Love Chronicles: A Clear Case Of Ignoring Obvious Red Flags And Playing Yourself


Well-Known Member
Background: This couple I know lives in Virginia and have dated on and off for eight years. She pushed for marriage and he dragged his feet so she dumped him after six years and moved across the country to Texas to live with her sister and start a new life. All through the relationship she had endeared herself to his family. She went through his phone, collected phone numbers after meeting his family and would call his siblings and cousins often just to say hi. She finally met his Dad when he came to visit and she would call him once in a while even after he went back to the village. VA’s mum is deceased and VA is super tight with his dad. Sometimes VA would go visit his sisters in Delaware and be surprised to find her there. She would go without telling him.

Two Years Ago: After remaining single for about a year and a half, VA went to visit his cousin in New York and met one of his cousin's BFFs and was totally feeling her. VA’s sisters called ex-GF and told her that VA had met someone he was super excited about. Ex-GF quit her high paying job in Texas on the spot, shipped her belongings, her car and bought a plane ticket. VA found out when she called him to pick her up from the airport and she immediately moved into his house. They had never lived together before and she’s been performing wifely duties diligently ever since. She got comfortable and assume d that all was well since he let her stay and he was getting all the benefits so he settled in comfortably. He stopped communicating with BFF immediately because he didn’t want to be messy. All this happened exactly a month after meeting BFF.

Present Day Situation: She still has no ring and has been calling VA’s Dad crying. VA’s Dad is calling VA and putting pressure because he is living with someone’s daughter. Her own father chastised her for moving in with him in the first place with no clear expectations. He's also putting pressure for obvious reasons as a father. When VA was asked, he said he never told her they would get married and he never told her to quit her job either and move back with him. She had nowhere to go so he let her stay. She is now calling VA’s cousin in New York so that he can plead with VA to marry her. NY had spoken to her once but had never given her his number. She got it from VA’s phone. She is crying to NY about giving VA 8 yrs. of her life with nothing to show for it and she just turned 39 and he is 40. She has also never found another job that pays as much as the one she quit in Texas. VA comes home from work and locks himself in his office and barely sits down to watch TV with her. She has to follow him to the office to get some attention. Whenever she brings up marriage, VA says he still has stuff he needs to accomplish and is not ready. She has threatened to leave several times and each time he calmly tells her that if she’s not happy, there’s the door. She still hasn’t left.

NY is in a tight spot because it was he who introduced his BFF to VA. VA and NY are first cousins who were raised together. They are pretty much brothers at this point.

Word on the street is that VA is waiting for her to leave so that she doesn’t claim that he played her and kicked her out. He is going after NY’s BFF who he met 2 years ago who still happens to be single when all this drama is over. He is actually talking marriage if everything works out between them. Not sure how NY will handle this because BFF was super disappointed when VA pulled all the way back.

NY went to high school with my brother so I've known him forever. I was also there when BFF was spotted at a lovely Thanksgiving Dinner Party. Very pretty lady, well accomplished and well put together. NY has known BFF from when they were teens. I have kept my mouth shut and stayed out of the drama with my ears open listening diligently to all the hot gossip from NY. It’s urban chick lit come to life.

Peanut Gallery, Thoughts on this situation?
All I can say is:

Foolish woman. She was doing well and moved back cus he was moving on. She brought it on herself. He's not going to marry her and he's a fool for not just telling her the relationship isn't going anywhere. He's waiting on her to get a clue but she's still holding on to hope. He needs to just tell her it's over.
some women are about that life and she clearly is, it is clearly engrained into her entire understanding of social dynamics. so I would read the red flags in my ability to get her to see reason and call it a lost cause.

all three people in this love triangle are wasting their lives not getting what they want so whatever. not my monkeys not my circus.
Does the BFF know about everything VA is up to? If I was her I wouldn't get back with VA if /when he comes calling. He's already done her a disservice and can't be trusted. He's treating his live in girlfriend badly and when he had the opportunity to be with her he declined and got back with his ex. She should run as far away from that whole situation.

As for the girlfriend I feel sorry for her. It's going to be devastating when she finally realises she's wasted years of her life on a man who doesn't want her. And it's another example of how getting in close with his family doesn't work because in the end he will do what he wants to do.
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some women are about that life and she clearly is, it is clearly engrained into her entire understanding of social dynamics. so I would read the red flags in my ability to get her to see reason and call it a lost cause.

all three people in this love triangle are wasting their lives not getting what they want so whatever. not my monkeys not my circus.

That's what I'm saying. These people are clearly made for each other. There are the enabled and the enablers. Let them have each other.
The last I heard is that BFF has no idea what VA is up to. I told NY he will have to tell her everything or it will blow up in his face. NY doesn't really like the girlfriend because he finds her manipulative especially with calling VAs Dad to make him look bad. He also hates the fact that lately whenever VA and NY are on the phone, she texts NY to pressure him to say something. VA has refused to budge but he will not throw her out of his house. She will have to leave on her own when she is ready. I'm praying that BFF meets someone and moves on soon. She's been meeting people but getting nowhere. I can see her getting caught up in this when VA comes calling a second time because she's clocking 40 soon and bio clock is ringing hard. NY will convince her to give his cousin a second chance. I have no idea what story they'll come up with. Men really cover for each other.

Another close mutual friend of NY and I has told NY that it is in his best interests that he keeps VA away from her because if she sees him, she will not hold her tongue. Chick has zero filter and no time for BS. She was the host at Thanksgiving . She is so upset with the whole situation. I'm just sipping tea and watching the impending disaster from the bleachers.
OP hao ni watu wetu wa Kisumu? Pathetic behavior if so. Girlfriend is crazy and needs better friends.

This happened to a girl I know. She stayed 6 years,was at every family function and was doing the same begging family to get dude to marry her. He left her in December and is marrying a girl in April. I saw it coming a year ago but women don't like to listen to reason.
It is certainly not for us women to understand. But the players I know have shared this perspective with me. They just don't like to make us cry obviously not enough to stop the behavior (to your point of fleeting guilt). That's what I've learn at least. If there's more to it, I haven't seen it yet.
With all of the men in Texas how on earth do you leave to return to VA for one person who doesn't want you. Not to mention the ratio of men to women do not work in her favor in VA. Give it some time and she could've definitely met a decent guy down there and kept a perfectly good job. I hope she gets well soon.
Girlfriend could move to LA get a GOOD paying job, and move in with Mr. *Lamar Sally. She's just his type, plus she can be an instant Mom; w/0 baby momma drama.

*Sherri Shepard's ex
It is certainly not for us women to understand. But the players I know have shared this perspective with me. They just don't like to make us cry obviously not enough to stop the behavior (to your point of fleeting guilt). That's what I've learn at least. If there's more to it, I haven't seen it yet.
They don't put an end to it bc they're still reaping benefits from the arrangement. Let the sex, cooking, cleaning dry up and I bet a "look, this isn't working anymore" will be quick to follow.
I've never understood this. If you are done with a relationship then say so. There has got to be more to it because 'feeling guilty' doesn't cut it with me as I don't think men feel guilt and if they do its fleeting /not deeply.
Girl, I know a dude who faked his own death to end a relationship with a woman who he had been living with for 20+ years and never married. He tried moving to a different state first but she found him. He put an obituary in the local paper and mailed a copy of it to her from his homeboys address.

Girl she found out that man wasn't dead and wanted to confront him because she 'needed closure'.
Reads like one of those stories where someone gets shot in the end. Silly woman. Someone needs to buy her why men marry *****es!
Not if you found out the man you love played you like a trick. I wouldn't need closure but I'd want to put my foot up his a$$. After being with someone for 20 years, that's how he acts? No ma'am.
Yeah but he moved to another state to get away from her. I assume he didn't give her a forwarding address :lol: and she found him anyway. That was his last resort cuz home girl was just not getting that he's just not that into her. Should he have waited 20 years to tell her? No but better late than never.