It's been a while since I ventured to this side of the board
, but I've been lurking in here for a minute, and thought I'd share my experiences. Hope it isn't too late to chime in...
--Share your hair background
Relaxed, 4-something (never paid attention to the degree), hovering around APL. I kept my hair in braids throughout most of high school and undergrad for ease and simply being ignorant of not knowing how to best take care of my hair, but my hair
looked fine between braids. The last time I took out my braids 4 years ago, I tried to transition, but my hair DID NOT agree. My main problem was dryness. I tried every moisturizer under the sun and nothing took. I didn't start experiencing what I now know are low porosity symptoms until after I relaxed my hair after close to 2 years of going natural. Did the strand test, and it floated for a week.
--What symptoms is your hair exhibiting?
Dry, dry, dry! Takes forever to
feel wet when washing my hair, feels amazing when it finally is drenched, air dries in what seems like minutes and feels crispy and hard afterwards. Relaxers do not take as well since my first relaxer after the 2 year hiatus. Tangles like crazy the minute shampoo hits it and takes forever for me to comb out. Ridiculous shedding.
--What have you tried that worked?
Baking soda! My goodness, what a miracle worker. I always ignored those threads, but when I hit my limit with regular shampoo, I finally tried the BS rinse and became a convert. I followed the rinse with Aphogee 2 minute, DC, and my hair felt better than it had in years, as if it actually absorbed the products.
Adding olive oil to my DC and using heat.
Blow drying mostly air dried hair. My daily moisturizer takes better on straight hair.
--What have you tried that did not work?
Traditional shampoo. Doesn't matter what type; I've tried natural poos, sulfates, sulfate-free, etc, etc. I dreaded wash days because I knew I would have to spend several frustrating hours detangling the mess poos would create, even after prepooing overnight. It was difficult for me to accept that my hair just does not like shampoo, since it's so deeply ingrained in us from such a young age. But I tried the BS, as mentioned above, and have never looked back.
Roux PC. After reading a thread years ago about how it helps porous hair, I thought this was going to be my miracle product, but it didn't make my hair feel as great as others were reporting. I later realized that I either misread the info or read misinformation because LP hair is already shut tight and Roux was only sealing it even tighter. I believe it worked better after a BS rinse, but still not as great as I thought it would be. Might try an ACV rinse next time to close the cuticles.
Letting my hair air dry curly. It simply won't stay moisturized from day to day. I've done simple experiments: doing my normal moisturizing routine on air dried curly hair one week (even upping the frequency), and the same thing on 50/50 air dried/blow dried straight hair another week. Straight hair felt better day to day hands down. Enough evidence for me.
Shea butter and coconut oil for DC, sealing, daily moisturizing, etc. Shea butter just sits there. Coconut oil dries it out
--What questions do you have?
I know some women with LP hair are wary of opening their cuticles with BS. Are there specific reasons?
I thought I read that LP hair likes more water based moisturizers for daily use, but I've found the opposite for me. Anyone else?
Truly appreciate the support and advice here
Has made me feel less of a prisoner to my hair.