Lurker, No More! (Pic Heavy)

Welcome!!!! your hair is gorgeous! It looks soooo healthy :yep:

And good gracious those braid outs and twist outs are BEAUTIFUL! WOW! :love:

Happy hair growing!
Pretty hair, but I am loving the flawless skin. Can you go the makeup and skincare forum with that regimen :yep:
Your hair is gorgeous! What is your regimen (sorry if it's already been asked)?

It's pretty low maintenance. Hair takes soooo much work so I dedicate 1 day every 2 weeks to washing and/or co washing but ALWAYS deep conditioning (check out post 31, 32, & 66). An Aphogee 2 step treatment every 3 washes and light protein treatments mixed with major moisturizing deep conditioners in between.

Welcome! You are a beauty and your hair is gorgeous. I'm still working on the bantu knots. Do you use anything to keep them in place?

Thank you. I use huge bobby pins.
:welcome4: your hair is beautiful & your skin is flawless!

Pretty hair, but I am loving the flawless skin. Can you go the makeup and skincare forum with that regimen :yep:

Thank you. Good Lord! (Chris Rock voice) ...It wasn't always that way! but I also got a little help from Mac (liquid foundation, concealer & mineralize finish). But what has improved the health of my skin and made it a smooth palate for my make-up to be applied to is the use of Glycolic Peel pads. I've tried an expensive brand in Ulta ($70!) and returned it because I saw no difference. Then I went to ebay and found some from 'Magnificent Face' ( It think I paid around $15 for 60 pads. Good stuff! I also use my bentonite clay mixed with water for a mask once a week.
First - congratulations on coming out of the lurking darkness!

Second - your hair is beautiful and so are you, very photogenic!

Thank you. I've pretty much always been natural. My mom permed my hair when I was in 5th grade and made me grow it out a year later and I've been doing my own hair since. I've only recently decided to actually focus less on styling and more on health, and low manipulation. I now pretty much only comb/deep condition/wash once every 2 weeks.
I love this idea - just not quite sure how to pull it off. Wow.

Thanks. My braid n' curl is done pretty much the same way as a twist n' curl. The key for me is to make sure I leave 1/4 of my hair unbraided at the ends when I roll it in the perming rods. Also, I soak each section with setting lotion. These styles usually last 2 weeks and the setting lotion is what helps it to maintain for so long.
I love your hair styles, very polished and professional looking. I too "do" my own hair - and it looks like it :lachen:! You have inspired me to step up my game. Thanks for the tip - 1/4 of hair unbraided. do you soak the whole braid/twist or just the 1/4 of the loose hair?

I will soon be posting my first youtube hair video/tutorial. Keep a look out!
That would be great! thanks for sharing your pictures with us.
Thanks for the tip - 1/4 of hair unbraided. do you soak the whole braid/twist or just the 1/4 of the loose hair?

That would be great! thanks for sharing your pictures with us. <--that video shows how i do my braid n curl. its really easy.

omg, you & your hair are gorgeous! do you mind me asking what flat iron and blow dryer you use?

I use FHI handheld blow dryer and Runway flat iron. Hopefully a flat ironing video will be coming sometime this summer.
Nice Pics, westindianbeauty, how do you do the california humps? I have seen it done before but yours looks perfect. Do share! (thanks)
gosh your hair is beautiful. what exactly is patchouli85's technique for straightening? tia. ♥

Nice Pics, westindianbeauty, how do you do the california humps? I have seen it done before but yours looks perfect. Do share! (thanks)

Thanks. When my hair is in a braid n' curl, I just gather up my hair and pin the end down. But when it's straight, I usualy start the hump on a bang that's been in a big bantu knot so that it has a little curl and would want to keep the hump like position and then pin down te ends or wrap it around the existing ponytail.
Hi, I watched your braid n curl video but couldn't make some things out.
Do you dilute the lottabody?
Also at what stage do you use the nioxin?
Hi, I watched your braid n curl video but couldn't make some things out.
Do you dilute the lottabody?
Also at what stage do you use the nioxin?

Yah! That cam really sucks! Thank goodness I got a new one.:yep:

I do dilute the lottabody. Usually 1/2 & 1/2. The more lottabody you use, the longer the curls will last.

I use nioxin when Im detangling. You can see it being used in the Relaxer Method video.