and cleansing mixes are already good and I don't believe in fixing something that isn't broken. That's why I think these rinses are the way to go but it feels wasteful not being able to really use the sprouts beyond that.
You can eat the sprouts in a salad!


Sue Ejeme

I like her process of combining the herbs, oils and butter ALL at the SAME time, straining and getting a particle free liquid in one step.

BUT, she is not using sprouted fenugreek. I know @newgrowth15 has a great method with the sprouting. I love searching for information to substantiate the results I see in practice. So, I continue to look.
Got too many fenugreek sprouts from making your hail oil for your ends and scalp? Here is a possibility

Upgrade Your Diet: Why Sprouted Fenugreek is the New Must-Have Super Sprout

Dr. Shilpa Phd (Medical Nutritionist)
Publié le 20 déc. 2023
+ Suivre
Sprouted fenugreek boasts a range of potential benefits over regular fenugreek seeds, thanks to the germination process, which unlocks essential nutrients and increases bioavailability.
Enhanced Nutrition:

  • Increased protein: Sprouting increases protein content by up to 30%, making it a good option for vegetarians and vegans seeking a natural protein source.
  • More vitamins and minerals: Germination boosts levels of vitamins A, C, and B vitamins, as well as minerals like iron, calcium, and potassium.
  • Easier digestion: Sprouting breaks down complex sugars and starches, making them easier to digest and reducing potential bloating and gas associated with unsprouted fenugreek.

Potential Health Benefits:

  • Blood sugar control: Studies suggest sprouted fenugreek may help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, potentially benefiting individuals with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes.
  • Cholesterol reduction: Sprouted fenugreek may help lower LDL ("bad") cholesterol and increase HDL ("good") cholesterol, contributing to heart health.
  • Antioxidant power: Sprouts are rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene and phenolic compounds, which combat free radicals and protect cells from damage, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Digestive health: The increased fiber content in sprouts promotes gut health, aiding digestion and regularity.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Certain compounds in fenugreek sprouts may possess anti-inflammatory properties, offering potential benefits for conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Important Points to Remember:

  • Moderation is key: While sprouted fenugreek offers benefits, it's still high in fiber and can cause digestive discomfort if consumed in excessive amounts. Start with small portions and gradually increase intake as tolerated.
  • Proper sprouting methods: Improperly sprouted fenugreek can harbor harmful bacteria. (Note from Chicoro - Just rinse them twice a day and remove from sprouting jar after 3 days and put in fridge to eat!) Ensure proper hygiene and follow safe sprouting practices.Overall, sprouted fenugreek is a nutritious and potentially beneficial addition to a balanced diet. Its enhanced nutrient content and potential health benefits make it a worthy culinary exploration for those seeking to elevate their well-being. Remember, as with any new food, listen to your body, consume in moderation!

#fenugreek #digestivehealth #antioxidant #anti_inflammatory #sprouting #nutrition #health

I missed the post that began the cloves + fenugreek discussion, but I would proceed with caution if you've not tried it before or haven't used it as part of your routine. I know that when the clove trend started everyone jumped on, but there were a few people -- myself included -- that found cloves quite strengthening./drying. (Clove spray for hair growth?) (Also there were comments back in the day on Insta)
My sprouts so far:


These were day 1 and 2 of the sprouting process. I wasn't sure how long the sprouts were supposed to get, so I stopped after this.


I dried them in the oven on the "keep warm" setting (170F). It took some time. After about an hour it looked like the above, but I noticed that there were still a few sprouts that were filled with liquid. I didn't want to take any chances, so back in the oven they went.


After a few more minutes I took them out since I didn't see any "green tails" anywhere, and I kept them out overnight to finish air drying (in case that was still necessary.)
I missed the post that began the cloves + fenugreek discussion, but I would proceed with caution if you've not tried it before or haven't used it as part of your routine. I know that when the clove trend started everyone jumped on, but there were a few people -- myself included -- that found cloves quite strengthening./drying. (Clove spray for hair growth?) (Also there were comments back in the day on Insta)

Thank you!

As a precaution, I decided to just stick with cloves in my scalp oils only. I'm currently air drying some of my Fenugreek sprouts on a paper towel for my scalp oil as well. I kept the rest of my sprouts in the jar and put it in the fridge, as advised by @Chicoro .

My scalp tonic already includes burdock root, nettle root, horsetail leaves, hibiscus petals, 30-40 drops of peppermint EO, 20 drops of Capsicum oil and 20 drops of lavender EO. I plan to either infuse a separate clove + dried Fenugreek sprouts oil OR just put them into the bottom of my scalp tonic bottle. lol I still haven't decided. Also haven't decided whether or not I'm gonna crush them or just put them in. But I did end up buying a coffee grinder just in case. (thanks again, @Chicoro)

I have about 64 oz of combined soak +rinsed sprout water in the fridge and I plan to use that with an Ayurvedic tea as a rinse either daily or every other day.
My sprouts so far:

View attachment 495109

These were day 1 and 2 of the sprouting process. I wasn't sure how long the sprouts were supposed to get, so I stopped after this.

View attachment 495111

I dried them in the oven on the "keep warm" setting (170F). It took some time. After about an hour it looked like the above, but I noticed that there were still a few sprouts that were filled with liquid. I didn't want to take any chances, so back in the oven they went.

View attachment 495113

After a few more minutes I took them out since I didn't see any "green tails" anywhere, and I kept them out overnight to finish air drying (in case that was still necessary.)
I see @snoop, who is our Resident Genius, has struck again with her detailed post supported by these gorgeous, informative pictures! Thank your for sharing. I LOVE this!!!
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Thank you!

As a precaution, I decided to just stick with cloves in my scalp oils only. I'm currently air drying some of my Fenugreek sprouts on a paper towel for my scalp oil as well. I kept the rest of my sprouts in the jar and put it in the fridge, as advised by @Chicoro .

My scalp tonic already includes burdock root, nettle root, horsetail leaves, hibiscus petals, 30-40 drops of peppermint EO, 20 drops of Capsicum oil and 20 drops of lavender EO. I plan to either infuse a separate clove + dried Fenugreek sprouts oil OR just put them into the bottom of my scalp tonic bottle. lol I still haven't decided. Also haven't decided whether or not I'm gonna crush them or just put them in. But I did end up buying a coffee grinder just in case. (thanks again, @Chicoro)

I have about 64 oz of combined soak +rinsed sprout water in the fridge and I plan to use that with an Ayurvedic tea as a rinse either daily or every other day.
I bet your concoction for you scalp smells lovely!!!
I bet your concoction for you scalp smells lovely!!!

I tell you, I'm desperately trying to find a sulfur substitute to get that Njoy growth going! I highly identified with you when you talked about that sulfur smell. I tried last year to reintroduce it to my regi but between tarnishing my jewelry and the smell, I had to let it go. lol. No matter what I added to my oils, nothing could squash that sulfur smell. Maybe I was heavy handed with it. :giggle:

I'm wondering if a combo of clove + Fenugreek would be a good substitute for the sulfur powder to get that boost for me. It DEFINITELY smells better! Because that sulfur had me and Babe like...

I tell you, I'm desperately trying to find a sulfur substitute to get that Njoy growth going! I highly identified with you when you talked about that sulfur smell. I tried last year to reintroduce it to my regi but between tarnishing my jewelry and the smell, I had to let it go. lol. No matter what I added to my oils, nothing could squash that sulfur smell. Maybe I was heavy handed with it. :giggle:

I'm wondering if a combo of clove + Fenugreek would be a good substitute for the sulfur powder to get that boost for me. It DEFINITELY smells better! Because that sulfur had me and Babe like...

But, did you personally ever get RESULTS with the sulfur?
But, did you personally ever get RESULTS with the sulfur?

Honestly, I can't even tell. I used it religiously from about May 2010 until May 2013. I went from SL to MBL. But I was also using Ayurveda, GHEing regularly and braided up 99% of the time. Also, that's pretty standard growth for three years, esp when Njoy did that from Feb to Nov in ONE YEAR! So, I guess, no I didn't get those results.

2018 to 2020, I hopped back on the HHJ and repeated everything I did, minus the sulfur, my hair retained and grew even better without it.

However, in 2022, after cutting out locs, my hair was the shortest it has been since 2010. So last year I was really trying to see what would be a growth booster for me and since my hair was short, there was less risk in experimenting. But I could only hang with the sulfur for about a month before I had to give it up.

For me, in my HHJ, I'm very much stick-with-what-works and I avoid bandwagons. But even I was impressed with her growth that year, bc it was much more than just retention going on there. And now that you've mentioned it, I'm not sure I've seen other ladies repeat the growth that she got using sulfur.

HOWEVER, I have another theory about that and I believe she got that boost bc she wet bunned everyday, all year (and, of course, manifesting)! I've seen ladies get length quickly via wet bunning from the moment I first found the hair boards in 2009. The extra moisture and physically protecting the ends is a good combo. In fact, from my unscientific observations over the years, I'd say I've seen weaves, wigs and wet bunning give the most dramatic hair growth results on both hair boards I've been on. Also, my personal experience has been that braids/cornrows, which are usually used with wigs and weaves, provide me with the best retention. I still haven't found my secret growth booster though. :scratchchin:
Honestly, I can't even tell. I used it religiously from about May 2010 until May 2013. I went from SL to MBL. But I was also using Ayurveda, GHEing regularly and braided up 99% of the time. Also, that's pretty standard growth for three years, esp when Njoy did that from Feb to Nov in ONE YEAR! So, I guess, no I didn't get those results.

2018 to 2020, I hopped back on the HHJ and repeated everything I did, minus the sulfur, my hair retained and grew even better without it.

However, in 2022, after cutting out locs, my hair was the shortest it has been since 2010. So last year I was really trying to see what would be a growth booster for me and since my hair was short, there was less risk in experimenting. But I could only hang with the sulfur for about a month before I had to give it up.

For me, in my HHJ, I'm very much stick-with-what-works and I avoid bandwagons. But even I was impressed with her growth that year, bc it was much more than just retention going on there. And now that you've mentioned it, I'm not sure I've seen other ladies repeat the growth that she got using sulfur.

HOWEVER, I have another theory about that and I believe she got that boost bc she wet bunned everyday, all year (and, of course, manifesting)! I've seen ladies get length quickly via wet bunning from the moment I first found the hair boards in 2009. The extra moisture and physically protecting the ends is a good combo. In fact, from my unscientific observations over the years, I'd say I've seen weaves, wigs and wet bunning give the most dramatic hair growth results on both hair boards I've been on. Also, my personal experience has been that braids/cornrows, which are usually used with wigs and weaves, provide me with the best retention. I still haven't found my secret growth booster though. :scratchchin:
Oooo interesting! Okay, so that's even better that you are growing even better without the stinky sulfur, and you have experience and results to fall back on. No doubts. I like that.

For me, too, baggy-ing and Vaseline were my saving grace. I got the most length retention with those, two changes. My bun was wet as well.

How many years did you wear locs? What was the longest length, on your body, that your loss got?

So I weighed my dried sprouts and it turns out I had 1.45oz. I divided them so that they were roughly 0.75 oz (one batch had that, the other had the rest). then I added them into the oils that I infused earlier this week. (I never bothered with the double boiler method because I forgot.)


Calendula, Yarrow, Rosehip, Rose petals, Jasmine, Nettle, Lavendin, Hibiscus, Peppermint leaves, Lemongrass, Sage, Fenugreek leaves, Fenugreek seeds, Horsetail, Fenugreek sprouts

This time, I was particular about the oils that I infused them in. I chose Babassu because it's penetrative and I'm hoping that it will act as a conduit for the herbal goodness. I also added my trifecta (almond oil, macadamia nut, and hazelnut). This trio also feels great on the skin.

I'll use this oil for everything, sealing, healing scalp issues should any arise, and pre-pooing.
Update on my ends: I trimmed my ends today. Definitely lessons learned which was good an unexpected.

Today was supposed to be a regular trim day. I usually trim the length equivalent to the tip of my finger to the first joint. This approximates, 1 inch. This is the method that I've used for YEARS. Normally, every three months my ends will be bushy and even though this seems like a lot, I'm just cutting off the scraggly ends.

So, fast forward to today. I went to trim a twist like I normally do and I'm like :nono: Why was I legit cutting off hair?! The whole section was full and "thick". Nahhh. Not for me, not at this time. I decided to go back to microtrimming. I'll assess my ends again in 3 months and see if I need a "proper" trim then.

I should mention, that I was trying to micro trim on dry hair (I was trying to film the process.) After that, I decided to hop into the shower and do the way that I feel most comfortable with. Even with the water pulling on my ends, they still looked blunt from the last trim. :weird:

So I've concluded that these monthly micro trims are working really well for me. Maybe when I take my twists down and re-twist my hair, I'll feel differently, but for now they seem to be working.


The clump on the left is a regular trim. The clump on the right is the micro trim.
Oooo interesting! Okay, so that's even better that you are growing even better without the stinky sulfur, and you have experience and results to fall back on. No doubts. I like that.

For me, too, baggy-ing and Vaseline were my saving grace. I got the most length retention with those, two changes. My bun was wet as well.

How many years did you wear locs? What was the longest length, on your body, that your loss got?

2020 was a very .. off.. year, to say the least. And with everything going on, I just needed a break from my hair. I debated going under extensions for a few years but I really didn't want to have to maintain my hair beyond washing and oiling it. Ultimately, I decided to loc my texlaxed hair. I only had them in for about two years and, girl, I cheated. lol

This was prepping to loc ...


Finished .......... One month in
1711147307036.png 1711147390239.png

It was still too much stress so I locced in some extension hair after all. It was exactly what I needed!


I loved them but I knew it wasn't permanent. So I cut them out two years later, when I was in a better place, mental health wise.


This is 2022, after the cut. My hair was so short!

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And now, I'm back to BSB!! (BIG GRIN)
View attachment 495115

So I weighed my dried sprouts and it turns out I had 1.45oz. I divided them so that they were roughly 0.75 oz (one batch had that, the other had the rest). then I added them into the oils that I infused earlier this week. (I never bothered with the double boiler method because I forgot.)

View attachment 495117

Calendula, Yarrow, Rosehip, Rose petals, Jasmine, Nettle, Lavendin, Hibiscus, Peppermint leaves, Lemongrass, Sage, Fenugreek leaves, Fenugreek seeds, Horsetail, Fenugreek sprouts

This time, I was particular about the oils that I infused them in. I chose Babassu because it's penetrative and I'm hoping that it will act as a conduit for the herbal goodness. I also added my trifecta (almond oil, macadamia nut, and hazelnut). This trio also feels great on the skin.

I'll use this oil for everything, sealing, healing scalp issues should any arise, and pre-pooing.

OMG, those mixes look and sound so yummy!!! :drool::drool:

I can't wait to see your hair results!
OMG, those mixes look and sound so yummy!!! :drool::drool:

I can't wait to see your hair results!

Thank you!

I hope that they do something for me, but I really need to get better with moisturizing my hair. Right now I do it once a week, after washing, but I feel like I should be doing it more.

I've been very good at washing weekly.
I've been very good at selecting the ingredients that I wash with.
I've been very good at wearing my hair off of my shoulders (sometimes I enjoy it down for a bit).

After that, it kind of falls apart. When I first started my journey I would moisturize daily, sometimes twice. Now, I don't bother.

I think that if I could manage it 2 or 3 times per week (so once or twice in addition to wash day), that would be more than enough because my hair seems to be able to handle it provided that the air in the house doesn't get too dry.

I also want to start massaging/scritching and preening (or as Green Beauty calls it, "scooping and spreading") because I want to find out if sebum is really the secret sauce to hair retention.
2020 was a very .. off.. year, to say the least. And with everything going on, I just needed a break from my hair. I debated going under extensions for a few years but I really didn't want to have to maintain my hair beyond washing and oiling it. Ultimately, I decided to loc my texlaxed hair. I only had them in for about two years and, girl, I cheated. lol

This was prepping to loc ...

View attachment 495121

Finished .......... One month in
View attachment 495125 View attachment 495127

It was still too much stress so I locced in some extension hair after all. It was exactly what I needed!

View attachment 495131

I loved them but I knew it wasn't permanent. So I cut them out two years later, when I was in a better place, mental health wise.

View attachment 495133

This is 2022, after the cut. My hair was so short!

View attachment 495135 View attachment 495137

And now, I'm back to BSB!! (BIG GRIN)

Your hair is so pretty! I also love your locs! Did you continue to add extension hair as they grew out or did they thicken up on their own?

The texture of your mature locs isn't something I've seen before! So beautiful!
Thank you!

I hope that they do something for me, but I really need to get better with moisturizing my hair. Right now I do it once a week, after washing, but I feel like I should be doing it more.

I've been very good at washing weekly.
I've been very good at selecting the ingredients that I wash with.
I've been very good at wearing my hair off of my shoulders (sometimes I enjoy it down for a bit).

After that, it kind of falls apart. When I first started my journey I would moisturize daily, sometimes twice. Now, I don't bother.

I think that if I could manage it 2 or 3 times per week (so once or twice in addition to wash day), that would be more than enough because my hair seems to be able to handle it provided that the air in the house doesn't get too dry.

I also want to start massaging/scritching and preening (or as Green Beauty calls it, "scooping and spreading") because I want to find out if sebum is really the secret sauce to hair retention.

Yes, I've been "scritching" this year. I do it before I apply my scalp tonic. I did it tonight and then applied peppermint EO directly to my scalp before applying my scalp tonic. My scalp does not feel irritated or anything. It feels very open and fresh. I think it's something I'll try to do once a week for now.

Also, yes, picking back up daily M&Sing has paid hair dividends! Cottony hair can't get away with skimping on that! If nothing else, maybe you can go back to the old school water+oil in a spray bottle and then seal with your tallow. It's so much easier to spray and seal when you wake and before bed.

Your hair is so pretty! I also love your locs! Did you continue to add extension hair as they grew out or did they thicken up on their own?

The texture of your mature locs isn't something I've seen before! So beautiful!

Thank you so much!

No, when I installed them, I just attached the hair about 5-6 inches down on my locs and treated it like my hair. I washed my locs weekly and oiled them. I was surprised how natural it looked and felt. I appreciated being able to just pull my hair up.
The thread is starting to bubble with aha's and old things that are new and new things! I am sorry to hear that you having issues within your family. I hope that everyone is doing well physically. Hair is an extension of ourselves. So it sounds to me that it's time for you to make some time for you and your hair. It's good you have on a headband as that will lend lots of protection to your hair. When you do get around to your hair, you just may be pleasantly surprised by what you see.
Thank you! I’m actually excited to get going again! I’m even watching hair videos again. :lol: It’s definitely time to up my self-care. The back of my hair is back at APL if not longer. The crown is shorter and had some breakage but I’m not cutting it. It’s always been my problem area. I’m gonna leave it alone and nurse it back to health. My family is fine at least physically. My narcissistic parents have been showing their :moon: more lately and trying to drag me back into their nonsense. Dealing with them was exhausting! I’ll post more about it in the narcissistic parents thread or the That Girl thread.