Loud mouthed hair dresser rant!


New Member
Last week went to a salon for a relaxer. I've always struggled with sorta thin hair for as long as it's been relaxed it's very fine.
Anyway my hair dresser proceeds to chastise me about it's state "GURLLLL what you been doing with this hair?! It's so thin it's just cryin out for help!" she says rearing back with the comb in hand. The topper was when she proceeded to compare my hair with that of 2 regular clients of here who also happened to be in the shop saying how they have "3 times" as much hair as I do. For the record one of them was natural so of course she has fuller hair! She was in there getting it hot combed!!

My point is I don't understand hair dressers who chastise. My hair may not fit your definitions of healthy and perfect but it certainly ISNT abused. I don't blowdry or flat iron. I roller set every week. So after I pay YOU to do it don't proceed to chastise me about it's state.

The oher thing she does is constantly try and convert me into an every week client. Everytime I go in there it's "oooooh girl I air seen you in forever" er you saw me 8 weeks ago last time I got a relaxer. She just says this cause she thinks I should come every single week for a wash and set which she charges over $40 for. She also likes to tell me "some people wonder why they hair ain't long like x. I tell em x comes every week you don't be coming every week." *rolls eyes* this jiggaboo charge 130 just for a relaxer and cut I will not pay her every week.

Rant over.
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You really shouldn't tolerate that kind of treatment. You shouldn't go back. Either find another stylist (perhaps through recommendations) or try to learn to be a DIYer. She really doesn't deserve your hard-earned money.
You're right. She is an insensitive, loud mouth hair dresser. Go find another stylist who will respect your money and your hair.
WOW jiggaboo though? You're the one paying 130. I mean alot of what she is saying shouldn't be tolerated. Take your money and step if it's all that.
I think you need to find a new hair dresser. I'm not gonna pay you and then you insult me. Some people lack customer service skills especially when they think they know it all. It seems as if she's making you a part of her beauty shop comedy routine at your expense. I say either take some time and look over this site and find what could possibly work for you to do on your own, in your home without anyone's judgement or find another stylist.
When I pay someone to provide a service for me, they will not talk to me in a way that I don't like.

I will find someone else to provide that service.
I don't like stylist like that either. While she was complaining, did she offer any suggestions for your hair. Besides, you coming to see her every week.

I've had stylist like this too. Always, complaining about how dry my hair was but NEVER offering suggestions. One time I asked what I could do combat the dryness. She couldn't even answer the question. She did attempt to explain "black products" "sulfates" and "cones" I only know this now because of my two years on LHCF. She just said there is some bad stuff in "black products" and I should start using other products but she didn't give any suggestions.

The lack of help from stylist is why I turned to google to figure out my dry hair problem. And thats how I found LHCF. So I guess some good came out of all of it.

I will say that not all stylist are bad. I have to give credit to the lady at Supercuts who put me on to Paul Mitchell Supercharge Conditioner. I need to go back and thank her for that.
Jiggaboo though? There is a simple solution for this issue. Just find another stylist that will respect you and your money.
I just had a flashback to School Daze.

Find another stylist.
Anytime a stylist talks crazy I make sure to never return. Hell, I stopped going to a salon because the shampoo people were talking crazy about the customers...I'm sure they talked about me as soon as I was out of earshot.
She was the person who was perming your hair on a regular basis. She should be embarrassed to say anything since the fault would be her own.
Leave...that's the last thing you need is some stylist putting down your hair. You didn't go to there to hear all that nonsense.
Time for a new stylist....end of story.

You're paying her to do your hair not criticize. I'd either tell her that or (my suggestion) don't return after 8 weeks.
I hope you find another stylist, or take matters into your own hands.

This post was just enough push I needed to stop trying to find a stylist to texturize my hair. I don't feel like dealing with anything like that :nono:.
The thing is ladies. She does do a very good job and she's one of the only people I can find in my area who uses affirm fiberguard relaxer. So for the sake of my hair. I try to suck it up and deal. Technically it is unproffesional and a bit rude but my main interest is the kind of job she does on my hair and she does do that quite well.
I won't give her another penny of my money. As i read your post if you continue to go to her let her know how you feel but then again that's like telling the waiter your soup is cold you never know what your going to get with some people as it pertains to them getting offended.
You said your hair was thinning from relaxing may be stretch for a while and you won't have to deal with such verbal abuse from a stylist.
If I'm paying I don't suck it up. I keep my money in my purse. Maybe she knows that you are at her mercy and that's why she treats you that way. But if you want to keep going to her, that is your decision and your money.
Oh boy I am giong to get ehurt for this but here I go.

If you are going to put up with this, then you may want to rant elsewhere, because our comments will probably lean towards going to another stylist.

You are new to posting so I can tell ya, when you don't heed the advice but you want to argue why you keep putting up with this type of abuse it may get a little interesting.

I truly mean everything I say in a kind but direct mentoring fashion. :yep:

Check out some of the threads around here we have NO tolerance to this type of abuse especially when you are paying for it.

I hope you find a way to handle this. If you ever want recommendations to see if you can find someone else in your area let the ladies know. They would love to help you find someone else if it is possible.
I think the most viable solution is to put her in her place next time she goes on about this. "I don't pay you to tell me how thin it is. I've lived with it on my head for 2 decades. I know what its like. I pay you to work with it. Can you do that because if not I can go somewhere else." I think that would shut her up enough for me to get in and get what I need and get out.
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I think the most viable solution is to put her in her place next time she goes on about this. "I don't pay you to tell me how thin it is. I've lived with it on my head for 2 decades. I know what its like. I pay you to work with it. Can you do that because if not I can go somewhere else." I think that would shut her up enough for me to get in and get what I need and get out.

I hope it all works out for you. :yep:
The thing is ladies. She does do a very good job and she's one of the only people I can find in my area who uses affirm fiberguard relaxer. So for the sake of my hair. I try to suck it up and deal. Technically it is unproffesional and a bit rude but my main interest is the kind of job she does on my hair and she does do that quite well.

"...constantly try and convert me into an every week client."

That's what it's all about right there!! She's trying to humiliate you into coming to her every week. Girl, bye! You have all the info you need to keep your hair healthy right here. Let a trusted friend or your mother relax your hair for you...you can buy Affirm relaxers online. Kiss that rude "jiggaboo" (to use your word :lachen:) goodbye!
Oh I wouldn't have even let her finish her little tirade.
Me and my money would've gotten up and walked out at that moment. Not to mention, I would write a letter to the shop owner and called the Better Business Bureau. What if you had a health condition that caused thinning hair? Its not in her job description to loudly embarrass and judge people. She is there to cater to clients and keep her mouth shut if she has something ugly to say.
I'm sorry that happened to you