Look at your ends: Do u like what u see?

Nope, I'm waiting to cut the non-phyto hair off and then I think I'll be all set. I'm trimming it slowly (about a half inch a month).
Not pleased at all, which is why I cut off 1 inch just an hour ago. It's funny, but now that my hair is long enough to pull around to my face and hold the ends up by my eyes, the more fanatical I'm getting about keeping them healthy. I just can't stand knowing there are a bunch of splits waiting to land on my clothes & desk...

Now if I could manage to stay away from my Maxiglide two times a weeks, I'd be all set....
I am ok with my ends especially considering all the damage they have been subjected to in the past.Before the boards I was relaxing every four to five weeks like clockwork. I am thankful but excited about the end outcome of tlc. I like to moisturize daily and seal with a mixture of coconut and jojoba oil. I have also used vitapointe on my ends and that work well but is kinda heavy.hth
I'm satisfied with my ends now that I cut an inch off last Sunday. I was going to wait until I was APL and then cut them but I couldn't take it anymore. The split ends were causing my hair to tangle so badly. I now do the baggie method each night, use no heat anymore, and wear protective styles 100% of the time.
I love my ends. I like them very clean. To keep them that way, I make sure I slack off on the heat so this way I only have to trim about 2x a year. I need to be better about moisturizing them though.
lexi84 said:
The actual condition of my ends are really great! :grin: They're healthier than ever! However, I hate my V-shape...its gonna have to go bye bye, in a few months:(

I actually like the V-Shape of your hair. Your hair looks healthy......can you pm me your regimen?:) TIA
I'm loving my ends right now. I just did a 1 inch trim on Sunday, blunt cut. I'm loving the tangle free ends, just gotta keep them like that!