LOTS of PICS! Perfected my transition twist-out and more!

Cinna, your hair is beautiful. I love the twist out. Is a "flat twist" like a cornrow but using two sections of hair instead of three? And, do you think that your braidouts/twistouts turn out better when you do them on airdried hair or soaking wet?

Also, do you airdry your hair in ponytails so that your newgrowth is flattened a bit? I'm trying to figure out what state your ng is in when you do your flat twisting.

AND...I love that updo thing...what is it? Two buns? How did you do that? It looks like a figure eight.

Thank you.

Yes, it's a flat twist corn-row using two sections. And if this makes sense, when I twist, I twist tightly, and not loosely. I think this is key to achieving a good "set."

My twist-outs turn out better on previously dried hair that is re-wettened (with my water and hair products... see the above post). I always airdry in a few braids (anywhere from 8 to 10... the smaller the better, because they will dry quicker). When dry like this, my new growth is semi-stretched and this is also how I do my braidouts (which turn out better on freshly washed wet hair).

And the updo was achieved by making a horizontal part in the back of my hair, splitting the hair in half. The top half is brushed and put into an ouchless band. The length of the ponytail is swooped over counter clockwise and brought down to the lower half. Then I sort of french roll the bottom half and secure with a hair pin or two.

Hope that helps!

And thank you, everyone!