Looking a hot mess for hair growth!


New Member
Would you go around looking like a hot mess for hair growth???

I say this because since Sept. I have had some questionable "hairstyles" all for the sake of the health of my hair. I have done questionable looking wash and go's. A modified up-do out of a rollerset, etc. One day my SO picked me up and was like I love your outfit, but why didn't you do your hair? This was me just con-washing it at night and letting it dry straight with a satin scarf at night and just combing it and tucking it behind my ear in the morning /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

But it's all paying off my hair is growing like a weed and my ends are as healthy as colored ends can be!

So, the question is will you/have you looked like a hot mess for the health of your hair?
/images/graemlins/rofl.gif You are soo funny Ms. K!!! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

I've had some that are questionable by day 3 for sure. Sometime you don't know day 3 is going to be so rough, braidouts are going straight, the ends are straight, smashed more on one side, etc. Then there are the LHCF styling mishaps. Fortunately for me I had the length I needed to hide them. When it all goes wrong I either bun it up or pin it up tighter. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif Hair pins and clips are on hand at all times.
I was JUST going to post a topic about this! My hair is banged up!!!! Well...in my opinion it is /images/graemlins/frown.gif. Fortunately I work around all white people (I'm the only black person at this firm)so they think everything I do with my hair is great. Unfortunately---black folks know better. I've had braids in for 5 weeks now and theyre torn up--(I've been Surging y'all and have 1 in. of new growth to prove it). I need to get the braids redone, but didnt see the point in spending another $100 to get micros when I'm getting a touch up right before New Years. I'm not really concerned about it at work, but at home I'm like--dang I know my BF wishes I would do something with my head. But I can't...I'm stretching my relaxers and surging all in the name of hair growth! Can I get an amen?
Laughing at this thread cause it's exactly how I feel right now...I'm at the 11 week post touch up point...
but it's not as bad as I thought...thanks to Kitchen_tician I am a fan of Solar Rollers...and I just wear my hair soft and curly all around pinned up in the back with a headband.

But I'm glad I'm stretching, I have at least a solid inch plus of retained new growth...
Even though I rock them, I do not like the phonytail so I always feel like I look a hot mess with it. I SO miss wearing my hair down but I know my hair won't do what I want it to do if it's down all the time. It doesn't help that everyone asks when I'm going to go back to wearing my hair or why I'm wearing fake hair when I have hair. /images/graemlins/frown.gif But it's working so I'm working it.
I know I look a hot mess, my newgrowth is outta control. My back kitchen is "nappy", and I have been wearing this bun/phonytail thing for awhile now. It has gotten to the point that I can't smooth the hair back because I got so much gosh darn newgrowth under there. I am getting a sew in weave soon, at least I can style it and burn the heck out of it with curlers, flat irons, etc.-And look good!
Yes, I have in the past and I am not willing to do it anymore. I want to enjoy the process of growing my hair instead of feeling down that hair looks crappy. So an easy solution for me is to weave it up. So far I am very happy becuase I feel I have a protective style and I look cute.
Absolutely my hair looks like a mess! I've been wearing this ponytail now for a couple of weeks, since it's the only style I can wear for a whole week without having to wash again. I have so much NG that it takes forever to detangle after washing so I'm trying to minimize it.

I've got so much grease and WGO on my hair and scalp that I KNOW I look crazy! That's okay though, because hopefully I can reach my goal when I relax in a few weeks and won't have to do this anymore. /images/graemlins/rofl.gif Then it will all be worth it!
I'm guilty... ::throws hands up:: /images/graemlins/look.gif
My little kinky-krinkly-kurly bun is getting boring and tired. My edges stick up all the time... *sigh* I almost bought a phonytail last night. I may still invest in one after some thought...
Good ?
My hair looks a hot mess right now due to stretching out my perms. I've got it in a bun, you've seen the look MsK. Only prob is, although the majority of my new growth is fairly managable(tight wavy pattern), my edges are my rough spots. And wouldn't you know it, edges are the most visible part of a pulled back hairstyle.

Oh year, Msk, don't you laugh at my references to "waves"(DC meeting), you know I keep it real with my naps! LOL
I'm with Melodee, my edges are ridiculously rough so I have been looking a hot mess for a minute now because I have been either pulling my hair back or wearing it out and behing my ears. My hair is so puffy these days so it will not lay right.
/images/graemlins/rofl.gif @ thread

Well I figure I'll be cute and have flowing, tight hair when I get closer to my goal. For now, y'all are just gonna have to love these air dry styles. Today I have some combo up-do/french roll/sprout w/2" of new growth showing b/c I sweat my roller wrap out @ the gym last night and wasnt about to pull my hair straight in a tight bun to make it str8 again /images/graemlins/nono.gif. Looking straight HIT!
Girl, I have been looking a hot mess all year. I am growing out a perm so some people are like why don't you just perm your hair. One of my co-workers at the DC meeting saying your hair looks really good. She probadly is so use it looking tore up. This is why I loved my wig. For rough days like today I could just wig it on. White people make it so hard sometimes because they are so curious. They already think I am a chamelon because I am always changing my hair.

The black people are looking at me like what is up with your hair. Lord, please let me get some money so I can braid it up. I am tired of doing it already.
Look in the dictionary under Hot Mess......Yup, that's me waving and smiling......But it's okay......I figured that I didn't have to worry since it's winter and I stay in most of the time cause of the cold weather...wellll....WTF...Why has this been the mildest winter sooo far!!!!! (LOL) It's suppose to reach 60 today!!! Ohh well....baggie bun with stocking cover and scrunchie=long healthy hair!!!!!
Mel, your hair looked gorgeous at the meeting! If your edges start to bother you try the Kemi Shea Butter Pomade it will give your hair a smooth & non-hard or drying hold /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Sbaker, don't you hate when someone says your hair looks good with surprise in their voice /images/graemlins/laugh.gif It did look very nice at the meeting. Keep wigging it up; I'm thinking about buying a fall. The white people at my office are always commenting about my changing hair and I swear I don't change it that much /images/graemlins/laugh.gif they'd probably die if I got braids!

Seng, I'm with you my hair will be tight all the time when I reach my goal length as for now I can weather the bad hair days! /images/graemlins/smile.gif

CBG, the weave thing sounds good in theory, but I don't have the money or the faintest idea on weave up keep.
I should get the award for "Hot Mess Hair". I am walking around with some of my hair tucked into the braids until I take all of it out this weekend. I have to do a mirror check just make sure nothing is hanging out.
i know how that is im dealin with it right now an i have a clip bun that is massive and a headband im goinin to get it done this weekend with a black rinse and deep cond and cornrowed i will def keep it moistured caus i dont want any breakage, tryin to ger 3 inches past bra strap
Sometimes after I make a braided bun and pin it up, I'm afraid to check the back of my head (using two mirrors) and see how bad it looks. The bun might be off center; the back hair line might not be edged up; maybe there's too much new growth puffing up the bun.

At least I don't have to look at it all day.
Would and have. Half of my buns are a hot mess, and me with a streched relaxer ain't nothing nice. Oh well.

When my hair looks a mess, I talk to it...I say, "Just chill...it'll be greater later, honey." /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I have been since january except when I get my relaxer I'll where it like that for about a week or two until I start surging and co washes.
my hair was about to start looking a hot mess.. i'm only about to be 5 weeks post and it was already gettin ridiculously puffy on me. so now i'm in cornrows and plan to keep that way til january.. then i might get micros or a touchup.
Today my head looks like birds nest, which is why I asked about flat twisting earlier. I may have to break down and use the flat iron.
I have done this and yes it was a nightmare. I cut my hair as short as Halle berrys cut. I grew it back out. I didn't do anything to it such as braids, hairstyles etc)I just left it alone so it can grow out healthy. It was soo shaggy. To short for a pony tail and all shaggy like when left out. Believe me, no man looked twice at me then. Now they fall over themselves. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I'm definitely guilty of this! My buns look a hot mess around 3.5 months post relaxer /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
I'm laughing at this thread too! The last time I got a re-touch I was 16 weeks post-relaxer. My hair looked good the last few weeks of the stretch but around the ninth week my family kept asking me when I was gonna get my hair done and saying stuff like "You're not going out with your hair like that, are you?" /images/graemlins/crazy.gif Not to mention they detest my bun styles. /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif They had nothing but compliments for my roller sets though.

I even had to admitt that my hair was lookin a complete mess around the ninth - twelth weeks into my 4 month stretch. And as much as it is a protective style, I really hate to wear a bun in public.

I bought some wigs to wear on harsh weather days in the winter; I also made sure that they are really cute styles so that I can still look good while protecting my own hair.One of them has light brown highlights and the cut is super cute. I just couldn't take lookin a fully grown mess in public anymore! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
I would and have. I've decided instead of trying to do a bun from weeks 8 to 12 I'll get cornrows to help me extend my touch ups to every 3 months.

I would wear a bun and it would all be smooth except my new growth which would poof up like a lion's mane around my hairline.

This is part of the reason I'm wearing cornrows now. My new growth was outta control.
This has been my challenge since I came to LHCF, what to do with my hair while growing it out so I won't look a hot mess. I find it takes more creativity and tolorance. As my relaxer stretches into the double digit weeks, I make sure my hair is braided up (my own hair) and either wear a braidout or pin them up. That way the edges don't really stand out, it looks like part of the rest.
If things get really rough, I can just put on my snood.