(!!!) Look How Much HAIR I LOSS (!!!)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made

Password: Jesus

I just washed my hair today after two weeks and this is how much hair I loss from detangling. I sprayed ElastaQP Penetrating Moisturizer all over my hair. Then I sectioned my hair one by one and applied ElastaQP Mango Butter and Suave Humectant to each section and detangled with my K-Cutter. Right now, I have five puny-looking braids in my hair. My scalp feels sore. I wonder if I ripped any hair out of my scalp because there was so many chunks of hair that came out. :cry:

I have 7 months of new growth... is this normal hair loss for a transitioner without the big chop???

What should I do? I'm afraid to blowdry my hair myself (last time, my mom blowdried it. I'm not at her house right now). :nono:

Should I just get my relaxed hair off??? :confused:
Poohbear said:

Password: Jesus

I just washed my hair today after two weeks and this is how much hair I loss from detangling. I sprayed ElastaQP Penetrating Moisturizer all over my hair. Then I sectioned my hair one by one and applied ElastaQP Mango Butter and Suave Humectant to each section and detangled with my K-Cutter. Right now, I have five puny-looking braids in my hair. My scalp feels sore. I wonder if I ripped any hair out of my scalp because there was so many chunks of hair that came out. :cry:

I have 7 months of new growth... is this normal hair loss for a transitioner without the big chop???

What should I do? I'm afraid to blowdry my hair myself (last time, my mom blowdried it. I'm not at her house right now). :nono:

Should I just get my relaxed hair off??? :confused:
Do you detangle before you wet the hair? How about trying to detangle with your fingers.... :confused:
Poohbear said:

Password: Jesus

I just washed my hair today after two weeks and this is how much hair I loss from detangling. I sprayed ElastaQP Penetrating Moisturizer all over my hair. Then I sectioned my hair one by one and applied ElastaQP Mango Butter and Suave Humectant to each section and detangled with my K-Cutter. Right now, I have five puny-looking braids in my hair. My scalp feels sore. I wonder if I ripped any hair out of my scalp because there was so many chunks of hair that came out. :cry:

I have 7 months of new growth... is this normal hair loss for a transitioner without the big chop???

What should I do? I'm afraid to blowdry my hair myself (last time, my mom blowdried it. I'm not at her house right now). :nono:

Should I just get my relaxed hair off??? :confused:
Poohbear, that is a lot of hair loss. However, since you are transitioning, it is probably not unreasonable. Do you normally wash your hair every two weeks? How were you wearing your hair during that two week period? If it was in a style that did not require combing every day, such as braids or twists, that much hair loss, combined with the stretch between shampoos, is probably within reason.
oh no pooh i'm so sorry. your technique sounds right but something went wrong. especially if your head is sore. when you hit a rough spot did you continue to comb or did you stop and try to massage/remove the tangle by hand. my scalp is never sore from a detangling. even at the one year transitioning mark with 4in newgrowth i never lost that much.

on the pic i said chop but if you are not ready to chop maybe you should just try a new detangling method. you arent having breakage when you comb dry are you? I had really good luck with my situation using a wide tooth comb and an ace unbreakable with the 2 different size teeth. i wide tooth combed, removed tangles by hand, used the wider side of the ace, used hand, used the fine side of the ace if all else failed i removed all of the hairs from the tangle i could by hand down to the last hair that the tangle was on then snipped. i wasnt worried about cutting because in most cased i only snipped 1 hair.
Maybe you should try Pantene Light Spray Detangler leave-in next time. I lose much less hair with this
Ashee said:
Do you detangle before you wet the hair? How about trying to detangle with your fingers.... :confused:

Yes I detangled before wetting my hair. I did a pre-poo treatment with oils before shampooing in the shower...

I tried to detangle with my finger before using my K-Cutter and my hair was too matted together. :(
katie said:
Maybe you should try Pantene Light Spray Detangler leave-in next time. I lose much less hair with this
Ut uh! I tried this detangler before when I was fully relaxed and it made my hair hard. :(
balisi said:
Poohbear, that is a lot of hair loss. However, since you are transitioning, it is probably not unreasonable. Do you normally wash your hair every two weeks? How were you wearing your hair during that two week period? If it was in a style that did not require combing every day, such as braids or twists, that much hair loss, combined with the stretch between shampoos, is probably within reason.
I just decided to start washing my hair every 2 weeks on April 9. Before, I was washing my hair once a week.

During the two week period, it was worn blowdried straight. I just combed my hair when wrapping it at night and unwrapping in the morning.
Poohbear said:
Yes I detangled before wetting my hair. I did a pre-poo treatment with oils before shampooing in the shower...

I tried to detangle with my finger before using my K-Cutter and my hair was too matted together. :(
One more, do you manipulate your hair upside down or on top of your head? I found that when I gather my hair on top of my head I get major tangling...
Poohbear you're right that is a lot of lost hair. I would only think that's reasonable if you hadn't combed at all during the two week period due to having your hair in braids or some other protective style. Is this mostly breakage or shedding? If it's breakage yes the chop seems reasonable.
I think I know what the problem was. Anky helped me point it out...

I washed my hair as if it was relaxed... all smooth back.

I only washed in two sections... I need to do more.

See, after I got done washing my hair, it was hard to section out in order to start detangling...

Next time, I'm gonna wash my hair in more sections and NOT have it all smooth back. I'll make a part in the middle and have hair on the sides of my face as well. :yep:
Ashee said:
One more, do you manipulate your hair upside down or on top of your head? I found that when I gather my hair on top of my head I get major tangling...:perplexed
No, I did not gather my hair on top of my head. :nono: I just let my hair hang down while I washed it...
Yeah, Pooh, wash your hair it at least 4 sections. Detangle and twist or braid that section up before you go on to the others. HTH!
msportugal said:
oh no pooh i'm so sorry. your technique sounds right but something went wrong. especially if your head is sore. when you hit a rough spot did you continue to comb or did you stop and try to massage/remove the tangle by hand. my scalp is never sore from a detangling. even at the one year transitioning mark with 4in newgrowth i never lost that much.

on the pic i said chop but if you are not ready to chop maybe you should just try a new detangling method. you arent having breakage when you comb dry are you? I had really good luck with my situation using a wide tooth comb and an ace unbreakable with the 2 different size teeth. i wide tooth combed, removed tangles by hand, used the wider side of the ace, used hand, used the fine side of the ace if all else failed i removed all of the hairs from the tangle i could by hand down to the last hair that the tangle was on then snipped. i wasnt worried about cutting because in most cased i only snipped 1 hair.
When I hit a rough spot, I did both... continue to comb and tried to remove the tangle or knot with my fingers. I was so frustrated too.

I don't have any breakage when I combed my hair dry after it's been blowdried.

I may consider cutting it. It's the relaxed part of my hair that's giving me trouble when I try to detangle my hair. I may go to a wig place and see what short hair looks like on me.
Oh my goodness Poohbear! I'm so sorry to see this! :( That's definitely a lot of hair to loose. Whatever you were doing before, go back to doing that! The other method that you say you're gonna use, is that what you've been doing in the past? I mean because you weren't loosing hair like this before right? And you've been combing it.
DahomeyAhosi said:
Poohbear you're right that is a lot of lost hair. I would only think that's reasonable if you hadn't combed at all during the two week period due to having your hair in braids or some other protective style. Is this mostly breakage or shedding? If it's breakage yes the chop seems reasonable.
It was mostly shedding. I'm sure there was a lot of breakage in the mix of that hair loss bundle as well. I combed everyday during that two week period.
I'm so sorry that you loss so much hair, I am glad you figured out what went wrong. Stick with what works for your hair to avoid future mishaps. Don't worry your hair will be fine. :)
Poohbear said:
Yes I detangled before wetting my hair. I did a pre-poo treatment with oils before shampooing in the shower...

I tried to detangle with my finger before using my K-Cutter and my hair was too matted together. :(

My friend tried the pre poo with EVOO and it made her hair tangle so that might be the culprit! I am sorry to hear about the hair loss though!
Poohbear said:
I think I know what the problem was. Anky helped me point it out...

I washed my hair as if it was relaxed... all smooth back.

I only washed in two sections... I need to do more.

See, after I got done washing my hair, it was hard to section out in order to start detangling...

Next time, I'm gonna wash my hair in more sections and NOT have it all smooth back. I'll make a part in the middle and have hair on the sides of my face as well. :yep:
Yes, try Anky's suggestion before you do the BC!:yep:
sweetpeadst said:
My friend tried the pre poo with EVOO and it made her hair tangle so that might be the culprit! I am sorry to hear about the hair loss though!
Hmmm... I didnt start doing pre-poo treatment til the end of last month I think. Next time, I may try without doing one. ;)
Pooh,I would do what anky suggested!....Im textrelaxed and I still put my hair in four sections and wash that way, especially when i have new growth.

First i part my hair into four sections used the claw clips to hold them and i detangle using a spray leave-in one section at a time. Than i put my pre poo treatment on all four sections, sit under the dryer,and than rinse each section, shampoo each section and add condition each section.

It might seem like a lot of work but it is worth it because you wont lose as much hair.
I wash my hair in two sections (parted down the middle) and I have very thick hair. I use claw clips to hold each section up.
The blow dryer with comb attachment ALWAYS tears my hair out. Whenever my hair is blowdried, the stylist always uses a brush (paddle or denman) instead and I get great results with no damage.
Hey Poohbear... hang in there girl! Remember my post... "I want to just cry and then die?" I lost more hair than that. My situation was a lot like yours sounded. I definitelly find that washing in 4 sections helps. Also making sure I get rid of all of the shed hairs. I have tried prepooing with Olive oil and it made my hair hard and tangly. What I find works well.. is honey with Suave Biobasics or (less favorite) honey with Suave tropical coconut conditioner. If I put that on (almost like you were putting on a relaxer and put some on the length of the hair too) let it sit for a couple of hours... my hair is a lot less tangled...and its moisturized.

The other thing that helped when I had my big bout of tangling....was a trim of my ends. I started transitioning in November...about a month after you did. Maybe a small cut will help you too.

You might also consider going back to washing once a week to get rid of shed hairs more often ... and to make sure your hair is properly moisturized.

I'm sorry you had to go through that. Its so disheartening for me to see how thin my ponytail is now... but the roots are thick...so I know eventually it will all grow out.
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I agree with washing in section. That really helped me with detangling. And like other, olive oil and my hair don't mix. Coconut oil worked a lot better to help detangle when I used it as a pre-poo treatment. I put the coconut oil on my dry hair after I warmed it up a bit, just slather it on. Let it sit for as long as you want but when you go to shampoo, DO NOT run water over your hair first. Just pour some shampoo in your hand and start to lather your sections. (I know it sounds crazy but it worked for me) Rinse, then you can slather on your conditioner and start to detangle. This made things a lot easier for me while transitioning. Try different things & techniques before you big chop. Good luck:)
Girl I feel you with the hair loss frustration! I'm trying to figure out my own bits of hair loss myself. You're innovative though, I know it'll be alright. :)
sweetpeadst said:
My friend tried the pre poo with EVOO and it made her hair tangle so that might be the culprit! I am sorry to hear about the hair loss though!
I agree with Sweetpeadst and the other ladies about the pre poo with oils. I did a pre poo with my Keracare Essential Oils when I first bought it and I noticed a LOT of tangling which I never had before. I did this with EVOO on another occasion to make sure it was the oils and experienced the same tangling. So now, I use my oils in other ways, just not as a pre poo.
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sorry to to see that pooh. I have one thing that helps with the naughty knots...Jilbere shower comb. Works great! Also, do you separate your hair insections prior to detangling...I find that it really makes a difference for me.
Alli77 said:
sorry to to see that pooh. I have one thing that helps with the naughty knots...Jilbere shower comb. Works great! Also, do you separate your hair insections prior to detangling...I find that it really makes a difference for me.
I used this to detangle in the shower. Chunks came out. That pile of hair that I had in my hand wasn't all that I loss... some went down the shower drain... :(
nurseN98 said:
I agree with washing in section. That really helped me with detangling. And like other, olive oil and my hair don't mix. Coconut oil worked a lot better to help detangle when I used it as a pre-poo treatment. I put the coconut oil on my dry hair after I warmed it up a bit, just slather it on. Let it sit for as long as you want but when you go to shampoo, DO NOT run water over your hair first. Just pour some shampoo in your hand and start to lather your sections. (I know it sounds crazy but it worked for me) Rinse, then you can slather on your conditioner and start to detangle. This made things a lot easier for me while transitioning. Try different things & techniques before you big chop. Good luck:)
Doesn't sound crazy because I did the complete opposite of what you said!!! :blush:

Next time, I will put the oil mixture on dry hair and then put the shampoo on before running water over my hair. :yep: