Long Hair Sighting and I Approached Her


Well-Known Member
Ladies, ladies, ladies....

I was in Wal-mart yesterday to pick up some miscellaneous stuff, so I proceeded to the checkout line, and lo-and-behold....I saw a chick that had absolutely GORGEOUS hair! She had her hair straightened and in a ponytail and the first things I noticed were the shine, the nice ends, and the LENGTH
. The ponytail went down to just about her brastrap and I imagine that it's around midback.

So I went to a shorter line and checked out before her, then exited the store and waited for her by the 'people greeters'. When she came out, I walked up to her and said very politely: "Excuse me, but you have very beautiful hair. Do you mind if I ask you some questions about your regimen and your products?" She was very flattered and didn't mind at all, y'all! We stood outside of Wal-mart and talked about haircare for 45 mins - 1 hour. I kid you not!

Here's the breakdown:

*She doesn't wash her hair that often, only when her scalp starts to get irritated.

*She uses oil, specifically an oil blend (like hotsix), cod liver oil, or vitamin E oil.

*She doesn't have a relaxer; she's natural but straightens it. Her natural texture is somewhere in the 3's, 3b/c. Says the oil does a fantasic job at getting it straight.

*Conditioner is where it all begins - she uses hot oil treatments and deep conditoners. She's still searching for a conditioner that doesn't have a lot of alcohol in it.

*She wraps her hair at night, satin scarf.

*She doesn't take vitamins.

After I got done drilling her, she asked me some questions about how I got my skin so clear, how I grew my nails so long, and how I got my teeth so white. The interaction between us was just so...natural
. I never expected her to be so nice!

Well, we exchanged contact information, and I jotted down the site's info for her so that she could join our lovely community here. How cool is that?!
Woo hoo SweetPea
Well done, Grrrl!
I am so proud of you. So maybe she'll soon be posting pics here????
I can never get tired of looking at nice hair. <swoons>
That's a great story. I'm glad that you have the kind of personality that she felt comfortable stopping to talk to you. I hope she'll join us too!
I know. Good Job. Two women approached me in Lane Bryant. I gave them this address and told them what I do. I hope one of them joined because they will get really good advice.
Wow. I bet that was a great 45 minute - one hour conversation. That was very kind of each of you to share information on hair care and skin care.
Wow! Maybe one day I will get up the courage to confront someone with beautiful hair. I don't do it now for fear of getting cursed out!

Nice to hear SweetPea! You go girl!
That is so wonderful SweetPea! I bet she really appreciated someone giving a genuine compliment and taking a genuine interest rather than the sly remarks she probably gets often.
I am happy that you had such a positive experience. JenniferMD and I were talking about women with long hair seem guarded about their hair secrets. It's nice that she was comfortable and generous enough to share her secrets for success.
She mentioned that she uses cholesterol and that it softens her hair pretty good. Sorry about not including that in my report above. She went on to say that many of the commerical conditons such as pantene, vo5, etc have a high amount of alcohol which we all knows dries out the hair.

But I was really surprised that she was so nice! I honestly didn't know what to expect, and I've learned that your approach is key to how they'll respond to you. If you walk up to someone and say "I like your hair...who does your hair?" there's just something about the way that's worded that causes someone to become defensive or possessive over their "secrets." I'm glad that it turned out well and I'm able to share this information with ya'll