Long Hair and Liquid Multi-vitamins/supps???


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

I see a lot of people are taking Hair Formula 37, Hairtopia, and various other pills to aid in hair growth. I'm curious as to whether anyone has used liquid multivitamins and had similar results (rapid growth, thickness, shine, and strength) and if so, please post the brand.

This is a good question. I've never considered taking a liquid multi-vitamin. I guess because i dont have a problem swallowing pills. But i wonder if there are any other additional benefits to ingesting a liquid vitamin rather than a pill....?
I would like to know too. I dont take a liquid muilti, but I did take liquid B-12 vitamins for energy during the summer. The reason I opted for them was not bc I have trouble swallowing pills but because I thought more could get absorbed. I don't know how it affected my hair tho.. sorry
I just realized today, that I have now been taking my vitamins faithfully for an ENTIRE year! :D

I just started taking a liquid multi vitamin after listening to a radio show that pill-forms are not easily absorbed by your body. After a web search, I bought GNC liquid multi which has a great orange taste and was cheap - you can take it staright or mix it in a drink!