Old lurker, new member *lots of pics*

I remember you from YouTube. Loved your videos.

Congratulations on your progress. Your hair grows super fast or mine grows super slow. I BC'd Dec 2010 (4 months post relaxer) and my length is few inches shorter.

At any rate, welcome and your hair looks fabulous as always.
that sure is some beautiful hair!
thank you!!

Gorgeous hair!

Wow ok, I thought OP looked familiar, because I never forget a face. lol
lol thank you

Your hair is beautiful both relaxed and natural.
thank you!

I remember you from across the street at BHM. I was wondering what happened to b/c we didn't see you after your bc. Beautiful hair and hella progress!!

yessss...i outgrew BHM..thank you

Now you know good and well you cant bust out some progress pics like that without sharing your regimen and some tips and tricks lol.

Beautiful hair!

lol..do know better...i posted it a few posts u...thank you!

What abt the Reggie that got u to WL relaxed? What made u go transition to natural? just curious Since I'm on the fence.

yynot aww man...seems so long ago...here's a link to my fotki.i have old reggies there: http://public.fotki.com/bronzeg/hair/2007-2008/
why? i've always wanted and loved natural hair..i had reached all of my goals...then i had a setback after my last relaxer..to me, that was a sign..i never had relaxer set backs

Your hair is beautiful relaxed and natural OP!

thank you!
Your hair is sooo pretty and you've had awesome progress! Welcome :)

thank youuu!! i loooove your hair!

It's so nice you've joined us Mrs. Bronzeg. I was wondering how your natural hair journey was coming along. :yep:

:blush: your hair has grown so much! wow...thank you..glad to join!

Beautiful hair, both relaxed and natural :welcome3:

thank you!

You've been holding out on us all this time, your hair is beautiful and welcome :)!
lol..thank you!

Thought about you the other day. I learned to pincurl from you! :lol: that's all I do when I'm straightened. Pin curled and a banana clip. :lol:

Sent From Mah Phone

hahahahaha man, i loved my banana clip and pin curls...another FL girl in the house..woot woot

Such beautiful hair! You progress, both relaxed and natural, is so inspirational!!

btw- we need more YT videos:yep:

thank you!! it might be a vid of me just blinking lol...i am seriously out of ideas :lachen::lachen:

Good heavens. Me wants

Seriously, You re Gorgeous!
Your hair is so incredibly beautiful in it's natural state . Great job ,i m mad you been hiding all this time ;)
thank you!:blush:..me being lazy..& cheap:look:

Great pics! Glad you decided to officially join us. :)
thank you!

Very pretty pictures and thanks for sharing your progress!
thank you!
I remember you from YouTube. Loved your videos.

Congratulations on your progress. Your hair grows super fast or mine grows super slow. I BC'd Dec 2010 (4 months post relaxer) and my length is few inches shorter.

At any rate, welcome and your hair looks fabulous as always.

thank you! i appreciate all of the viewers so much! i think i do grow a little more than aveage
I was wondering how your natural hair journey was coming along. I follow you on YouTube and the other forums. Great progress and welcome :wave: