Long hair phobia


New Member
I retoched my hair on friday and it reached bra strap. Well then yesterday I was cutting my splits off and I had enough and cut it to just above shoulder length. Well although its not as long its very healthy and thick. I am going to take photos and post it. I have a phobia of long hair, because each time my hair touches bra strap I cut it off. I just want to have long healthy hair not just long hair. Oh well hopely by this time next year I will have bra strap length hair.
MY MY MY........ I think I have the same disease :lol:
My hair grows but I am constantly clipping my ends b/c not
only do I want long hair I want long, thick, and healthy hair
Whats the point of having long hair if it is super thin and unhealthy?
beawo said:
I retoched my hair on friday and it reached bra strap. Well then yesterday I was cutting my splits off and I had enough and cut it to just above shoulder length. Well although its not as long its very healthy and thick. I am going to take photos and post it. I have a phobia of long hair, because each time my hair touches bra strap I cut it off. I just want to have long healthy hair not just long hair. Oh well hopely by this time next year I will have bra strap length hair.
WHAT??? :eek: Did your split ends really go up that far??? How did you have the guts to cut all that hair off???:confused: Did you take a photo of your hair reaching brastrap???
Poohbear said:
WHAT??? :eek: Did your split ends really go up that far??? How did you have the guts to cut all that hair off???:confused: Did you take a photo of your hair reaching brastrap???

You cut from bra-strap to just above shoulder length!! :eek: That really is a phobia...or something...

beawo said:
I retoched my hair on friday and it reached bra strap. Well then yesterday I was cutting my splits off and I had enough and cut it to just above shoulder length. Well although its not as long its very healthy and thick. I am going to take photos and post it. I have a phobia of long hair, because each time my hair touches bra strap I cut it off. I just want to have long healthy hair not just long hair. Oh well hopely by this time next year I will have bra strap length hair.

OH MY GOD!!! How could you cut your hair?? was the split ends that bad? From bra-strap to shoulder lenght? Are you happy about it? I know I am not! that's unbelievable!! I think need a hug.
I think I have somewhat a phobia because in the past the longer my hair got the thinner it got, so I'm terrified that will happen again.

But the things that were different then is I'm natural now and I didn't have the knowledge that comes along with this board. :)
Jan 2003-Dec 2004 I was a constant trimmer. My hair pretty much stayed at bra-strap. I don't think I had a long hair phobia, I just wanted super neat and clean-cut ends. I'm not trimming again until Dec 05, Lord willing. Girl, I would have fell out if I realized later I chopped that much off my hair for no apparent reason, especially if I didn't have really bad split ends! That's a big cut!
I was going to take a photo and thinking back I should have but it was a spur of the moment thing. At first I regretted it and wished I could turn back time but looking at my hair now I don't regret it.

Now I don't have any time frame for when I want waist length or bra strap hair all I want is healthy hair.

To me my hair was not as healthy as I would have liked it to be, it was dry but to everyone it looked healthy. The splits were at the tips but each time i would cut them i would find more and i couldn't stand them. I cut about 1 inch at first and then i got scissors happy and cut more.

I have now learnt that if I need to put alot of product in my hair to make it less dry then its time for a cut. Anyway i have grown my hair twice now to bra strap i think the next time will be waist length healthy hair.
Oh my I have not heard of anything like this before. :shocked:
Hey Beawo, I have a question, how often do you deep condition?
Cinnabuns said:
Oh my I have not heard of anything like this before. :shocked:
Hey Beawo, I have a question, how often do you deep condition?
I used to deep condition twice a week, and then I stopped because my hair was shedding too much.

I know it me cutting my hair sounds crazy but I think I am just a perfectionist, I want long hair that is healthy and thick. I love my hair now its very thick. Oh well thats life. Oneday my hair will be waist length and as long as I am alive I can keep trying to reach that goal.
And another thing I think my hair lost its thing when I went into labour last August. Before then my hair was pretty healthy and then since going into labour my hair became a wreck.
I do the same thing. That's why I always at bra strap. I just love to see neat ends. So I cut every week, sometimes every two to three days!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I am sick :(
beawo said:
I retoched my hair on friday and it reached bra strap. Well then yesterday I was cutting my splits off and I had enough and cut it to just above shoulder length. Well although its not as long its very healthy and thick. I am going to take photos and post it. I have a phobia of long hair, because each time my hair touches bra strap I cut it off. I just want to have long healthy hair not just long hair. Oh well hopely by this time next year I will have bra strap length hair.

I've previously mentioned here that I also have a phobia of long hair (sort of, anyway). I've come to that conclusion because I have not worn my hair down straight (without curls) in 6 or 7 years. I'm afraid to know the true length of my hair. It's as if I find out how long it is (or isn't) I'll be disappointed. That's why I can't take length progress pics- my hair would have to be totally straight. :eek: I definitely don't want to cut my hair but then again, wearing it loose and free isn't an option either. I think the only cure for me a lobotomy and a nice straight jacket. :ohwell:
Hello :wave: a fellow "chop addict" here. Just posted a similar subject yesterday.

I wouldn't call my temptation to cut a "phobia" of long hair, more of a lack of tollerance for anything resembling split, thin ends or something extremely time consuming that is going to take more than 2 hours a week (like combing and detangling :ohwell: ) Also cutting my hair brings me a sense of calm like everything is in order when my ends are neat :)

I'm not trying for but length hair...I'd never make it :lol: , waist length alone is a helluva challenge for me...now where are my scissors....
cafe au lait said:
OH MY GOD!!! How could you cut your hair?? was the split ends that bad? From bra-strap to shoulder lenght? Are you happy about it? I know I am not! that's unbelievable!! I think need a hug.

:lol: :lol: :lol: