Love Gives Me Hope


Well-Known Member
I'm sharing this really awesome tublr called Love Gives Me Hope (a spinoff an equally awesome tublr ya'll should check out Gives Me Hope.)

The stories are so uplifting and sweet. They make me cry. :cry:
I’ve been recovering from years of depression and self-harm.

My boyfriend has been helping me recover every step of the way, by funding my treatment and making sure I’m never alone.

Today I was feeling really down about myself. He tossed me my dictionary and said to look up “beautiful.” He had taped in my picture.
:cry: :infatuated:

Does anyone have any stories to share? Anything in your relationship or that you've seen in someone else's give you hope? :love3:
Today I was feeling really down about myself. He tossed me my dictionary and said to look up “beautiful.” He had taped in my picture.

That is very sweet, but relationships born of one or both party's weakness does not a long fruitful relationship make. Love should give you a partner in life and not someone to which you can be co-dependent upon.