Long time Growers... Do you wear your hair down?

How often do you let your hair down

  • Weekly

    Votes: 32 26.0%
  • Bi-weekly

    Votes: 9 7.3%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 17 13.8%
  • Bi-yearly

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • No set schedule...depends...

    Votes: 55 44.7%
  • I never wear my hair down.

    Votes: 6 4.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I may have worn my hair down 4x since last July:blush: I would like to wear it down more, but I really don't go anywhere to show it off LOL

I don't really see a problem with wearing your hair down, as long as you are doing all of the right things.
I voted "no set schedule". Last year in 07 I wore my hair down probably about 8-9 times out of the whole year. I'll say about half of that time my hair was pressed; the other half it was in a twist-out or wash-n-go type of style (natural).

I don't know if that's considered often but to me it's not. No particular reason why other than I've been lazy and my hair is getting "bigger" and I'm not the best "stylist" when it comes to being creative with my hair :look:

I keep saying I plan to wear it down more, and I think 08 will be the year I've wore it down the most compared to all the previous years I've been natural simply because of the fact that I really do need a change...
Lately I haven't been wearing my hair down...I tend to wear my hair down more in the summer..I don't have to worry about rain, Fog in the morning , and my hair drying out...Just easier in the summer !!
Slyver's hair is beautiful. Even though she wears it down she doesn't seem to do much manipulation. I know she keeps a satin cap/ scarve at night.

I am natural. I don't wear my hair straight very often. This month past and half was the most I have worn it straight. I am working out again so I have been wearing wash and gos.
I'm trying to wait until I reach midback but I do wear my hair down maybe once every two weeks and I use the carouso's. I wore a braid out last week but as soon as I got home. I washed my hair and baggied it:grin: I'll be wearing it down more though once I'm MB:yep:

I didn't know this thread got a huge as it is. Thank you laides SO much for your input. I am defnitely gonna start "wearing" my hair instead of protecting it.

Thank you all for your replies.
I voted monthly because I'm nearly aalways wear an updo. Just because it's cooler to do that and now I'm used to it. I should start wearing my hair out more though.
I wear my hair down whenever I wish; I don't think about it. Retaining/regaining length isn't too much trouble. I do find that not using combs on dry hair and just fingerstyling my hair makes all the difference; I think most of my breakage before came from daily combing--once I figured out how to get by not doing that, it's been all good. I also find that if I keep it well moisturized on a daily basis and wear rollersets it seems to do very well. I continue to meet my goals and my ends are fine.
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For me, there would be no point in growing my hair long if I never wear it down. Half the time my hair's down and the other half it's in a ponytail or bun.

The whole point of having long hair is to enjoy it! :yep:

The bolded is how I feel. I am growing my hair long to enjoy it. I tried PS and it was so boring for me and as soon as I reached APL, I stopped PS. Nothing terrible happened and I wear it how I feel on any give day now. Which usually is down.
I never wear my hair hair down... I want to eventually, but to be honest I'm just so scared I won't know how to properly care for it and it'll break off/stop growing. I'm just hoping that I get courage to wear it out before I start losing it. :3
Only a few times a year. I wore my hair down in Feb. then I wore my hair down today. I won't wear it down again until maybe december.
I see i'm not alone at all. I've only worn my hair down once since the year has started and that was the day after my relaxer. As for the work environment, i've not worn my hair down in over a year at work. I prefer to just wear it up so i know eyes will be :shocked: and jaws will be dropping wen i do this year Aug hopefully. If i'm not satisfied with the length, then it's gonn be a december let down
whenever i feel like it which usually ends up being either once a month or sometimes once every 3 months. oh i dont have long hair but just thought i should contribute to the thread :grin:
when i started my hair journey i vbecame a bit obssessed with protective styling but realised life is too short not to enjoy it especially hair so i wear it down and it hasnt been detrimental to it