Long distant relationship gone bad...kinda long


Well-Known Member
Well after 4 months of going strong and holding on..it finally came to an end. It started off fine, communication was great & we missed each other. As time went on he became distant and the phone calls started decreasing & I used to have to tell him to call me more & he did but it wasn't consistent, we averaged about twice a day for a few about 5-10 mins & I would send him e-mails but would get no response. I am a very dedicated person in a relationship & I have a tendency to hold on tight. I went to visit him a couple times and i felt the distance and the change...he was not "into me" like he used to be or he was not as affectionate as he used to be. I noticed some "red flags" in some of the things he said to me. We were talking & I asked him if there was something he wanted to tell me seeing as how he was being so different & unattached...he was acting funny towards me. His response was that I was the most insecure woman he had ever met, he said some other things but what really stuck out was when he said that there were other women he loved more than me :ohwell:....What? I knew who he was talkin about. I looked at him like he was crazy & his response "what did I say?":look: I knew then something was def wrong. I finally returned home & the communication picked back up until a few weeks went pass and then the communication decreased again. We made plans for me to come see him again a month later & things were cool but I could still feel something. He was doing good financially & things were going better for him...so we are riding through Texas ( I am so in LOVE with Texas) and he says.." I had to have talks with myself to stay faithful to you :look: so I ask him to explain himself...he says...well when you a attractive dude women be on you & a man aint never satisfied...they always looking for something better....:huh: Another "red flag" I am a "time will tell" kind of woman so i just made up in my mind to just sit back & see how things played out. The plans we made were still in effect, we still talked about how much "we" could not wait for me to move, we were both telling each other "I love you", he was helping me inquire about jobs...I sent him my resume to his e-mail & he even went to office max & bought me some rose colored resume printing paper. When I returned home the 2nd time he was calling me every morning before he went to work ( 5am) & even while he was at work. Eventually that stopped..we probably talked like once a day for a few minutes...I admit his work schedule was hectic (5am - 11pm) all I asked was that he call me before he went to bed just to say I love you, goodnight, i miss you...something..he made promises to call me but broke many of them. I called him 1 morning to say hi and asked him why he doesn't call me & he said he would start calling me..the next day ( Friday Dec. 11th 1:30pm) was the last time I talked to him. We said our I love you's & talked about me getting a job down there and that was it...he stopped calling me all together. I had been sending e-mails checking on him and calling..he was never home. 1 day i called & he did not want to even get the phone. I was crushed. I started blaming myself & feeling bad & crying. Now...a week later I a have more strength & I realized that I was a good woman to him & that his decision to stop calling me was not my fault. I feel good even though sometimes I can't believe how things ended..before he moved to Texas he was down & out and i was there for him when nobody else was...he was always up under me and showed me so much, love attention & affection. What does not kill you makes you stronger. I fell so in love with Texas & I am still moving there...just me & my kids in a different city from where he lived...I have no clue whats up with him. I don't need a man..I am ready to be alone and get myself together..I have found my inner strength & i am not going to let ANYBODY stop me from doing what I want to do.

Thanks for listening ladies...sorry for such a long thread :rosebud:

eta: I would appreciate it if any negative responses not be posted, we all make mistakes and learn from them and I am learning from one of may mistakes i have made & I realize that it is time for me to find out who I am ..alone...thanx
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((( HUGS )))

I am sorry you had to go through this but you are getting through it. You don't need a man, yes, you are correct. You especially do not need one that is NOT going to appreciate you, keep his word or show you the attention you need. In order to attract Mr. Right, you have to get rid of Mr. Wrong. You did that! I know that your Mr. Right is closer than you think. In the mean time please spoil yourself, and spend time with those that uplift and encourage you. Best of luck!
((( HUGS )))

I am sorry you had to go through this but you are getting through it. You don't need a man, yes, you are correct. You especially do not need one that is NOT going to appreciate you, keep his word or show you the attention you need. In order to attract Mr. Right, you have to get rid of Mr. Wrong. You did that! I know that your Mr. Right is closer than you think. In the mean time please spoil yourself, and spend time with those that uplift and encourage you. Best of luck!

Thank you for the positive response :kiss:girl I don't even wanna think about a man...not even Mr. Right :laugh:
its so hard to read, could you break it up into paragraphs please?

----nvm, i read it anyways

sorry that happened to you but sometimes you gotta let go of the bad to get the new. I would be excited to be moving on! Your going to texas and you going to be in a whole new environment, which mens all new men :lick: So keep your head up and move forward:yep:
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..he was acting funny towards me. His response was that I was the most insecure woman he had ever met, he said some other things but what really stuck out was when he said that there were other women he loved more than me :ohwell:....What? I knew who he was talkin about. I looked at him like he was crazy & his response "what did I say?":look: I knew then something was def wrong. I finally returned home & the communication picked back up until a few weeks went pass and then the communication decreased again. We made plans for me to come see him again a month later & things were cool but I could still feel something. He was doing good financially & things were going better for him...so we are riding through Texas ( I am so in LOVE with Texas) and he says.." I had to have talks with myself to stay faithful to you :look: so I ask him to explain himself...he says...well when you a attractive dude women be on you & a man aint never satisfied...they always looking for something better....

Sorry you're going through this but this passage alone tells me the bullet you dodged would have hurt much more.
Well babe Im glad your recongized he wasnt worth your love or affection.Heal relax and when your ready you take what you have learned and move on.
I remember your situation. Cleveland right? We were telling you then that there were red flags and the thread was shut down. http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=389736&highlight=

I'm sorry this happened, but think of it this way: At least you didn't uproot and move your children down to a brand new state where you have no support system only to find out then that he was a prick. That would have been awful. The way he handled ending your relationship is soooo cowardly. I cannot even get over how slimy that was. I know you are hurting. I will pray for your healing and peace of mind.
Forget him! Easier said than done...I know! But you have so much more exciting stuff going on like moving to Texas! Yay! I'm so excited I love Texas too! and your gonna be down here in the warm weather and plenty of Dental Assistants are needed...look at the bright side...he showed his true colors and let you know what type of person he really was before you got here and wasted any more precious time...

So shake it off...your moving to Texas! Yayyyyyy!!! One more family added to this big ol' state...
I remember your situation. Cleveland right? We were telling you then that there were red flags and the thread was shut down. http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=389736&highlight=
Exactly. I remember posting in the thread something didn't seem right and it wasn't to be mean, OP...there are some people here who "look out" for the other women...when you're in the relationship, it's easy to say "Whatever, whatever, you don't know our situation!!" even though it's plain as day...you asked because in your heart, you knew something wasn't quite right, too...

I'm glad you realized this now before you'd uprooted your life for him...AND your kids, especially. His loss...
Forget him! Easier said than done...I know! But you have so much more exciting stuff going on like moving to Texas! Yay! I'm so excited I love Texas too! and your gonna be down here in the warm weather and plenty of Dental Assistants are needed...look at the bright side...he showed his true colors and let you know what type of person he really was before you got here and wasted any more precious time...

So shake it off...your moving to Texas! Yayyyyyy!!! One more family added to this big ol' state...

Thanks ladies for being so positive & supportive.....this post really had me doin the "happy dance" lol. I am so excited about moving 2 Texas (so r my kids)...i can't wait! I hope i make friends really fast (male or female) so i want feel bored or lonely...i mean I have my kid's but they are just that...kids.
I have learned to beware of long distance relationships. You can't really know the person if you only see him every so often, enough time for him to put on an act. I didn't read your other threads, but I hope you have learned something from this.
I'm glad you didn't uproot your kids for this jerk.

He clearly had another woman or "something else" going on.

Good for you for holding back.
I have learned to beware of long distance relationships. You can't really know the person if you only see him every so often, enough time for him to put on an act. I didn't read your other threads, but I hope you have learned something from this.

thanks, i have def learned another valuable lesson...just like every human being does. We were together for a while here in C town & he was a totally different person. I honestly think he got his nose in the air & started thinkin he was better...i am def glad i found this out before we moved together. Karma does exist. I wish him the best of luck on everything....but all i'm concerened about are me & my 3 & making a better life for us.
thanks, i have def learned another valuable lesson...just like every human being does. We were together for a while here in C town & he was a totally different person. I honestly think he got his nose in the air & started thinkin he was better...i am def glad i found this out before we moved together. Karma does exist. I wish him the best of luck on everything....but all i'm concerened about are me & my 3 & making a better life for us.

The bolded is what I was thinking when I read your post. This is a past chapter in your life, on to new beginnings!