Love/Hate with QP Mango Butter

The Princess

Well-Known Member
I ordered the QP Mango Butter from the rave reviews and Im in love with it. :drunk: Also the smell is so good, and it last with me for ahwile, which I like.

However I used some last night and woke up this morning, my hair felt kind of dry. :perplexed Not brillo pad dry, but my hair was still moist but it felt kind of dry, I put it on my pony tail and bun it up.

Im thinking because its a protein moisturizer maybe. I try not to use it everyday and balance my hair with shea butter moisturizer.

Have any of you experience this? Is this normal?

Please tell me im not the only one, cause I love this stuff and don't want to depart from it.
Me too, it kind feels like your hair sucks it all up. I didn't know it had protein in it, that explains why the hair feels a little dry. I still love it though.
WOW I see im not the only one. Im glad to hear that. However I love this stuff so much. What a girl to do. Thank you all for your quick response too.
:lachen:Okay this is just funny to me. As I was putting Mango in my hair this morning I noticed my hair was kinda hard/dry. Could it be just product buildup from it. It is pretty thick so w/ even a few days use it could build up....:rolleyes:

But NOPE looks like your not the only one.
I'm still trying to figure out what it does/is supposed to do. It doesn't smooth my edges and it definitely doesn't give me any moisture. I do like the smell though.
The actual purpose of the product is a heat protectant-it says it on the jar, i just use it to smooth out my hair, I dont consider it to be a moisturizer at all
I'm still trying to figure out what it does/is supposed to do. It doesn't smooth my edges and it definitely doesn't give me any moisture. I do like the smell though.
The actual purpose of the product is a heat protectant-it says it on the jar, i just use it to smooth out my hair, I dont consider it to be a moisturizer at all

Really??? I'm going to have to pull my jar out and read it again. I had no idea.
Okay, so its just a heat protectant. It seem kind of heavy for that. I agree with you all, it sure doesn't moisurize at all. Dang I just ordered another jar too.
Okay, I will not be putting this stuff on my ends anymore. My ends are the last thing I need getting dry. Thanks everyone for helping me with this.
Same thing here. I mix mine with a bit of shea butter and I really like the results. Mango butter just by itself, its a NO NO for me.
On the jar but also on the site it says its a thermal protectant and its supposed to be used after the breakage control serum -according to the directions on the jar

I just really disagree with their claims thats its a moisturizer :rolleyes:

someone started a thread a while back about doing it that way and her hair stinking afterwards. i tried to do that too following the elasta instructions/suggestion and had the same result. it did not seem to be a heat protectant and the heat makes the MB stink. i hate the stuff.
Wow! I love it. When my ends are dry and frizzy I use this and they smooth right out. My hair overall gets softer and smoother too. I usually won't use it for another 2-3 days that's how well it works for me.
Really? I never have a problem with it at all. I use it when my hair is straight on my ends and I seal with hair never feels dry or hard or anything like that.

Guess it just goes to show not everyone's hair is the same.

I love the stuff....won't give it up at all.

Sorry, OP that it doesn't work for ya.
that stuff should be marketed as a moisture BLOCKER!

I used a whole jar in fifty different ways and the result was always good looking hair for two hours, then gradually becoming the Sahara Desert by the end of the day.

Mango Butta is not the bidness for me
I wouldn't dare try this as a heat protectant.
I really only use it when I need to baggy. It's great for that. I find it's too heavy to use as a daily moisturizer.
I have this, when i first got it , i plastered it on thinking i was doing some good- when i woke up, I had to wash it right out as my hair was hard. NOw i use it when i air dry my rollersets ,after my leave in. or when straight just rub it in my palms and smooth it over my ends. ....I end up washing it sooner but as i cant go longer than 3 days without washing anyway its no biggy....