Low Porosity Support Thread

I subbed to the ph balance thread a long time ago and decided to revisit it. I think it might be wise for us to monitor the ph of our products. I will make an effort to monitor so that I can see what ph my hair prefers. This might solve some of our mystery.
[/USER] I have been using baking soda with really good results, but now you got me wanting to try that castile soap :grin:

-and :lol: at "the water is fine"
Anyone using Oyin juices with great success? No drying effects or sticky, gummy or tangly feeling to the hair?
Bumped a porosity thread in case you all have not visited it.

Question I presented there was, do you all deal with tangles with low porosity hair. I'm starting to question if my tangly head has to do with porosity? What about you all?
Bumped a porosity thread in case you all have not visited it.

Question I presented there was, do you all deal with tangles with low porosity hair. I'm starting to question if my tangly head has to do with porosity? What about you all?

Thanks. Don't know if I've seen this one or not.

I'm natural and my hair doesn't really tangle. But my shrinkage is critical and my ends curl up and stick together. So my ends tangle and are ALWAYS raggedy but the rest of my hair not so much.
My ends clump together too faithVA. Most of my tangles are the line of demarcation though. I can easily seperate the clumped ends with pulling the hair apart.
My hair was dry when I was relaxed. It's always been dry as far as I know. But when I was relaxed it wasn't so hard to remoisturize and because it was straight it was easy for me to just put it up and away.

My hair never took well to relaxers. So they were left on a really long time to get my hair straight which eventually led to scalp damage and thinning. Rinses and henna don't take to my hair. Put them on and they start to fade day 3 and are pretty much gone in 2 weeks. My hair has done fine with permanent color though. But I remembered when I did get my hair colored, no matter what color they put in, within 2 weeks it always reverted to the same color; some type of coppery brown color :lol:

There are very few conditioners my hair likes. Or other products actually. My hair likes sprays with glycerin.

When relaxed I thought my hair was pretty tough. I didn't get a lot of splits or need a lot of trims. But as a natural head, my ends are always bushy. As soon as I trim the ends, the new ends feel bushy within 48 hours. At the rate I am going I am going to trim my hair back to a twa.

Unfortunately I am starting to hate my hair.
I attribute most of my tangles to my uneven hair.

I hate my hair too, for the same reasons.

Do any of yall like TRESemme Naturals moisture conditioner? It has aloe and some people say that's like protein and can be drying. Iono But it's on sale so I might have to get some.
@[URL="http://www.longhaircareforum.com/member.php?u=20656" said:
blackeyes31626[/URL];16097605]I attribute most of my tangles to my uneven hair.

I hate my hair too, for the same reasons.

Do any of yall like TRESemme Naturals moisture conditioner? It has aloe and some people say that's like protein and can be drying. Iono But it's on sale so I might have to get some.

You have a point here. The uneveness (sp?) of my hair is a problem. I would love to even it out. But for right now, its hard enough to style my hair at the length it is :nono:

I am currently doing the CG method with the Tresemme Naturals. I actually like it. My hair feels softer. But it is too early to be conclusive.

If you do buy the Tresemme, there are two formulas. One formula has Isopropyl Alcohol near the bottom of the ingredient list. Don't get that one. It will seem drying.
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I've begun steaming and it seems to help with moisture retention. Using the LOC method also helps me, but my hair is still always thirsty. I use QB products and some other ladies here get 3-5 days of moisture...2 is about what I get before having to M&S.

Initially I thought my hair was dehydrated because my body was and diet/water intake may still be a contributing factor, but I think porosity may be the culprit. I think I will try a few drops Of castile soap in my conditioner and move to possibly shampooing only once a month...used to be weekly and now bi-weekly. I've discovered hair is just a pool of trial and error.

It's an uphill journey with my hair but I'm trying to stay positive. I like having the ladies here to provide support, suggestions, and hold me accountable.
Well ladies, I may just make Kinky Curly Knot Today & Curling Custard part of my official regimen, which I've never actually had before. I had not used it since I transitioned & have been revisiting in the last month. My hair is finally starting to get moisturized, and it seems to get more moisturized the longer I use it. I haven't had this kind of progress with anything else. I'm actually in Vegas right now where it's extremely dry & my hair is still doing well. I know Kinky Curly doesn't work for everyone but it seems to work for me!

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Well ladies, I may just make Kinky Curly Knot Today & Curling Custard part of my official regimen, which I've never actually had before. I had not used it since I transitioned & have been revisiting in the last month. My hair is finally starting to get moisturized, and it seems to get more moisturized the longer I use it. I haven't had this kind of progress with anything else. I'm actually in Vegas right now where it's extremely dry & my hair is still doing well. I know Kinky Curly doesn't work for everyone but it seems to work for me!

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i am glad it is working out for you! you sure you have low porosity and not high? because that stuff would just cause me to have more dryness. it is full of aloe vera.
Well ladies, I may just make Kinky Curly Knot Today & Curling Custard part of my official regimen, which I've never actually had before. I had not used it since I transitioned & have been revisiting in the last month. My hair is finally starting to get moisturized, and it seems to get more moisturized the longer I use it. I haven't had this kind of progress with anything else. I'm actually in Vegas right now where it's extremely dry & my hair is still doing well. I know Kinky Curly doesn't work for everyone but it seems to work for me!

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Thanks for sharing mg1979. Glad it is working out for you. I think it is interesting that your hair is becoming more moisturized as you use it.
shortdub78 said:
i am glad it is working out for you! you sure you have low porosity and not high? because that stuff would just cause me to have more dryness. it is full of aloe vera.

I did the hair analysis plus I have all the characteristics of low porosity hair.

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mg1979, I have been using KCCC for years and it is my HG, go to styler!! Aloe agrees with my hair greatly. I'm glad it is also working for you.
I think there is definitely a learning curve with knowing how much your hair needs, how wet your hair needs to be when you apply it, & the best way to let air dry without touching it.

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I think there is definitely a learning curve with knowing how much your hair needs, how wet your hair needs to be when you apply it, & the best way to let air dry without touching it.

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I never figured it out with KCCC :lol:. But, I found the same with other stylers. If you are up to experimenting Uncle Funky's Daughter Curly Magic is aloe juice based and I love it. I have used it on wet hair, damp hair, and dry hair (to slick back my hair) and it works fabulously. It has amazing slip. Another one that works well for my low-porosity hair is Kiss My Face Upper Management Gel. It is one of the cheaper ones ($8.99/8oz at WF and $4.50/8oz online). It is best on wet hair, but it dries really soft for me and if you do WnG, does not seem to shrink up as much.
mg1979, I definitely agree. Years ago I used 7/8ths of a 16 oz. jar (she didn't sell 8 oz. back then) trying to make it work. At 25 bucks a pop (2008 price), I wasn't about to let it sit on a shelf. My diligence paid off and I've been using it ever since.

Ogoma, I also like Uncle Funky's Daughter Curly Magic. It's in my arsenal, although I don't get the same shine from it as is derived from KCCC. Mixing or layering both together is awesome.
I love Curly Magic too! Actually, every product I've tried from UFD has been nice, but I have to use them in conjunction. If I use their shampoo+conditioner+leave in+gel/twist cream, my hair is super soft. If I try to mix and match w/ other lines, I don't like the results as much.

Divachyk, I use Oyin Frank Juice. I started using Oyin when I lived in Baltimore, and I love the line so much I now have it sent to me or pick some up whenever I go to visit. If there was only one line I could use for the rest of my life, it would be Oyin. The juices are nice and moisturizing and never get gunky, like S-Curl or other glycerin sprays (btw, I love S-Curl too). Its nice because I can actually spray Frank directly onto my hair, and not first onto my hands like I have to do with every other glycerin spray. And the fact that the ingredients are all good is a nice plus. Have you tried other Oyin products?
@GreenEyedJen, thank you. I prefer not to spray into my hands first which seems to be the case with scurl. I love Oyin Honey Hemp conditioner but haven't tried anything else within that line.

ETA: Ladies, I'm having good moisture retention with the LOC method.
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man my hair is ashy as hayle! lol im guessing i qualify for low porosity as well. i just did 24 hr of baggying with some oils under a wig. i took the baggy off tonight and in about 10 mins my hair was indeed softer but just as dry and thirsty as before
man my hair is ashy as hayle! lol im guessing i qualify for low porosity as well. i just did 24 hr of baggying with some oils under a wig. i took the baggy off tonight and in about 10 mins my hair was indeed softer but just as dry and thirsty as before

I've never been able to baggy. It just seems to suck all the water out of my hair. I have tried different ways and nada so far.
faithVA said:
I've never been able to baggy. It just seems to suck all the water out of my hair. I have tried different ways and nada so far.

faithVA How about baggy for a few hours only then seal. That traps in the moisture. Have you tried that way?
[USER=201322 said:
divachyk[/USER];16123863]@faithVA How about baggy for a few hours only then seal. That traps in the moisture. Have you tried that way?

Yes I have tried that way. I've tried it

...for a few hours
...for an hour
...with heat
...without heat
...no bag
...with water (tap and distilled)
...with moisturizer
...with oil
...with conditioner
...no sealing
...sealing with oil(s)
...with butter

:perplexed: I have searched for the holy grail of baggying. :lol:

But I am going to try baggying my ends instead of my entire head. We will see if that works.
I feel like I had build up the first time I experimented with baggying. It is like the product just stayed on my strands weighing it down. I then tried overnight DCing and that was another disaster. I am not scared to leave anything not henna on my hair, under a cap, for longer than 2 hours. Even henna, I start getting antsy after 4 hours. My fair felt gunky and horrible after those two experiences. Terrified for life.
Last night I final rinsed with warm water and I must say I am pleased. My strands felt smooth when they normally feel roughed up after cool water rinsing.