9 Year Shea Anniversary: Started Dec 16th, 2016!
I read all 1200 posts of this thread. I, too lost my length that I had when I first posted in 2012. I am happy to report that my hair has surpassed the length I had in 2012. But a set-back can be a set-up for a comeback and a come-up! 
Now, I have eight (8) braids. I wet my hair with water and S-Curl, then slather my hair in Shea butter and tightly braid my hair. When I let it go immediately after braiding, that braid hits below my waist. Then it shrinks up. I've not seen my braids this long since I was about 8 years old. Some of my longest hair is about 2-3 inches past my belly button. Hair this much past my belly button is a first for me, too.
My long hair stories:
This summer while in Georgia and Alabama, men would constantly stop me and tell me that my braids were beautiful. At Popeye's Chicken, one male customer asked if he could touch my hair and I let him. My mother was standing there with her cane,
with back up, just in case something went down.
The young man getting my order together gave me EXTRA food in my order. He said it was because the wait was long and wanted to compensate me for the time. I think it was the hair!
The women cashiers at the various grocery stores and malls I visited would gaze at my hair and quietly say as they passed me my receipt, "I like your hair." Or, many women would say, "My baby, grand baby, etc has hair just like that."
Yesterday I was in Paris eating at a restaurant. I noticed the waitress gazing at my braids several times. Finally she said to me in French, "You use argon oil in your hair." It wasn't a question. I smiled and said, "No, I use Shea butter." She wasn't of African descent. Perhaps she has a baby with afro-textured hair. I don't know.
In Summer 2018, when it is steaming hot outside, I hope to do my hair by straightening it. Then I am going to put the front up and leave the back long with curls made with a curling iron. I am going to wear a crop top [whether they are in style or NOT] that reveals my stomach and some form fitting, low waisted pants. This allows me to better see my hair touching, laying on and over my behind.
I'm going to put on some make-up, large hoop earrings and some pumps and go shopping! While I am out, I am going to look at myself in EVERY SINGLE MIRROR that I can find and relish in this tailbone hair length that I hope to have in 2018! I'm going to do it early in the day, on a weekday, when few people are about. That is because too many people in the streets and stores block the mirrors and get in the way of the reflective store front glass!
Edited to add: I may even ask someone to take a photo of me so I can record the moment for posterity.

Now, I have eight (8) braids. I wet my hair with water and S-Curl, then slather my hair in Shea butter and tightly braid my hair. When I let it go immediately after braiding, that braid hits below my waist. Then it shrinks up. I've not seen my braids this long since I was about 8 years old. Some of my longest hair is about 2-3 inches past my belly button. Hair this much past my belly button is a first for me, too.
My long hair stories:
This summer while in Georgia and Alabama, men would constantly stop me and tell me that my braids were beautiful. At Popeye's Chicken, one male customer asked if he could touch my hair and I let him. My mother was standing there with her cane,

The women cashiers at the various grocery stores and malls I visited would gaze at my hair and quietly say as they passed me my receipt, "I like your hair." Or, many women would say, "My baby, grand baby, etc has hair just like that."
Yesterday I was in Paris eating at a restaurant. I noticed the waitress gazing at my braids several times. Finally she said to me in French, "You use argon oil in your hair." It wasn't a question. I smiled and said, "No, I use Shea butter." She wasn't of African descent. Perhaps she has a baby with afro-textured hair. I don't know.
In Summer 2018, when it is steaming hot outside, I hope to do my hair by straightening it. Then I am going to put the front up and leave the back long with curls made with a curling iron. I am going to wear a crop top [whether they are in style or NOT] that reveals my stomach and some form fitting, low waisted pants. This allows me to better see my hair touching, laying on and over my behind.
I'm going to put on some make-up, large hoop earrings and some pumps and go shopping! While I am out, I am going to look at myself in EVERY SINGLE MIRROR that I can find and relish in this tailbone hair length that I hope to have in 2018! I'm going to do it early in the day, on a weekday, when few people are about. That is because too many people in the streets and stores block the mirrors and get in the way of the reflective store front glass!
Edited to add: I may even ask someone to take a photo of me so I can record the moment for posterity.
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