Lots of compliments on my color


New Member
Thanks again to Lindy and Tracy, I've received so many compliments on my hair. My mom recolored it for me on the 25th and all over I've been getting compliments, the other day I went into coach and the sales woman who had very beautiful healthy hair gave me a compliment...for me that's huge anyway I felt like I was a Tracy doll spouting everything she's told me and everyone else about carefully coloring hair.

Besides that my hair has grown and I'm happy about that, in fact I met up with my sis-in-law and she thought I had a weave, she didn't out right say it but she was giving me the eye and then I finally said "uh, do you wanna feel my roots?" she started laughing and said wait a minute wasn't your hair *snapping her fingers* this short last week.

I've been working the bun as a protective style or I'll wash it and let it air dry curly and pin it up with a clip. I never thought I could wash my hair and walk out of the house no fuss no worry but I'm doing it. I wish I could post a pic, it just seems so complicated to do. I would even love one of those journals, but anyhow that's my progress, I measured my hair and it's 16 1/2 inches from hairline crown straight back.

Oh and Lindy/Tracy when my mom did it for me she put the color all over instead of on the roots...ugh! I know she wasn't supposed to do that but my hair is one color now, except for my crown which looks more blonde.
Ooooh Congrats on the successful hair colour and the compliments. Even though you know you're doing good when a stranger compliments you, you know you feel even better.

Girl what did you get from Coach?
thanks to u all
Ooooh Congrats on the successful hair colour and the compliments. Even though you know you're doing good when a stranger compliments you, you know you feel even better.

Girl what did you get from Coach?

[/ QUOTE ]
you are so funny **yeah yeah the hair is fine, now tell me whatcha got from coach**
Well I was looking for a case for my new sidekick phone, I checked out the mini pouch and I'll probably get it this week it's not a phone case but the sidekick isn't a regular phone anyway, it just fits.
Thank you girl. It's so hard to find big enough pics of her with her long hair online. Hopefully there will be more soon if she attends the BB2 premiere in a few weeks with Will. Knowing my luck she'll either not be there or have it up in a bun.

LOL! @ the doll joke...

Don't freak over Mom putting color all over. I did this the last time to get a more even look when I went from the Lightest Blond to the Bronze color. But condition, condition, condition and make sure your hair gets PLENTY of protein....

It should be fine.

I'm SOOOO happy you like the color. A good color can light your whole face up like sunshine....Lindy made quite a find with that Bronze...

I am forever indebted... LOL!

@ Lindy! and
for Kisz!
Tracy, It really does something for the face, I haven't had a reformation like this since learning about getting my eyebrows done. My aunt told me she loved the color and it didn't look like gold or red hoochie style. She said it looks like the sun kissed my hair. I was like whoa!!

Okay now somebody tell me how to post pics, puhllllease.
CH, viola?? I remember how long it took you to post your pics, don't give me that viola stuff

Is there anyway to do it without a scanner, let me ask a ?...you use a regular camera and then go through the process of getting them developed and then you scan them? That seems time consuming, I see ladies here posting pics every week there's got to be a simplier way.
Congrats girl! Bronze color? I obviously missed a thread here. Could somebody tell me what brand that is or link me to the thread? TIA!
Soslychic, It's Clairol Textures & Tones, in "Bronze."

Hey Kisz4tj!!
I'm so glad your hair came out good!!
You're so right; this is just THE BEST color!! I just love the compliments I get on my hair!!

A couple of weeks ago I had my hair done all curly and I was taking my daughter to get her hair done for her school dance and her stylist told me how much she loved my hair color. It feels good to walk into a hair salon and have them compliment your hair!!

Man, pretty soon everybody's gonna be walking around with this T&T "bronze." One of my friends is also planning on doing her hair with it soon. I wish I was getting a commission for all my recommendations!!!
I wish I was getting a commission for all my recommendations!!!

[/ QUOTE ] I know that's right!
Thanks kisz4tj! I would love to see a pic! I was actually looking at this color a few weeks back in the BSS. Now I think I will try it after I take my braids out!