Looking for Neutral/Clear Henna Regimen Suggestions

What are your Cassia (clear/neutral) Henna Results?

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I want to try Cassia (the clear henna). I used the reddish henna years ago and I liked it, but now I have silver streaks in my hair and I want to keep those. I'm going to use a cassia/evo/yogurt mix.

Any LHCF members use the clear henna?

1) What were your results
2) Did it color any grey hairs (if you have any)
3) What is your regimen (what did you combine it with and frequency of use).

I am going to try cassia henna for the first time on Tuesday. During my research I read that cassia can turn grey hair blond, it should be more info on it at hennaforhair.com
Darn, I was afraid of that. Ooooh, let me know how it goes on Tuesday, pics too if possible! I may have to live vicariously through you :grin: Are you going to apply it with anything?

Thank you so much for the link,
Hey Lady... I use Cassia regularly because I do not want to color my hair. I mix it with a little Queen Helen Cholesterol conditioner, egg yolk & water. I find w/henna simplicity is best. I get no color deposit at all. I have 1 gray hair atop my head & she is unfazed by the Cassia. my hair feels stronger. I love the henna benefits hate the threat of color. Cassia is the best of both worlds!
Hey Lady... I use Cassia regularly because I do not want to color my hair. I mix it with a little Queen Helen Cholesterol conditioner, egg yolk & water. I find w/henna simplicity is best. I get no color deposit at all. I have 1 gray hair atop my head & she is unfazed by the Cassia. my hair feels stronger. I love the henna benefits hate the threat of color. Cassia is the best of both worlds!

I Am,

Unfazed you say! Hmmmm, all the perks without the color. I really was a hesitant due to the possibility of color deposits. You've given me hope!

i am also wondering this. When I was reading about cassia I thought it was saying that Cassia is the most neutral of the henna but not necessarily neutral. It still has some color. I guess this will be the one I try when I try it cause I also want to keep my natural color. I can't wait to try this already. Is henna cheap?

Thanks for the link. Did you notice this paragraph?

"Here's how to dye your faded or graying blond hair with cassia obovata:

Mix cassia with enough lemon juice or orange juice to make a paste as thick as yogurt. *Let the paste sit about 12 hours. *Section your hair and apply the cassia thick, as you would cake frosting into all the sections and down to the scalp. Wrap your hair in plastic wrap to contain the slop. **Leave the paste in three hours. * Rinse out and shampoo.* Your gray or faded blond hair should feel heavy, thick and silky, and have a lovely youthful golden color."

Why would they have separate instructions for dyeing grey hair golden if it did automatically? Know what I mean? I think it's the combination of lemon juice and the 12hr span with the henna in your hair that does it. The instructions for conditioning doesn't mention lemon and you leave it in for 1hr only. I think I'm going to do it this weekend!

Thanks again,
I did Cassia once and it didn't turn my gray hair yellow! It stayed gray. However, I moved on to do Henna/Cassia Treatments (100g Henna/220g Cassia) and I will never stop. I absolutely love it. Being that my natural hair is basically black the only color deposit I get at this amount of Henna used for all of my hair is on my gray's!!

Thanks for the link. Did you notice this paragraph?

"Here's how to dye your faded or graying blond hair with cassia obovata:

Mix cassia with enough lemon juice or orange juice to make a paste as thick as yogurt. *Let the paste sit about 12 hours. *Section your hair and apply the cassia thick, as you would cake frosting into all the sections and down to the scalp. Wrap your hair in plastic wrap to contain the slop. **Leave the paste in three hours. * Rinse out and shampoo.* Your gray or faded blond hair should feel heavy, thick and silky, and have a lovely youthful golden color."

Why would they have separate instructions for dyeing grey hair golden if it did automatically? Know what I mean? I think it's the combination of lemon juice and the 12hr span with the henna in your hair that does it. The instructions for conditioning doesn't mention lemon and you leave it in for 1hr only. I think I'm going to do it this weekend!

Thanks again,

That's right it does need something acidic to release the color ! :lachen: I totally by passed that part so you should be fine.

I used the cassia on my hair yesterday I only used 100g and it was a lot for my hair. I am nearing BSL and I would say that the 100g could have been enough for 2 applications (but I glopped it all on my head anyway:grin:).

The results were stronger ( no hairs in my comb), thicker hair ! My ends that are normally very see through looked thick. I will definitely continue using the cassia and probably will move on to henna (and just not let the dye release). I've been trying to post pictures since yesterday but have not had any luck.:perplexed
That's right it does need something acidic to release the color ! :lachen: I totally by passed that part so you should be fine.

I used the cassia on my hair yesterday I only used 100g and it was a lot for my hair. I am nearing BSL and I would say that the 100g could have been enough for 2 applications (but I glopped it all on my head anyway:grin:).

The results were stronger ( no hairs in my comb), thicker hair ! My ends that are normally very see through looked thick. I will definitely continue using the cassia and probably will move on to henna (and just not let the dye release). I've been trying to post pictures since yesterday but have not had any luck.:perplexed

Thanks for the update doll-baby! Now of course it figures there are only two indian grocers where I'm currently staying and neither of them have cassia:perplexed Maybe I'll better luck when I go into Denver tomorrow for my written exams...hmmm, must find it.

I did Cassia once and it didn't turn my gray hair yellow! It stayed gray. However, I moved on to do Henna/Cassia Treatments (100g Henna/220g Cassia) and I will never stop. I absolutely love it. Being that my natural hair is basically black the only color deposit I get at this amount of Henna used for all of my hair is on my gray's!!

Yay! More reassuring results! Thanks fyb87. Now I just have to find it locally (I don't want to wait until I go back home) and I don't want to risk my greys with the regular henna. Shoot, I earned them:lachen:. Besides they're really cool streaks that start from my temples. I get compliments on them and people have even asked if I've dyed it that color! Nope, all natural...all mine...I like 'em and I'm keeping 'em!:yep:

Bumping to ask how often do you ladies do a cassia treatment? Should I expect results with the first use or will it take a few?