Look mommy, snakes!


Well-Known Member
Today I was in the subway going to meet a friend for lunch and I heard a little blond girl say to her mom, "Look, mommy snakes". She was referring to another white lady waiting for the train and she had mid-back length locks.:blush: The woman replied to the little girl in a nice tone,"these aren't snakes but a hair-style". I think I would have died from embarrassment :lol:
I think her mom handled that well. As a mom of four, Kids really do say the darndest things LOL

Then I think mother and lady both handled that very well :yep:. I don't have kids (yet), but I've had the darndest things said to me by little kids with no exposure to black people, so things have (mostly) rolled off my back.
The lady with the hairstyle responded but I think the mom said those aren't snakes, I think.

Ohh Okay, Great she said something. Maybe mom was like :look: and didn't know what to say.

My kids and their noses: Mom what is that smell :look: and they are about 3 at the time and a person who just walked by was the smell but they were so DRAMATIC, I was like don't do that, and later explained. LOL
HUH, Kids no shame at all.

They call it as they see it LOL