Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2015/2016

Me again lol!

I just washed w/ Palmers Olive Oil cowash, I washed 2x then applied a little more to each section and let it sit while I moved onto the next section. My hair was full of bits when I finger-detangled and applied coconut oil prepoo this morning so I felt it needed extra cleansing.

Rinsed and applied 3:1 Vatika Egg Mask with mayonnaise, focusing on my ends and nape which has a looser texture. The mixture was a little runny but it didn't drip when applied to the hair, it seemed to foam a little bit. Left for 20 mins under plastic bag, my hair felt great when I rinsed, smooth and a little heavy and absolutely no breakage. This combo is a keeper!

Rinsed and applied a mix of Aunt Jackies Super Duper Softening Con, dollar store Argan Oil rinse out con, some Shea-based mask I picked up in France, 2tsp EVOO and 2tsp Avocado oil. Had to mix it up bc I didn't have enough of the Aunt Jackies to use alone. Plan on leaving the con for 1 hour before rinsing.
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I did some small twists today. I'm going to try to leave my hair alone for the next week except to moisturize and seal the ends.
Rollersets always show me the true state of my ends. My ends are OK but in March I will definitely need to dust the ends. Hopefully, I can get by with 1/4" dusting
Quick update: Did a S&D yesterday and the day before, mainly took off 0.5" but some strands were 2-3" long where they had split so far from the end of the shaft.

Still don't have new scissors yet, waiting till I get paid next week, still don't have my protein/moisture balance down, still don't have true staples... exactly 3 years into my hhj I feel like I'm "playing" at this hair thing but at least I am (still) committed, that's about the only thing in my favour. And I'm gaining length slow but steady. But I'm still despondent, I feel I ought to "know" my hair so much better than I do after being on this journey so long. SPEAK LOUDER SHIRLEY, mummy's trying but she can't hear you!

ETA I bought some EV Avocado oil, my hair loves this, I will start using it to seal as my regular oils have been making my hair feel crunchy recently.

:bighug: Just hang in there. I have been round and round in circles and my journey is just starting to get better. I know I've been struggling over 5 years.

I think this year will be better for you. :yep:
It's wash day :yay: I am almost out of shampoo (Con Argan oil). I may have to grab a bottle soon since I am washing more frequently.
I prepood with coconut oil, washed with Con Argan oil and now Im deep conditioning with Kerastase Oleo Relax and Alter Ego. My ends are going to love this :grin:
I M&S'ed my ends with Aphogee pro-vitamin leave in, S-curl, tea blend, ceramide oil blend & Ynobe shea cream. I need to get back to pampering my ends.
Well, I'm under the dryer right now. Doing a longer deep conditioner today. I'm running out of my ecostyler gel, so I bought some Camille Rose Curl Maker. I'm excited to see how it's going to work on my hair. We'll see.
I just moisturized my hair and sealed with castor oil. I did about eleven twists. I used castor oil to seal last week and it kept my hair feeling soft all week.
My hair vitamins finally came in. I have a 90 day supply of hair vitamins, 5 months supply of biotin and 6 months of garlic. I wasn't expecting such a bug order, but the biotin came with a bonus bottle and the garlic came with 2 extra bottles.

My only complaint is that the package was just sitting on my doorstep for anyone to grab. Luckily my neighbors are honest :lol:
I've been doing perm rods in the front. I can clearly tell that I need a dusting, so I'm going to dust during the Spring Equinox (March 17 - 19). My hair has made so much progress since last year. I really think now I can just dust/trim every 3 months and do necessary search and destroys as needed.
I sprayed my hair with Kerastase Volumactive spray (protein) and then I moisturized with NeutrogenaSilk Touch cream and sealed with argan oil. My hair should be ok for a few days.
Curl Maker didn't work. At least not with PM The Conditioner underneath. I'm going to try it by itself and then in a twist out and see if it works better that way.
My senegalese twists have been in since 1/18/15, im thinking of taking them out this weekend as I've only dc'd once o.o , I might go back to my half wig, since I take it off every night and am more conscious of my hair's needs when it is out. I have been using my african pride spray pretty diligently so I hope its not too dry. The twists that I have taken out and redone look REALLY thin on the ends.. Im kinda worried I messed up D:
Used a comb to detangle my hair for the first time in months. Been basically slapping on condish and wearing a bun :nono: It took me about 2 hours to thoroughly detangle and remove shed hair but I was patient and accepted it as my penance.

Still no splits and my ssks weren't too bad. I can still hold off on trimming, till May at least. Had some breakage so I'll do more protein DCs. I forgot how much my hair loves protein even though I'm lo po.
I just moisturized my hair and sealed with castor oil. I did about eleven twists. I used castor oil to seal last week and it kept my hair feeling soft all week.


I just bought some castor after reading that it helps hair to grow. I was not prepared for how thick and sticky it is. I don't think that I can use it alone. I did mix some in with my APB hurry up and grow oil and use it under my deep conditioner today.

I just bought some castor after reading that it helps hair to grow. I was not prepared for how thick and sticky it is. I don't think that I can use it alone. I did mix some in with my APB hurry up and grow oil and use it under my deep conditioner today.

Yeah, a little goes a long way! I love it though because no other oil seals in moisture like it does in my hair.
My hair felt really dry during the wash today. Another negative for the Curl maker. Right now I have my hair drying in 6 flat twists using the Conditioner and Curlmaker. We'll see how it goes.
I'm going to wash a do a curlformer set tonight so I can be ready to dust tomorrow for the Spring Equinox. The Equinox is from Tuesday through Thursday of this week for those who want to dust.

I am ready to dust so my ends can be nice and fresh.
I'm going to wash a do a curlformer set tonight so I can be ready to dust tomorrow for the Spring Equinox. The Equinox is from Tuesday through Thursday of this week for those who want to dust.

I am ready to dust so my ends can be nice and fresh.

Wait, I thought the equinox was on the 20th!
Using heat has been helping keep breakage at bay. My ends feel and look good. I have been using It's A 10 leave in and Jamaican Mango and Lime transitioning detangling spray to moisturize and grapeseed/avocado oil to seal. My hair feels soft and smooth.
So I was reading another thread and read that California has hard water. What!? I will be going to get a filter this weekend. All these threads about hard water over the years, and I've been thinking it's other people's problems. I guess better late than never.
I ordered a blow dryer and a new set of shears from Walgreen for my trim next week. I'm going to blow dry instead of do a curlformer set. That should be faster. Going to be interesting to see what my hair looks like semi straight. It has been years.
I want to buy some strawlers. :look:

I have been moisturizing and sealing my ends so I think my hair is doing well. I get my growth spurt in the fall so I'm just trying to keep the hair I have on my head.

And 7 years after getting into healthy hair practices I finally ordered a hair catcher for my drain. Life changing.
I'm glad this challenge says 2015/2016 because it's gonna be a while. I think I forgot to post updates for the last two months. Probably been posting updates in other challenges. But anyhow...

I have been keeping my hair in a protective style for the past several weeks. My wishful thinking goal is to keep it this way for the remainder of the year. It's so much easier for me to identify the parts of my ends that need to go when my hair is in twists. I did cut around 1 to 1.5" off a couple of weeks ago, and my hair feels so much better. There is a part of me that wants to get a professional cut, but I don't really trust anyone on this island. Perhaps when I go home later on this year.

I have been keeping my hair moisturized and oiling my ends. Right now my go-to combination is Care Free Curl Gold Activator and Kemi Oyl to seal. When I run out of Kemi Oyl I am going to replace it with Hot Six Oil. Truthfully, the cones in the Activator do a really good job of keeping my ends smooth. The oil is just for extra assurance.

I need a heavy protein to replace my Dudley's DRC-28, preferably a creamy one. I'm tired of its consistency. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.