(!!!) Look How Much HAIR I LOSS (!!!)

Browndilocks said:

I haven't read all the posts but i had major shedding while in transition so some of it is normal. The question I have is why are you using EQP Mango Butter to detangle? I'm sorry but that's way too thick to use as a detangler and it will cause you to pull your hair harder.

In sensitive cases like these, less is more. You need a cheapie, runny conditioner all by itself (or with olive oil if you need moisture) to detangle. Just use the suave conditioner alone to detangle and then the elasta QP after you detangle if you think you really need it. I personally would drop the mango butter altogether as a pre treatment.

Hey, I was thinking that using the mango butter and conditioner together could have caused a problem too, especially since my fine strands do not like a lot of product all at once. I think I just couldn't wait to use the Elasta QP Mango Butter for the first time and ended up using it the wrong way. :lol: Thanks for pointing this out to me! ;)
Browndilocks said:

I haven't read all the posts but i had major shedding while in transition so some of it is normal. The question I have is why are you using EQP Mango Butter to detangle? I'm sorry but that's way too thick to use as a detangler and it will cause you to pull your hair harder.

In sensitive cases like these, less is more. You need a cheapie, runny conditioner all by itself (or with olive oil if you need moisture) to detangle. Just use the suave conditioner alone to detangle and then the elasta QP after you detangle if you think you really need it. I personally would drop the mango butter altogether as a pre treatment.


ITA, about the Mango Butter and with combing hair from bottom to top. I don't think the Mango butter does well for a good pre-poo. :ohwell: Also, a Jilbere shower comb is much cheaper than a bone come and works very well. It's about $3 at Sally's. I've also tried the Garlic Shampoo and it was very drying for me, but it works well for many others.
kitchen_tician said:
ITA, about the Mango Butter and with combing hair from bottom to top. I don't think the Mango butter does well for a good pre-poo. :ohwell: Also, a Jilbere shower comb is much cheaper than a bone come and works very well. It's about $3 at Sally's. I've also tried the Garlic Shampoo and it was very drying for me, but it works well for many others.
I used the Mango Butter after I did a protein treatment... not as a pre-poo. :nono:

And I have a Jilbere Shower Comb which I use while in the shower. ;) Should I use this to detangle instead of the K-Cutter when I'm out of the shower???
Hey, Pooh! I really think that Browndilocks solved your main problem! I used mango butter last year as a moisturizer (I did not use it as a detangler). Come to think of it, it is a bit thick for detangling. I think that we all can agree that our hair is at its weakest state when it's wet. Any amount of tugging while the hair is wet will pull it right out of the roots or break it off in the middle. Good lookin' out, Browndilocks!

If none of the great suggestions that the LHCF ladies work for you after you have tried them, then think back to what you changed in your regimen before you started shedding. Our bodies are funny and responds to the least little change.

Poohbear said:
Hey, I was thinking that using the mango butter and conditioner together could have caused a problem too, especially since my fine strands do not like a lot of product all at once. I think I just couldn't wait to use the Elasta QP Mango Butter for the first time and ended up using it the wrong way. :lol: Thanks for pointing this out to me! ;)
:confused: Hi Pooh....Today I tried to blow dry my hair and lost alot too. This is the 1st time that I had direct heat on my hair since New Years Eve. I think the reason why I lost so much hair is because:
1) I stopped washing in one direction....I usually washout my hair in the shower after I do my deep conditioner days. But lately I stopped and tried to save time. After deep conditioning for 30 mins and then wash out my hair in my mom's hair basin...My hair going in different directions all the time and that might have tangled my hair and made it hard to blow dry.
2) I am 12 weeks post relaxer and forgot that my hair is fragile. Meaning that most African descents have a fragile texture and the relaxer has broken down the bond. So the natural hair and the relaxed hair are not getting the same amount of moisture. My natural hair gets most of moisture and the rest is demised as it travels down my coils to reach my relaxed hair. Therefore the relaxed hair eventually breakage off.
3) Air drying was better for me, because I did not have to manipulate my hair...so that it will not fall out. I might not be as straight as I want it but, at least it did not shed as much as now. I just remembered why I stopped using heat. Heat is not bad...don't get me wrong. But in my growing stage heat might be the best option for me, right now.

I don't know I have to try something different the next time.

***I hope this helps…because as I watched my hair fall out today…I had to think back, what did I do so differently to cause my hair to do this. Poohbear, before you do your next watch think about what you changed or did differently. If you find out what the problem was please let us know in a brand new post…and attach the old post link so that it does not happen people who are trying to transition (hopeful soon that will be me) I what to know the update…o.k***
hottopic said:
:confused: Hi Pooh....Today I tried to blow dry my hair and lost alot too. This is the 1st time that I had direct heat on my hair since New Years Eve. I think the reason why I lost so much hair is because:
1) I stopped washing in one direction....I usually washout my hair in the shower after I do my deep conditioner days. But lately I stopped and tried to save time. After deep conditioning for 30 mins and then wash out my hair in my mom's hair basin...My hair going in different directions all the time and that might have tangled my hair and made it hard to blow dry.
2) I am 12 weeks post relaxer and forgot that my hair is fragile. Meaning that most African descents have a fragile texture and the relaxer has broken down the bond. So the natural hair and the relaxed hair are not getting the same amount of moisture. My natural hair gets most of moisture and the rest is demised as it travels down my coils to reach my relaxed hair. Therefore the relaxed hair eventually breakage off.
3) Air drying was better for me, because I did not have to manipulate my hair...so that it will not fall out. I might not be as straight as I want it but, at least it did not shed as much as now. I just remembered why I stopped using heat. Heat is not bad...don't get me wrong. But in my growing stage heat might be the best option for me, right now.

I don't know I have to try something different the next time.

***I hope this helps…because as I watched my hair fall out today…I had to think back, what did I do so differently to cause my hair to do this. Poohbear, before you do your next watch think about what you changed or did differently. If you find out what the problem was please let us know in a brand new post…and attach the old post link so that it does not happen people who are trying to transition (hopeful soon that will be me) I what to know the update…o.k***
Thanks, your post was helpful!

To answer your question about what I changed, it was washing my hair every two weeks. It seems like transitioning hair needs to be washed more often. Also, using that conditioner and mango butter together when I detangled my hair. I should have detangled with just conditioner first and applied the moisturizer later. Also adding the pre-poo treatment to my regime. I may do without it next time. After this occurence, I decided to airdry instead of blowdry. Not doing that again because I was still losing hair while I was dry. I tried to flat iron with my Maxiglide for the first time and it did not work out for me, didn't straigthen my roots at all. Flat irons have never worked for me (only used them a few times out of my whole life). Next time, I'm going to detangle my hair in smaller sections as well and then braid up that section right after detangling. And a new thing I will start doing is washing my hair in braided sections.

Thanks ladies for all your wonderful tips which I decided to compile together in order to have a more successful wash day next time! :kiss: