Longtime Lurker/Sporadic Poster =) 2006-2010 Progress...PICS!

Conrats on your healthy hair journey. It's always encouraging to see how the tips shared on this board help those in dire need of a healthy head of hair. Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your progress.
Now that's what I call a transformation tease! Glad you documented your wonderful journey. Your overall hair health and progress is stunning! Good for you, and congrats on achieving your hair goals. Now pass on all your secrets and tips that helped you to reach your goal!
Now that's what I call a transformation tease! Glad you documented your wonderful journey. Your overall hair health and progress is stunning! Good for you, and congrats on achieving your hair goals. Now pass on all your secrets and tips that helped you to reach your goal!

:laugh: no secrets really! I think its just the sew-ins that allowed me to put my hair away and stay away from all the heat and manipulation. Sew-ins done right are amazing for length retention. I just made sure the braids weren't too tight and kept up with washing & DC'ing. I love taking my weave down and seeing how much my hair has grown.

I learned so much from studying threads like




Also, the weave forum on BHM was extremely helpful. That's pretty much it! As little manipulation to your real hair as possible is definitely the way to go to maintain maximum length.

ETA: I've gotten pretty good at self-installing by studying this girls videos:


They are sooo helpful and show track placement, braid patterns and how to sew correctly. Anybody wanting to learn to do their own sew-ins definitely check her out.
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Wow, that's absolutely AMAZING progress! Your hair looks so beautiful, and I especially am loving that last picture. Good job!

Very VERY nice!

Your hair is also VERY beautiful. I lovelovelove your hair style in your sig. What is that updo called?
OP welcome!!!

your hair is fabulush.

Congratulations on your progress. You make me want to Henna too.

I hope you feel welcome on this board.

Have a great time on here.