Longhaired ladies-how do stylists wash your hair?


Smeller of roses
In all my permed days my hair was never longer than shoulder length, so I've never had first hand experience in getting long hair washed in the salon. For me they always just squished the hair around on top of my head. At this point because my hair is natural now & thicker, plus longer than when permed, I have to wash it by squeezing the shampoo along the length or else it will get pretty tangled up. I'm wondering if when you longhaired ladies go to the salon do they usually wash your hair this way (down the length) or do they still squish it around on your head? I'm gathering up my courage to visit a salon this summer and I just want to be ready with instructions if need be.
i dont know because i dont trust those pesky stylists
all i know is that your hair is growing like weeds
it's also very pretty
-- jainygirl
they squish my hair on top of my head and by the time they're done it's extremely tangled up and that's when they take a comb and start ripping through it.which is why i've always hated going to get my hair washed at salons.
bree said:
they squish my hair on top of my head and by the time they're done it's extremely tangled up and that's when they take a comb and start ripping through it.which is why i've always hated going to get my hair washed at salons.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, my!

Well, the last stylist that did my hair (actually the poo girl) worked the lather down my length. In fact, I've NEVER had a stylist wash my hair on top of my head. That's the one thing they did do right!
They still squish it around on top of your head and don't think about the tangles they are creating. This is why I am so hesitant about going to another salon at least till I'm all natural. Once natural, I would hope stylists would take the texture and length into consideration...especially if visiting a salon that knows natural hair.
I had my hair blown out at a salon in January. What I did was, wash my hair at home, put in a leave in, braided my hair in two braids, and drove to the salon while my hair was still wet. It worked out well because all she had to do was take down the braids and blow dry, since it was already washed and detangled.
Re: Longhaired ladies-how do stylists wash your ha

Hey Jet! I haven't been to a salon since the chop but when my hair was relaxed, my stylist hardly ever piled my hair on top of my head...I would suggest exactly what DaHomeyAmazon said...Go in with your hair in fat twists so it can be washed that way, or wash it yourself before going. Beautiful hair, it is really growing!
Hey thanks ladies! My hair is growing pretty good... nothing spectacular. But I've finally reached my first length goal so that should keep me satisfied for at least a few more months. I haven't been to a salon since my BC too but I'm getting in need of a decent haircut/shaping. Around here I think it's mandatory to get your hair washed before they will cut it.For sanitation reasons or something. We'll see. I hope I don't end up with a birds nest on my head.