Love at first sight: has it happened to you?


Human being
It's happened to me. 8 years later this intense connection's still there even though we don't talk or see each other much. Weird.
Happened to me 1 time with a ex:yep:.
I still have a soft spot for him even tough I don't approve of his life style.
I never used to believe in love at first sight. But when I met DH, I did feel an instant connection. At that time in my life, I was not a friendly type individual. It was REALLY easy to get on my $hit list, and impossible to get off. I hated people in general.

But when I saw him come through the door, I felt like he was an old and dear friend, someone I just felt I liked to be around. It was more than thinking he was sexy or something. I really felt a connection to him. Wierd.

And then as I got to know him, I liked him more and more. Now we're coming up on our 3rd wedding anniversary. :grin:
Yes, it happened a few weeks ago, and the more time we've spent together the more intense and deeper our relationship gets. I've already met all of his family, he's getting ready to meet mine and we're moving in together as soon as we find a place. The wedding will be coming around the corner soon too.
Yes, it happened a few weeks ago, and the more time we've spent together the more intense and deeper our relationship gets. I've already met all of his family, he's getting ready to meet mine and we're moving in together as soon as we find a place. The wedding will be coming around the corner soon too.

That is SO beautiful! Congrats!!

Ummm... I thought so. When I was 14 actually.

The only problem is that I have moved on and he obviously has not. :wallbash:
Yes. It happened with my husband. The first day I met him (we were not dating or anything) I said to myself "I am going to marry that man"...
It happened to me. When I saw my Fiance I just knew I had to have him. Six years later we have a baby and we are getting married in a month!!!:grin:
I thought it did...and to tell you the truth I'm not so sure SOMETHING didn't happen. I met him a year ago and the attraction was instant...I just knew we were meant to be. Perfect person, bad timing.
It happened to me. We've been together almost 21 yrs:grin:. We met when I was in the 11th grade and he, the 12th at the high school after I made a spur of the momement decision to stop off in another class room where I knew they were selling candy bars. I happened to have my comic books with me and when I walked in my soon to be hubby was in there also, wearing ripped jeans and packing a skateboard. He took one look at my comic books and got all excited that a girl actually read the same type of comics he did. I took one look at him and literally, it was like a lightening bolt hit me. I felt all tingly and short of breath and awe struck like I'd just seen a celebrity or something. I had to remember close my mouth and all I could do was stare dumbstruck at him while he leafed thru my books and think about how frickin beautiful he was. It was instant love and the pang of it was so bad I thought I would die...Especially concidering at the time he had a girlfriend:ohwell:. For about 3 wks I'd see him around the school with his girlfriend and walk behind them with my heart hurting. Then fate interveined and he ended up getting a job at the same place of employment as me (Burger King, lol!) He remembered me and we hit it off immediately and spent the next few months throwing pickles at each other and listening to him gripe about his girlfriend. We became really good friends but it was bittersweet for me because I was so in love with him. Well, he ended up breaking up with his girlfriend (which I'm proud to say I did not cause or manipulate!) but we both swore off relationships(he rather vehemenently and me just agreeing) so I never thought we'd get together. That lull lasted 2 months,lol. Valentines Day 1987. It was nearing sunset and I was home feeling absolutely alone and pittiful when he suddenly knocked at the door grinning and saying he thought he'd cheer me up since it was V Day. Caught my by surprise since I'd not even spoken to him that day or told him how miserable I was feeling. He took me out to a lookout point and we sat in the car, watched the sun go down and talked...Then he asked me if he could give me a Valentines kiss and that was all she wrote. He proposed 3 months later and we got married in 91. Still very much in love with him!
Aww!! LOVE your story.

It happened to me. We've been together almost 21 yrs:grin:. We met when I was in the 11th grade and he, the 12th at the high school after I made a spur of the momement decision to stop off in another class room where I knew they were selling candy bars. I happened to have my comic books with me and when I walked in my soon to be hubby was in there also, wearing ripped jeans and packing a skateboard. He took one look at my comic books and got all excited that a girl actually read the same type of comics he did. I took one look at him and literally, it was like a lightening bolt hit me. I felt all tingly and short of breath and awe struck like I'd just seen a celebrity or something. I had to remember close my mouth and all I could do was stare dumbstruck at him while he leafed thru my books and think about how frickin beautiful he was. It was instant love and the pang of it was so bad I thought I would die...Especially concidering at the time he had a girlfriend:ohwell:. For about 3 wks I'd see him around the school with his girlfriend and walk behind them with my heart hurting. Then fate interveined and he ended up getting a job at the same place of employment as me (Burger King, lol!) He remembered me and we hit it off immediately and spent the next few months throwing pickles at each other and listening to him gripe about his girlfriend. We became really good friends but it was bittersweet for me because I was so in love with him. Well, he ended up breaking up with his girlfriend (which I'm proud to say I did not cause or manipulate!) but we both swore off relationships(he rather vehemenently and me just agreeing) so I never thought we'd get together. That lull lasted 2 months,lol. Valentines Day 1987. It was nearing sunset and I was home feeling absolutely alone and pittiful when he suddenly knocked at the door grinning and saying he thought he'd cheer me up since it was V Day. Caught my by surprise since I'd not even spoken to him that day or told him how miserable I was feeling. He took me out to a lookout point and we sat in the car, watched the sun go down and talked...Then he asked me if he could give me a Valentines kiss and that was all she wrote. He proposed 3 months later and we got married in 91. Still very much in love with him!
It happened to me. We've been together almost 21 yrs:grin:. We met when I was in the 11th grade and he, the 12th at the high school after I made a spur of the momement decision to stop off in another class room where I knew they were selling candy bars. I happened to have my comic books with me and when I walked in my soon to be hubby was in there also, wearing ripped jeans and packing a skateboard. He took one look at my comic books and got all excited that a girl actually read the same type of comics he did. I took one look at him and literally, it was like a lightening bolt hit me. I felt all tingly and short of breath and awe struck like I'd just seen a celebrity or something. I had to remember close my mouth and all I could do was stare dumbstruck at him while he leafed thru my books and think about how frickin beautiful he was. It was instant love and the pang of it was so bad I thought I would die...Especially concidering at the time he had a girlfriend:ohwell:. For about 3 wks I'd see him around the school with his girlfriend and walk behind them with my heart hurting. Then fate interveined and he ended up getting a job at the same place of employment as me (Burger King, lol!) He remembered me and we hit it off immediately and spent the next few months throwing pickles at each other and listening to him gripe about his girlfriend. We became really good friends but it was bittersweet for me because I was so in love with him. Well, he ended up breaking up with his girlfriend (which I'm proud to say I did not cause or manipulate!) but we both swore off relationships(he rather vehemenently and me just agreeing) so I never thought we'd get together. That lull lasted 2 months,lol. Valentines Day 1987. It was nearing sunset and I was home feeling absolutely alone and pittiful when he suddenly knocked at the door grinning and saying he thought he'd cheer me up since it was V Day. Caught my by surprise since I'd not even spoken to him that day or told him how miserable I was feeling. He took me out to a lookout point and we sat in the car, watched the sun go down and talked...Then he asked me if he could give me a Valentines kiss and that was all she wrote. He proposed 3 months later and we got married in 91. Still very much in love with him!

That gave me chills. Very beautiful.
That is one of the best love stories I've ever heard. Congrats!!

It happened to me. We've been together almost 21 yrs:grin:. We met when I was in the 11th grade and he, the 12th at the high school after I made a spur of the momement decision to stop off in another class room where I knew they were selling candy bars. I happened to have my comic books with me and when I walked in my soon to be hubby was in there also, wearing ripped jeans and packing a skateboard. He took one look at my comic books and got all excited that a girl actually read the same type of comics he did. I took one look at him and literally, it was like a lightening bolt hit me. I felt all tingly and short of breath and awe struck like I'd just seen a celebrity or something. I had to remember close my mouth and all I could do was stare dumbstruck at him while he leafed thru my books and think about how frickin beautiful he was. It was instant love and the pang of it was so bad I thought I would die...Especially concidering at the time he had a girlfriend:ohwell:. For about 3 wks I'd see him around the school with his girlfriend and walk behind them with my heart hurting. Then fate interveined and he ended up getting a job at the same place of employment as me (Burger King, lol!) He remembered me and we hit it off immediately and spent the next few months throwing pickles at each other and listening to him gripe about his girlfriend. We became really good friends but it was bittersweet for me because I was so in love with him. Well, he ended up breaking up with his girlfriend (which I'm proud to say I did not cause or manipulate!) but we both swore off relationships(he rather vehemenently and me just agreeing) so I never thought we'd get together. That lull lasted 2 months,lol. Valentines Day 1987. It was nearing sunset and I was home feeling absolutely alone and pittiful when he suddenly knocked at the door grinning and saying he thought he'd cheer me up since it was V Day. Caught my by surprise since I'd not even spoken to him that day or told him how miserable I was feeling. He took me out to a lookout point and we sat in the car, watched the sun go down and talked...Then he asked me if he could give me a Valentines kiss and that was all she wrote. He proposed 3 months later and we got married in 91. Still very much in love with him!
It happened to me. We've been together almost 21 yrs:grin:. We met when I was in the 11th grade and he, the 12th at the high school after I made a spur of the momement decision to stop off in another class room where I knew they were selling candy bars. I happened to have my comic books with me and when I walked in my soon to be hubby was in there also, wearing ripped jeans and packing a skateboard. He took one look at my comic books and got all excited that a girl actually read the same type of comics he did. I took one look at him and literally, it was like a lightening bolt hit me. I felt all tingly and short of breath and awe struck like I'd just seen a celebrity or something. I had to remember close my mouth and all I could do was stare dumbstruck at him while he leafed thru my books and think about how frickin beautiful he was. It was instant love and the pang of it was so bad I thought I would die...Especially concidering at the time he had a girlfriend:ohwell:. For about 3 wks I'd see him around the school with his girlfriend and walk behind them with my heart hurting. Then fate interveined and he ended up getting a job at the same place of employment as me (Burger King, lol!) He remembered me and we hit it off immediately and spent the next few months throwing pickles at each other and listening to him gripe about his girlfriend. We became really good friends but it was bittersweet for me because I was so in love with him. Well, he ended up breaking up with his girlfriend (which I'm proud to say I did not cause or manipulate!) but we both swore off relationships(he rather vehemenently and me just agreeing) so I never thought we'd get together. That lull lasted 2 months,lol. Valentines Day 1987. It was nearing sunset and I was home feeling absolutely alone and pittiful when he suddenly knocked at the door grinning and saying he thought he'd cheer me up since it was V Day. Caught my by surprise since I'd not even spoken to him that day or told him how miserable I was feeling. He took me out to a lookout point and we sat in the car, watched the sun go down and talked...Then he asked me if he could give me a Valentines kiss and that was all she wrote. He proposed 3 months later and we got married in 91. Still very much in love with him!

[size=+1] OK....when's the movie coming out? :D

That is the sweetest story. :love:
I believe in lust at first sight. Heck, my neighbor just came back from Iraq yesterday and knocked on my door to say hi. I opened the door and he was soo tan and got buff, I swear I fell in love, lol. He did not look that good before he left, I called my girlfriend and was telling her about it, she was like "girl bake him something and take it to him". I had to remind her and myself I have a man, but goodness gracious..I can't stop thinking about him.
Yes,it has happened to me. The first time I saw him in front of Grand Central I thought I would faint. He looked just like CamRon :lol: . We got to talking and he asked me to go to the movies him later on.

From that night, we were inseparable everyday for six months. Then after I changed jobs, I had so little time to go out and he felt neglected. So we broke up.

To this day my heart still melts when I speak to him,see him, or hear him. No guy after him has even come close to comparing to him :( ....
It happened to me. We've been together almost 21 yrs:grin:. We met when I was in the 11th grade and he, the 12th at the high school after I made a spur of the momement decision to stop off in another class room where I knew they were selling candy bars. I happened to have my comic books with me and when I walked in my soon to be hubby was in there also, wearing ripped jeans and packing a skateboard. He took one look at my comic books and got all excited that a girl actually read the same type of comics he did. I took one look at him and literally, it was like a lightening bolt hit me. I felt all tingly and short of breath and awe struck like I'd just seen a celebrity or something. I had to remember close my mouth and all I could do was stare dumbstruck at him while he leafed thru my books and think about how frickin beautiful he was. It was instant love and the pang of it was so bad I thought I would die...Especially concidering at the time he had a girlfriend:ohwell:. For about 3 wks I'd see him around the school with his girlfriend and walk behind them with my heart hurting. Then fate interveined and he ended up getting a job at the same place of employment as me (Burger King, lol!) He remembered me and we hit it off immediately and spent the next few months throwing pickles at each other and listening to him gripe about his girlfriend. We became really good friends but it was bittersweet for me because I was so in love with him. Well, he ended up breaking up with his girlfriend (which I'm proud to say I did not cause or manipulate!) but we both swore off relationships(he rather vehemenently and me just agreeing) so I never thought we'd get together. That lull lasted 2 months,lol. Valentines Day 1987. It was nearing sunset and I was home feeling absolutely alone and pittiful when he suddenly knocked at the door grinning and saying he thought he'd cheer me up since it was V Day. Caught my by surprise since I'd not even spoken to him that day or told him how miserable I was feeling. He took me out to a lookout point and we sat in the car, watched the sun go down and talked...Then he asked me if he could give me a Valentines kiss and that was all she wrote. He proposed 3 months later and we got married in 91. Still very much in love with him!

Just beautiful.....glad to know that true love exists, I get discouraged sometimes :)
It happened to me. We've been together almost 21 yrs:grin:. We met when I was in the 11th grade and he, the 12th at the high school after I made a spur of the momement decision to stop off in another class room where I knew they were selling candy bars. I happened to have my comic books with me and when I walked in my soon to be hubby was in there also, wearing ripped jeans and packing a skateboard. He took one look at my comic books and got all excited that a girl actually read the same type of comics he did. I took one look at him and literally, it was like a lightening bolt hit me. I felt all tingly and short of breath and awe struck like I'd just seen a celebrity or something. I had to remember close my mouth and all I could do was stare dumbstruck at him while he leafed thru my books and think about how frickin beautiful he was. It was instant love and the pang of it was so bad I thought I would die...Especially concidering at the time he had a girlfriend:ohwell:. For about 3 wks I'd see him around the school with his girlfriend and walk behind them with my heart hurting. Then fate interveined and he ended up getting a job at the same place of employment as me (Burger King, lol!) He remembered me and we hit it off immediately and spent the next few months throwing pickles at each other and listening to him gripe about his girlfriend. We became really good friends but it was bittersweet for me because I was so in love with him. Well, he ended up breaking up with his girlfriend (which I'm proud to say I did not cause or manipulate!) but we both swore off relationships(he rather vehemenently and me just agreeing) so I never thought we'd get together. That lull lasted 2 months,lol. Valentines Day 1987. It was nearing sunset and I was home feeling absolutely alone and pittiful when he suddenly knocked at the door grinning and saying he thought he'd cheer me up since it was V Day. Caught my by surprise since I'd not even spoken to him that day or told him how miserable I was feeling. He took me out to a lookout point and we sat in the car, watched the sun go down and talked...Then he asked me if he could give me a Valentines kiss and that was all she wrote. He proposed 3 months later and we got married in 91. Still very much in love with him!

Beautiful story! @ the bolded parts: I felt the exact same way! i thought he had a girlfriend too, turned out to be his sister.
Although it has never happened to me, I *guess* I believe in it. :drunk: I don't know if that's how love happens for everyone, but it sure does sound nice. Great story Godzooki.
Thank you to those who enjoyed my sharing. I guess I was one of the lucky ones because I really don't know how I would have gotten on if we had never gotten together. We both still have our comic book collections stored away, lol.