Yes! I used to think that high porosity = damaged hair but it seems like some people are naturally like that. Maybe they're just on the high end of normal so it's easy for them to slip into high through daily hair care practices?
My hair loved all of those things (except I have never tried a dye aside from henna). I thought transitioning was going to be easy since I had a regimen down. Nope. Everything I thought was right is now wrong.
Things were so easy then. I assumed that not texlaxing or relaxing would make things even easier.
I texlaxed my hair sooo many times to get it to loosen up - it doesn't make sense! Fortunately the relaxer I use (Linange Shea Butter Texturizer) is so mild that my hair has not fallen out! My hair still looks straight up natural! Only I can tell that the texture is looser because my shrinkage is not as drastic as before and my hair is easier to comb when wet but
NO one else would think I put a chemical in my hair by just looking at it - it still defies gravity - granted it's only about 3-4 inches long/tall .
My natural texture is VERY tightly coiled/kinky and I wanted to keep the natural look but make my life easier. Certain sections that I allowed the relaxer to sit longer & comb through more thoroughly look like my natural hair when it was blow-dried & that's my end goal - (I want a thick kinky afro blow-out appearance & smooth feel) -
not the excessive shrinkage & knots I naturally have - and not the relaxed look either. I don't want there to be a drastic difference between my newgrowth & my length so that I only have to touch-up every 4-6 months and I prefer the natural look/styles on me.
When I was using regular strength relaxers for the full time and smoothing and my hair never became straight, even when I didn't use protein. I starting texlaxing on accident. I loved the curl and thickness so I kept doing it.
I wonder if I add some oils or decrease the smoothing if I can achieve the bold. :scratchch It's exactly what I want. I'm going to keep trying some of the ideas in this thread for at least another month before I make my choice.
I notice that whenever I introduce protein to my texlaxed hair - once it dries, my hair seems to
revert & shrink more!
I truly wonder if my hair even needs protein at all which is weird b/c I assumed
all chemically treated hair needed protein at some point. Maybe my texlax didn't change my porosity to the point that it would warrant a "need" for protein. I will keep an eye on my hair and keep some protein conditioners around just in case my strands get too stretchy.
Also I've heard that as the weeks progress post the last touch-up, the line of demarcation gets weaker and may demand some protein to avoid breakage - we shall see.
Early on in my HHJ I was always reading that protein was vital for chemically treated hair. I ended up with protein overload more times than not. The only time my hair liked a lot of protein was when I was dealing with hair I overlapped. After that I would just use mild protein when my hair was limp and only used something harder when I felt that my hair needed it (maybe 3x a year). That seemed to work just fine.
The bold has always been true for me; realxed or texlaxed. The line between the chemically treated hair and natural hair is fragile, which is why I would usually end up only stretching for 6 months at the most. My hair got to the point where I couldn't stop the breakage. Moisture is also very important so the hair doesn't snap off, which is my issue now since I can't get my natural hair to easily accept it. I was told to use protein every two weeks so I can keep that line strong. She said that when I decide to BC and go all natural or if I decide to go back to texlaxing that I can use protein less often.
Maybe you'll do better with a very light protein leave-in only used when your hair is starting to become over-moisturized?
So far since my touch up last week I have only used protein on the day of my touch-up after rinsing the relaxer out before Neutralizing. I've been using nothing but Protein-free conditioners & products since. I'm tempted to try one of my conditioners that has protein in it just to see what happens but I will be so mad if my hair reverts! I made the mistake of using a strong protein treatment (Soft Sheen Carson's Duo Tex) a week after my initial texlax back in January and my hair reverted - not all the way back to natural but enough for me to learn a lesson & get mad
I only did mild protein the week after my relaxer and then a very mild one right before neutralizing. I would never know the true outcome of my texlax until the week after.
I'm scared to change my porosity but I understand your curiosity - I'm scared I'll make things worse & have to buy even more products.
I'm still getting a handle on what works for my hair - I've just realized that I have to think outside the box and not go by what is popular. I've learned so much from the ladies in this thread alone. Once I have it all figured out I think I will be content with my Low Porosity hair.
Oh, I already have to buy more products.
If I can change my porosity I have a cabinet full I things I know work. Right now they're mostly useless on my natural hair. My texlaxed hair still loves them. Well, what's left of it. I'm concerned that I'll either cause more problems or end up killing my natural curl and making this transition and all of the breakage it caused a waste of time.
Sealing with oil doesn't work anymore. I was in the middle of doing my hair on Friday, went to pick my daughter up from school, and after being outside for less than 5 minutes my face was so shiny! The oil mostly sits on top of my hair and I guess it was hot enough to cause it to travel to my forehead and shoulders.
I didn't use much. So now I can't DC right, I can't seal right, and I'm still looking for a moisturizing leave-in that works on dry hair. The only time DCing was okay on my low por. hair was when I fell asleep with it in. Even DCing under a dryer doesn't seem to help much.
Have you tried the New Formula for S-Curl No Drip Activator? I found out recently that my hair stays soft if I apply it to DRY hair & then top it off with a light creamy leave-in. My hair absorbs the products better on DRY hair - but the products must be water-based to "open" the cuticle & the glycerin in the S-Curl keeps the moisture there. I try not to be too heavy handed to avoid white buidlup on my strands and I might have to really rub it in. This combo makes my hair very soft & maintains moisture (especially when it's humid outside) - I just figured this out so I don't know if it will work in the dry Winter yet.
I'm still trying to figure out a routine for my hair after washing & conditioning though. It seems that it does not matter whether or not I apply a leave-in conditioner or moisturizer on wet or damp freshly washed hair because once my hair air dries it's a bit dry either way. And I seem to be a bit more heavy handed when applying product to damp hair which leads to unnecessary buildup and a coated feeling. But if I apply my products to DRY hair like I stated above my hair softens instantly & remains this way.
I haven't tried S-Curl yet, it's been on my wishlist since reading this thread! It seems like a lot of people here have had some success with it. I'm going to the BSS on Monday after school. I have plenty of creamy leave-ins, I'll try what you suggested.
Oh, the humidity!
I forgot about that... This will be my first summer with this much natural hair. I could never get my texlaxed hair to act right during the summer unless I threw it in a bun or got braids, so I'm really scared now.
My hair feels awful when wet and applying leave-ins, then it dries nicely. Usually. It's the days following that are rough. I apply to dry hair and it doesn't seem to do anything but build up. I was told to mist my hair at night when doing my leave-ins.
It might just be that my hair needs to be moisturized 2x on wash day (1x when damp - then 1x again when dry) or only 1x when dry. It's crazy and most people would
not suggest allowing hair to fully air dry without applying anything to it but I think that as long as you section longer hair into twists/braids or something to stretch it out before airdrying while it's still soft & damp from rinsing out the conditioner this
can work without causing breakage when attempting to manipulate the hair later to moisturize ... it's a little theory that I am testing out now & will report back with my findings ... I'm rambling now but I hope this makes sense
Yes, your post made sense. It was very helpful, thank you.
I'm afraid to let my hair dry without a leave-in. I do end up going back and moisturizing again when it's dry. It seems to work okay on wash day and sometimes the day after. I just can't get through the week moisturizing with a leave-in on dry hair.