Has The Thrill Of Long Hair Worn Off?

It comes and goes for me. When I was relaxed, I wanted long hair. Went natural and wanted BIG hair (guess that is the same).

When I decided to loc my hair, it was also with the intention for it to grow long. Then, when they reached mid back, I cut them back to shoulder length.

Now I am looking forward to their length again...
For me I don't think that the thrill of long hair will ever completely wear off. After all these years caring for my hair is just what I do. However, I don't really stress the growth anymore (i.e. checking growth on any schedule, using growth aids, trying to figure out ways to make it grow faster), I tend to just know if I give it proper care that it will grow. As a slow grower, I would lose my mind if I only concentrated on how fast my hair is growing. So, instead I focus on making sure that it's moisturized, strong, pliable, and that my ends are in good shape free from knots and tangles. I could say that my focus has shifted more to the health of my hair then growth retention, but I think a more truthful statement would be that I know with consistent good hair care practices growth is inevitable.
For me I still want long hair, but since I wear it curly all the time I feel like it will have to be floor length before it looks long. And since I don’t straighten my hair anymore I can’t do very accurate length checks so that makes it harder for me to obsess about length.
Since I’ve reached MBL before I’m sure that as long as I continue to treat my hair well it will get long eventually.
So in the meantime I’m planning to get a great cut/shape and enjoy my hair at every length as I grow it out.
For me: yes. I must say: it was not an easy conversation to have with myself, but my current lifestyle just solidified this truth to me. It's a new phase for us, where younger Black women - just like us back then - now have the same aspirations we had. So I'd rather focus on helping them. So that they may feel confident in school, instead of being teased because their hair looks raggedy :(.

Have spoken about this video before, but one of the most innovating videos I've ever watched concerning this matter, is this one by Kimmaytube:

It really made me look at the whole situation differently :yep:. In my 20s I had ample time to take care of my hair. Right now, not so much. So it helps that it is short. I have a home to take care of, a career, new aspirations, other people to look after,...etc. It just wouldn't be feasible with long hair. Some women are on social media claiming they can 'do it all'. Sorry, miss me with that. I'd rather rest and often too, because ultimately, that is what shows up on my face and gives me that glow :lol:. I remember when @SparklingFlame and @MrsQueeny cut / shaved their hair, because they each had 2+ children...I couldn't understand it back then. Right now though...yeah, I get it :look: :lol:. It's not an easy perspective to sell to women, especially Black women. For reasons that have already been stated above. But it's one we're definitely gonna have to make peace with. I know women who rather ignore their child's hair and spend time taking care of their own hair :nono:.

Honestly speaking, I started out growing my hair back out again:


But then I cut it again:


This is how I'm currently sporting it (pardon the visible bra):


And from 35 - 45, that's basically how I plan on sporting it:


Again, it's not an easy idea to sell to Black women or any woman in general. So much of our confidence is tied up to our hair, as Solange Knowles once said. But...gotta learn to let go. Grateful for learning to do that. Absolutely no regrets.
@Maracujá yes! Your hair is absolutely stunning.

Also, that video about lifestyle lengths really spoke to me. I think it's something to really consider on one's healthy hair journey the length that will give you the ability to do the styles that you want and fit in to your life. I know for me personally APL is like a minimum lifestyle length....not sure about my maximum lifestyle length although I doubt it will be waist length. My lifestyle is pretty hectic as is and as much as I love my natural hair, I don't want to spend too much time on it just so that it can grow to super long lengths.
I think at this point we have several groups basically:
1. The people starting new hair journeys and getting caught up in bandwagons and pj'ism.
2. The people who have gained experience and mastered their haircare regimen - and are over the trends.
Personally I haven't lost the want for long hair, but I've long since been over the trends and whatnot because I don't have the time, energy, or money for it and I've accepted that my hair likes simplicity and long-term PSing (braids) - minibraids got me over the Sl/APL plateau. Plus with all these scandals coming to light from these product companies, I'm sticking to the tried-and-true products I have or making my own when needed.
This is me. Solid regimen. Simplicity. Over trends. Still want long hair.
@Maracujá Your hair looks so lovely! :love: I love those thick ends. Do you primarily wear it straight?

@Maracujá yes! Your hair is absolutely stunning.

Also, that video about lifestyle lengths really spoke to me. I think it's something to really consider on one's healthy hair journey the length that will give you the ability to do the styles that you want and fit in to your life. I know for me personally APL is like a minimum lifestyle length....not sure about my maximum lifestyle length although I doubt it will be waist length. My lifestyle is pretty hectic as is and as much as I love my natural hair, I don't want to spend too much time on it just so that it can grow to super long lengths.

Thank you so much ladies :cloud9:

@Neomorph my lifestyle is starting to get hectic, so I really want to spend a reasonable amount of time on it. Three hours or more for special occasions is OK, but not on a weekly basis.

@Rocky91 thank you for the compliment!

One of the things I have noticed about my hair, since entering my 30s, is how much thicker it has become:




Granted, I have been using JBCO on it, which helps. But it doesn't explain all of the thickness all of a sudden. Have not done proper research on it just yet, to find out what it's all about. We're part of the first generation of Black women, who sport their hair in its natural state for the most part. At least, since relaxers were invented. I find it such a fascinating topic :yep:.

As mentioned, my initial plan was to grow my hair long again, especially to inspire the younger women in my family & church. So I started taking brewer's yeast pills from time to time. Even though they are all natural, they didn't really give me the result I was after:


Dit my hair grow? Yes! But my ends looked horrible and my hair was very thin overall :nono: ==>>


That's when I decided to cut my ends again, as mentioned above. And just do it 100% natural, with no help from vitamins:


This is a pic I took yesterday: my ends + hair overall are much thicker. Nonetheless, I will have to minimize the usage of hot combs and flat irons even further, because it's drying my hair out something fierce!

Have also gotten much more serious about getting my ends professionally trimmed. There's a Caribbean hair stylist who does a magnificent job, but she lives in The Netherlands. Haven't found anyone here in Belgium just yet, unfortunately. HTH