Look at your ends: Do u like what u see?


New Member
Are you pleased with the way your ends are looking? Why or why not? If you don't like what you see, what do you plan to do to change these results? If you are satisfied what is your regimen to keep them lookin' good? Please share!!


I'm not pleased:(
I plan on continuing with my transition so that I can start to trim away these bad overprocessed ends. :D
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My ends look better than they did two months ago;) they wee being destroyed by the pressing combs and flat irons.. So I decided that I would not use any heat and see if they become better. So far So good.:)
Okay, I do my hair in sections and the only section whose ends need to go is the crown. It is the longest section on my head and has been the least trimmed in the past. This section used to be shorter than the section beneath it(natural layers) but when my hairdresser trimmed my ends she would just comb everything down thus only trimming the the hair under the crown. The crown also has the most overprocessed hair left from my hairdresser days. This is the only section where when I put individual plaits, it actually gets thin at the end of the plait. When all the other sections are braided, the braids are thick from root to tip. Which is very encouraging because those sections are a little over 6 inches and I started my healthy hair care little more than a year ago(6 inches ago). That's proof that I'm doing something right! However, the crown section which has the thin ends is 10-12 inches long. So it still has quite a bit hair left over from what hair dressers did to it(everytime I went, they smoothed the relaxer from root to tip:( ). The only thing I can do to thicken up the ends in that section is to keep up with my trims, eventually getting rid of all of the over-processed hair.
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Oh my. I am discouraged by my ends. I don't know what to do. My hair looks great when I wear rollersets or any style with texture but when my stylist flat irons my hair it looks full for a day or two then gets all greasy and looks thin.

It may be an illusion. I just noticed it with this visit as I rarely ever get my hair flat iron and wear my hair down for more than a day.

Help me. I don't know what to do to get my ends thicker. I refuse to have long scraggley looking ends. Might as well cut it...but then what.
planodiva said:
Oh my. I am discouraged by my ends. I don't know what to do. My hair looks great when I wear rollersets or any style with texture but when my stylist flat irons my hair it looks full for a day or two then gets all greasy and looks thin.

It may be an illusion. I just noticed it with this visit as I rarely ever get my hair flat iron and wear my hair down for more than a day.

Help me. I don't know what to do to get my ends thicker. I refuse to have long scraggley looking ends. Might as well cut it...but then what.

planodiva: What is your stylist using as a protectant to flat iron your hair..? You may need to have them change the product they are using
I'm pretty pleased w/the condition of my ends. They are finally long enough to baggy, so I've been spraying the last 1/2 inch of my hair w/Black Magic Moisturizing Spray & sealing w/Africa's Best Herbal Oil Blend, then baggying. My ends have always been thick but now they are finally soft & moisturized all day long. So far, so good!!! :up: :up:
sunshyne_krissy said:
Are you pleased with the way your ends are looking? Why or why not? If you don't like what you see, what do you plan to do to change these results? If you are satisfied what is your regimen to keep them lookin' good? Please share!!

No, not pleased. They loko okay but I iwsh they were all natural. Im so tired of looking at those relaxed ends... *sigh* I plan on holding off for another year and then BC-ing. Until then they will remain but heck Ive been with them fro a year already whats another :) To keep them lookign as healthy as they can I use the C&G technique and I protective style EVERYDAY while Im on my hair 'break.'
miracle said:
I'm pretty pleased w/the condition of my ends. They are finally long enough to baggy, so I've been spraying the last 1/2 inch of my hair w/Black Magic Moisturizing Spray & sealing w/Africa's Best Herbal Oil Blend, then baggying. My ends have always been thick but now they are finally soft & moisturized all day long. So far, so good!!! :up: :up:

congrats miracle! I'm glad you found a regimen that works for you..!
my ends are very bad right now... about 2 inches of thin hair that I'm just DYING to trim off, but I have to wait till my relaxer, so i decided to do it next wednesday for graduation, at 10 weeks post. I'm going to get a cute haircut because I can't stand these ends anymore!!!! they're driving me nuts. everytime i look at them, i just want to pick up the scissors and cut them off, but I want them done professionally. so, just a week to wait, finally.

someone mentioned spraying their ends, and i just realized that WOW i haven't done that in the past 6 months! maybe that's why i've been having so much trouble with my ends lately. I should make another ends concoction.
The actual condition of my ends are really great! :grin: They're healthier than ever! However, I hate my V-shape...its gonna have to go bye bye, in a few months:(
I love what I see because I fixed my ends the old fashioned way---I chopped them off. Now I have a beautiful, one length blunt cut. I cut back on heat styling and give my ends all the tlc they need. It was worth it!
sunshyne_krissy said:
Are you pleased with the way your ends are looking? Why or why not? If you don't like what you see, what do you plan to do to change these results? If you are satisfied what is your regimen to keep them lookin' good? Please share!!

I'm pretty content with my ends.
Moisturizing often, The Baggie Method and Protective Styles, keeps them in good condition. :)
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miracle said:
Thank you!!!! :) :) Baggying is the BEST!!!

I second that!!! It sure is the most fabulous and effective way to prevent breakage and to keep your ends healthy and moisturized!;)
i like this thread!

I am very pleased with the way my ends are looking. My ends used the be the main thing wrong with my hair. this was because the were frizzy and dry...reason was, i was combing airdryed hair.

my ends are very thick now and i hardly manipulate my hair, or use heat. also, i dont moisturize daily. every 4 days is fine as i use grease on my ends when they are damp, over the top of some oil moisturizer.

the key islocking in the moisture, and i think that grease IS ESSENTIAL!

My ends are now my favourite part of my hair!
No. I'm never satisfied with my ends. This is because I have my hair cut in layers. It always seems to grow in layers anyway. So unles my hair is styled or curled, I don't like the way the ends are not as thick as the top layers.
lexi84 said:
The actual condition of my ends are really great! :grin: They're healthier than ever! However, I hate my V-shape...its gonna have to go bye bye, in a few months:(

Lexi84 why don't you like your V-shape (if you don't mind me asking)? I think it looks great, although it doesn't matter what I think:lol:. I have another question. Did it naturally grow that way or did you cut it that way?
I'm not thrilled about my ends...but they aren't terrible. My hair is cut in layers so the ends look very thin when I wear all my hair down. I do have some splits, but I just started texlaxing, so hopefully as my hair grows, I can cut those see thru ends away. I really want to wait until I reach APL, but we'll see... In the meantime, I will continue to moisturize them every night, and keep my hair up as much as possible.
Well I just cut off about an inch so now i am above shoulder length, but my hair looks much better. I can't stand the way my hair looks if I don't trim every 8-10 weeks.
My ends are mostly quite good. A few small splits, not many.
What splits I do have should be coming off soon anyway (BC)
When I used to use heat frequently the only time my ends would be good was after a trim. At other times there were loads of splits and those white dots.
Rollersetting has really helped me ends. I have to beg to get them cut. I learned how to keep them soaked while setting and they always feel so silky afterwards
SexySin985 said:
Lexi84 why don't you like your V-shape (if you don't mind me asking)? I think it looks great, although it doesn't matter what I think:lol:. I have another question. Did it naturally grow that way or did you cut it that way?
Well as you can see, in my June '05 pic, I cut it in a broad U shape, but for some reason my hair wanted to grow in a V. I just think a broad U shape or a blunt cut would look fuller. Dont worry I wont be chopping the V off until the end of the year.:grin:
sunshyne_krissy said:
planodiva: What is your stylist using as a protectant to flat iron your hair..? You may need to have them change the product they are using

She uses some protectant from the Nairobi hair care line. I should just have her do rollersets for a few months...huh? Perhaps that is the way to go...and looking at Macherieamour's pic I think that could be my best bet. I'm the most impatient person I know. First I want growth(okay check) now I'm complaining about thickness. I just thought it would go hand in hand. Was this a wrong assumption?

Lexi--I love the V-shape to your hair and it appears such lush and shiny.
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planodiva said:
She uses some protectant from the Nairobi hair care line. I should just have her do rollersets for a few months...huh? Perhaps that is the way to go...and looking at Macherieamour's pic I think that could be my best bet. I'm the most impatient person I know. First I want growth(okay check) now I'm complaining about thickness. I just thought it would go hand in hand. Was this a wrong assumption?

Lexi--I love the V-shape to your hair and it appears such lush and shiny.

Hi Planodiva, rollersets seem to work for a lot of people here. Try it and see if you like it. Let me know!