Looking on the bright side!!


New Member
I was just sitting down thinking of all the ups and down I've had with my hair. In spite of all the progress I make, I always seem to find negatives to overshadow the good things. But recently I've actually been looking on the bright side, relaxing and enjoying my hair. So here's the things I'm celebrating in terms of healthier hair.

1) My hair is the longest it's been EVER!!

2) It's in the heathiest condition EVER!!

3) I know which products work well for me and that is truly great for me.

4) I love what my vitamins are doing for my overall health and hair.

I've taken a new approach to my hair care journey. It's really not about the length for me anymore, but more on maintaining a healthy mane. AND feeling good about all the great things I've learned.

Tell me your bright side!!!
My hair grows at a snails pace.
But on the bright side, I am retaining all my growth instead of seeing it in my combs, all over my shoulders, going down the drain, etc. It is the healthiest it has ever been in my life and I have no split ends. None!
Great thread Aqt!!!!!!!!!

My bright sides:

1. my hair is also the longest it's been since I was little
2. I know exactly what I need to do to my hair to keep it healthy
3. It's a l'il dry, and a l'il fragile - but it the RIGHT COLOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry that's the bright side for this month.
4. I've identified lots of GREAT drugstore brand products that work really well in my hair - something I've been hard pressed to do before.
Wonderful thread! It made me smile.

My bright sides:

* My hair is MUCH healthier than it's ever been
* I finally have a hair regimen (which will change from time to time) when I never did before
* I have hair products that work well for me each time
* I have a variety of protective styles I can choose from
* I am retaining length
* My hair always feels soft and moisturized and has body
Bright Side:
I have the thickest head of hair I have ever had.
I have a refined regime.
Being a PJ has paid of and I now have an arsenal of products to use at whatever phase I am in.
My hair looks great practically everyday.
Mine are a repeat of other ladies, but

It's longer that it's ever been.
I have many products that work well on my hair.
I have a regimen I'm pleased with.
I can be very versatile with it now as opposed to how I couldn't do a thing with it back in the day.
-My hair is the longest it has been since 1995.
-really thick and healthy looking.
-where are my split ends?

-I found products that are good for me.
-I've always had longish hair (by pre-LHCF standards), a little past my shoulders, but my hair is now the longest it's ever been.

- I no longer comb my hair and have broken pieces on my clothing and in my sink

- I don't depend on a stylist, with the exception of touch ups and trims. And my hair is the healthiest it's ever been.
Mariaat40 said:
-my hair is now the longest it's ever been.

- I no longer comb my hair and have broken pieces on my clothing and in my sink

- I don't depend on a stylist, with the exception of touch ups and trims. And my hair is the healthiest it's ever been.

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Ditto... and I have perfected my regimen!!

Army, I'm glad you're feeling better about your hair!!
Great thread! My bright side:
1. Being blessed to find a plethora of information on how to grow black hair long via this forum and healthy hair care books (Thank God for answered prayer in terms of length and learning how to grow longer hair!)

2. Having access to high quality hair products
3. Finally knowing how to take care of my hair instead of simply getting it done.
4. Seeing the amount of growth that I've gained over the past few months and despite set backs caused by too much "trimming" knowing that I finally have the knowledge to grow my hair to my desired length. :-)
my bright side:
My hair grows kinda fast
Im 100% natural
I know what my actual hair type is instead of trying to figure it out from an inch of new growth when I had my relaxer
My hair is stonger
I stand out a lot more among other people style wise
Cheap products work great on my natural hair
-My hair is the healthiest it's ever been, it looks so different form how it used to look
-Now that I've figured out what I was doing wrong, I am -finally retaining some growth
-I'm learning to love my natural texture
-learning to love my thickness...I'm glad about it but it can be hard to manage sometimes
-Overall I am much happier with my hair!
Bright sides
1.No more breakage
2.My hair is longer than I can ever remember
3.My hair is ultra soft and touchable(or so my BF says

Btw,your hair looks really cute bettydavis!How long have you been natural and how long did it take you to gain that much length?
Thanks Katie!
I've been natural for maybe a year now. I started out with about 4-6 inches when I joined LHCF, my relaxed hair had gradually broken off because of damage. Now my hair is about 7-9 inches.
Boadicea said:
I'm glad you're feeling better about your hair Armyqt!

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Thanks B!!
bright side:
my hair is really healthy.
even though it's still quite short it's the longest it's ever been.
since doing conditioner washes my hair feels more moisturized
Army, I'm glad you're feeling better about your hair!!

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Thanks Lindy
. I got so much encouragement from everyone here, it made me re-evaluate the whole hair growing thing.

It is so great to hear of everyone's succeses No matter how small they are. So whenever we're feeling not so great about our hair, we can always refer back to this thread and look on the bright side. Positive thinking is great for growth