Loud mouthed hair dresser rant!

I think the most viable solution is to put her in her place next time she goes on about this. "I don't pay you to tell me how thin it is. I've lived with it on my head for 2 decades. I know what its like. I pay you to work with it. Can you do that because if not I can go somewhere else." I think that would shut her up enough for me to get in and get what I need and get out.

Do that and you risk losing the rest of your hair :nono:. The ladies have given you good advice to let her go and look for someone else. You can always buy affirm online and have someone you trust do it for you like someone suggested.

Good luck OP
It breaks my heart when I hear one of us 'putting up with' anything for the sake of our hair. I personally have found that my hair has thrived considerably now that I have a person doing my relaxers every 8-12 weeks who respects my decision (I even bring her an unfamiliar product - Alter Ego Linage Relaxer - which she sniffs each time I give it to her) - but the best part about my hairdresser - she relaxes my hair with positivity and respect. Sounds a little silly - but I believe my scalp/hair feels this and grows healthy because of it.

I too have fine hair - but my hair is the thickest it has ever been due to my personal haircare system, relaxer stretches and the support/training/tips I have gained from LHCF.com!

You deserve better - but it is up to you to seek better.

Also - on a personal note - I'm a beautiful chocolate sista - in the past I would have been highly offended by the term jiggaboo - but no sweat off my back - this 'jiggaboo's' fine relaxed hair is healthy and thick.

Just my two cents.
I hope I didn't start anything with the jiggaboo thing. I know ppl use that word as well as coon, etc. I was just like WOW, you calling her a NM
- on a personal note - I'm a beautiful chocolate sista - in the past I would have been highly offended by the term jiggaboo - but no sweat off my back - this 'jiggaboo's' fine relaxed hair is healthy and thick.

Just my two cents.

As far as I know the term jiggaboo simply means trifling. I don't think it has anything to do with being light-skinned or dark skinned. At least I've never heard it used in a way that suggests it does. But even word usage and meanin can vary regionally.
As far as I know the term jiggaboo simply means trifling. I don't think it has anything to do with being light-skinned or dark skinned. At least I've never heard it used in a way that suggests it does. But even word usage and meanin can vary regionally.

Jiggaboo is a racial slur for dark-skinned blacks
I think the most viable solution is to put her in her place next time she goes on about this. "I don't pay you to tell me how thin it is. I've lived with it on my head for 2 decades. I know what its like. I pay you to work with it. Can you do that because if not I can go somewhere else." I think that would shut her up enough for me to get in and get what I need and get out.

You might end up with your hair cut short or overprocessed by "mistake".:sad:

You can tell her how you feel, but be careful with how you say it! There's some devious people out there!
Jiggaboo is a racial slur for dark-skinned blacks

it might have those origins but if it's does I didn't know that. Where I'm from it usually just means trifling. Btw this hair dresser
i was referring to isn't even dark skinned. I think she's probably mixed.

Bottom line I didn't intend this to be a low blow slur against dark skinned girls.
As far as I know the term jiggaboo simply means trifling. I don't think it has anything to do with being light-skinned or dark skinned. At least I've never heard it used in a way that suggests it does. But even word usage and meanin can vary regionally.

Unacceptable. I guess a white person can call you n*gger because as far as they know it just means ignorant...in their region.

Please, educate yourself on the words you're using.
I would have told her about her unprofessionalism and hopped right out of her chair. Furthermore, the last time she would get a glimpse of my hair would be when she watched me walk out of the salon. The nerves of some people!
Unacceptable. I guess a white person can call you n*gger because as far as they know it just means ignorant...in their region.

Please, educate yourself on the words you're using.

Thats taking things too far. Everyone knows what the n word means due to the huge controversy and debate over it's usage. The usage of a lesser known term slang term like jiggaboo can and often DOES vary from place to place. The word has never gotten and never will get the attention of the n-word. Therefore not everyone will know the ins and outs of its orgins, usage, etc. The two aren't even comparable. I know what my intentions were and I'm not gonna get caught up in argument with anyone about this. That's all there is to it.
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Sigh...as far as advice/commentary on the subject, everything I would have said from rip has been said. Yet and still, it suffices to say that this is an undesirable situation from various angels. Firstly, $130 for a relaxer and some more stuff...REALLY?? I been out the game a LONG time if that is the case, but I digress. The price is nothing considering we pay for the service. Which brings me to SECONDLY..you aren't even getting the kind of service you desire. This was made apparent by the state you indicate your hair is in at this present time. Another indicator, is that manner in which you are treated when you go to the salon.

Many have stories of "Girl, I woulda whomp wam bamm!! If that happened to me," but TRUST...mine is not just a story. I work too hard to take blatant disrespect with a grain of salt on a continual basis. I hope your mission to "put her in her place" goes well. Not just for your benefit, but for others who may not have the gall to inform Ms. Lady that her comments/actions/retorts are not acceptable.

You can justify all you want...based on your version of the story, your stylist is out of line and you are CONTINUING to pay her for that privledge just because she is the only one who uses the product you like? I'm sorry, but I don't see the logical rationale. Just like she learned to use it...another can to. The hair game is competivie..I'm sure with research and recommendations, you can find better...

My two cents....
Thats taking things too far. Everyone knows what the n word means due to the huge controversy and debate over it's usage. The usage of a lesser known term slang term like jiggaboo can and often DOES vary from place to place. The word has never gotten and never will get the attention of the n-word. Therefore not everyone will know the ins and outs of its orgins, usage, etc. The two aren't even comparable. I know what my intentions were and I'm not gonna get caught up in argument with anyone about this. That's all there is to it.

I'm not interested in starting some e-battle with you. But hopefully you can see the benefit of knowing the meaning of the words you use. I promise you, it will serve you well.
I'm not interested in starting some e-battle with you. But hopefully you can see the benefit of knowing the meaning of the words you use. I promise you, it will serve you well.

As I said before, in my locality it means trifling. You don't honestly suppose I can travel the world exploring it's usage and meaning in every region do you? Since that's not possible mistakes will sometimes happen. When (not if) they do I promise you it also serves one well to avoid taking offense where none was meant.
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Sigh...as far as advice/commentary on the subject, everything I would have said from rip has been said. Yet and still, it suffices to say that this is an undesirable situation from various angels. Firstly, $130 for a relaxer and some more stuff...REALLY??

Where do you live? $130 is a bit high, indeed. You may want to check out the salon review section to find a better salon in your area.
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Sigh...as far as advice/commentary on the subject, everything I would have said from rip has been said. Yet and still, it suffices to say that this is an undesirable situation from various angels. Firstly, $130 for a relaxer and some more stuff...REALLY?? /QUOTE]

Where do you live? $130 is a bit high, indeed. You may want to check out the salon review section to find a better salon in your area.

I don't relax and haven't for some time, even before embarking on this natural stroll; I self-relaxed. Should I ever go back (big 'if' at this point) I will undoubtedly continue to self-relax.

With the above comment, I was just merely stating that I've been out the loop with the pricing for relaxers at the shop; to me it was a shock. However, I do appreciate the suggestion.
I totally understand. I think $130 is high. I normally self-relax, but on the rare occassion that I don't, it is only $45. That's why I asked where she lived.

As far as finding a better salon...I meant because her stylist was rude, not because of the price.
yeah unprofessional, you don't shout someone out where there are other people around. and you said you have thin hair, she should know this and should be aware that people have all types of hair density and textures idiot!

and not all naturals have thick hair, I don't know why people think natural = thick hair. if your hair is thick it's thick regardless of processed or not processed just had to add that.
I totally understand. I think $130 is high. I normally self-relax, but on the rare occassion that I don't, it is only $45. That's why I asked where she lived.

As far as finding a better salon...I meant because her stylist was rude, not because of the price.

GOTCHA. Scratch my dirty neck..human error. ITA
I think the most viable solution is to put her in her place next time she goes on about this. "I don't pay you to tell me how thin it is. I've lived with it on my head for 2 decades. I know what its like. I pay you to work with it. Can you do that because if not I can go somewhere else." I think that would shut her up enough for me to get in and get what I need and get out.

Huh??? So the fact that you even have to tell a "professional" that they need to act professional isn't enough of a red flag for you to find another stylist? I'm sorry but at $130 she can't be a hot commodity. I would get my hair relaxed AND colored for half of that.

ETA: and then after you put her in her "place" your gonna pay her another $130?? That's true comedy right there. She will take your words, your money and your tip and kindly put it in her pocket. SMDH
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She clearly doesn't have you or your hair's best interests at heart. I personally believe being a good professional stylist is not only based on great hair styling skills, but also how well he/she relates with his/her clients. The few people who enjoy a styling session with their stylists most certainly don't experience any belittling of their hair during the process.

For me, I'd rather get to stepping than clinging to a positive-sucking hairstylist. She can be Michelangelo with hair but I most certainly won't sacrifice my hard earned money and precious time to be her muse.
As far as I know the term jiggaboo simply means trifling. I don't think it has anything to do with being light-skinned or dark skinned. At least I've never heard it used in a way that suggests it does. But even word usage and meanin can vary regionally.

So you've never seen School Daze?

But back to your original rant - If you keep going to her you deserve whatever you get. She will call you out again, she is an unprofessional stylist. This cannot be the 1st time she's done this to you or anyone else. $130 relaxer???? And she's going to talk crazy to me??? No, I do not think so. She will not be getting 1 more dime of my hard earned money.
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I agree OP don't you think you deserve better? I mean not much we can do except what we have already done. I am sure there are other people in your area that can do better.

Ugh what is wrong with some cosmo these days? Depending on which school you go to I am sure they taught you how to relate to customers, and the proper way to interact. GL OP
and not all naturals have thick hair, I don't know why people think natural = thick hair. if your hair is thick it's thick regardless of processed or not processed just had to add that.
I have been trying to tell people this forever. Everyone ask me did my hair become thick when I went natural? (Insert my confused look) Also do I think their hair would thicken up if they went natural? My hair has always been thick even relaxed. I had big, thick, long relaxed hair and I have big, thick, long natural hair. No biggie to me.
Well I think because A LOT of people thin their hair out overprocessing their hair with relaxers, which in turn leads to thin, dull, lifeless hair. Take away relaxer and all of a sudden thickness is there. That is if healthy hair care practices are being used.
Dang is that how she builds a rapport to keep loyal clients, belittle them and force them to become weekly clients?! I'm sorry for 130 and that type of treatment, u can buy you the affirm kit of 4 applications, neutralizer etc and learn how to self relax for free.