Long hair does not run in my family


New Member
Hi ladies i have a question. The women in my family my sister my aunts and my mother dont have hair past shoulder length. So i am trying to be the first one to get past that length by giving my hair TLC. But since long hair does not run in my family will genetics determine if i will get past apl?
I would say in my immideate family not NO!

My aunt on my fathers side has long hair (armpit) and I have some cusins (well 2 that I know) with waist lenght hair, very thick, natural, beautiful, but their genes would be different with mine, because we dont have the same parent

However, my mother, grandmother and sister nope :nono:

My grandmother and my mom have more of a 3 type hair, but very fine and struggles to grow! I mean stuggle, cant hold a curl, just soft, but that's it

One of my hair dressers who is from Ghana told me that I have "real african people hair" what ever that means. LOL becaue its dry, course, dense, etc, she said that my hair is exactly like her young son!
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I don't think it really matters. Genetics help at some degree, but what really helps is a good regimen and patience. Try one thing at a time, document your experiences, don't jump on every bandwagon, stick to it only if it works for you, don't fix it if it's not broken and again be patient. HTH

Take care
No one's genes makes it impossible for them to grow long hair.

No one has a terminal length at or above the shoulders :nono: Even someone with a growth cycle of 2 years (almost no one has that) can grow 12 inches.

AT LEAST apl is achievable by everyone, probably even the majority can reach BSL.

With longer lengths like MBL, Waist and beyond, that's where genetics really comes into play.
I have never seen a case where genetics proved more absolute than healthy hair quality.

There could be someone out there, but I have not seen it or did not realize I had. If you believe this is the issue the first thing you want to do is look at the way all of the ladies in your family are taking care of their hair and campare it to some of the regimens that are on here where ladies have hair past APL. You may notice a distinct difference in hair care.

I think if you follow the methods you feel will work for your hair with however you are going to handle your hair either relaxed or natural then you should be able to grow your hair.

There may be times when it seems like it is not growing or is slow growing but you should get the acquired length you want and be able to show all of the ladies in your family how you have done this. :yep:

Many times it is what we are doing to our hair versus the genetics. Maybe not all the time but most of the time.

Oh and just to let you know, no one in my family with the exception of one person had hair past APL. What the one cousin was doing is she went natural, limited heat use and her hair grow like crazy. There are more than 45 women on my mothers side of the family including aunts, cousins and sisters, granddaughters, etc. My hair length is now BSL.

Happy hair growing.
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Thanks for your responses. My hair is taking forever to get to APL but it is slowly getting there i dont have to long to go.
Sounds like you are almost there, then good for you.

Yes, this is where patrience can be a real test, but then again when you are trying to obtain healthy hair and length patience usually plays a strong part in it.

In my opinion, it is the biggest part of the battle. :yep:
I say it doesn't matter. TLC goes a loooonnnnggg way. (literally!):yep:


Genetics loads the gun, the environment pulls the trigger.

Ask yourself if the women in your family take great care of their hair consistently.....that is probably the reason they don't have long hair. They have never tried.
hon, i am in the same boat. i have some waybacks with long hair, but no one that is alive now on any side of anyone's family has long hair. it's all SL and above. however since i have joined LHCF i have realized that it's their haircare techniques that get them and keep them there. i have one cousin who takes care of her hair (not to the extent we do but we are extra anyway up in here) but she loves to wear it short. i was grazing APL before the BC and i will be back there before the end of the year, and so will you.
all of my relatives on my mothers side have very long hair. My fathers side has long hair as well, but only the immediate. Grandchildren(not my kids) and cousins don't have any hair wear wigs 247, my mother hates long hair she has 2b 3c hair I think its very fine and is not curly its more straight but she keeps it extremely short and no relaxer. its straight. my hair was long when I was a child but I never knew it. It hasn't been long since then. I am passed shoulder length now which I have never been. I just found out that I had long hair before the age of 8. Never since.
Long hair runs in my family (well half of it anyway) yet it ran right past me. :lachen: It doesn't really matter about that. I admit some people have an easier time at growth and retention, but that doesn't mean that just b/c it doesn't run in your family you can never achieve it. You just have to employ good hair care practices. I hope some members who have long hair now, but never had hair past shoulder or don't have long hair in the family will chime in and show you their fotkis. There are some out there. Don't ever think that you can't have it. Just get yourself educated about what to do, and figure out what works for you, and you can have it too.

Genetics loads the gun, the environment pulls the trigger.

Ask yourself if the women in your family take great care of their hair consistently.....that is probably the reason they don't have long hair. They have never tried.

ITA the people in your family probably did not put in the effort to achieve long hair. My mother's hair grows like weeds, mine does not by the way, but she rarely gets it past SL because of her practices.
Hi ladies i have a question. The women in my family my sister my aunts and my mother dont have hair past shoulder length. So i am trying to be the first one to get past that length by giving my hair TLC. But since long hair does not run in my family will genetics determine if i will get past apl?

Long hair doesn't run in my family, either.
Only the biracial females in my family have long hair....everyone else hair is :ohwell: except for me and my sister, she has 4b natural past shoulders, unstretched and I have almost apl relaxed. Our hair was jacked up, broken off, chewed up when we were growing up. Now, its the longest it's ever been. I was at Mama's house the other day and she was literally RAKING the find tooth comb through her dried up, tore up twa....no wonder we were so jacked up as children. It's not genetic..there's hope.:grin:
No one's genes makes it impossible for them to grow long hair.

No one has a terminal length at or above the shoulders :nono: Even someone with a growth cycle of 2 years (almost no one has that) can grow 12 inches.

AT LEAST apl is achievable by everyone, probably even the majority can reach BSL.

With longer lengths like MBL, Waist and beyond, that's where genetics really comes into play.

Completely agree with this.