I can relate to is this my hair? all my wigs was around BSL. when i wear my hair no one really said anything I assumed they didn't know.
when I wear my hair down It feel strange, for a while...& it tangle at the nape.
I was holding my head like I would a wig...
I do not touch or toss my hair, cause haters hate that.
My Mom ask why r u letting your hair grow out? you don't do anything but wear it in a ball.I said Mom you use to call it a rabbit's tail.
frienemies will ask you that too, have u noticed?
beautician( if u go) will say you got the face for short hair..... (I fell for that once.) I have short wigs now...
8 times out of 10.
beauticians don't wanna deal w a lot of hair,,,,, it's too time consuming
fireneimies say catty things like "you sure spend a long time on your hair"! w their noses turned up.... knowing they have a Train Station full of tracks w added hair in them that took hours.!!!oke:
I thought I was the only person who thought like that. I don't think its a trap. Many women have cute faces for short cuts.