Long-distance booty call


Well-Known Member
I am friends with this guy that I've known for almost two years. We're both in separate cities now but we chat or text (not frequently) just to keep in touch. Over the past couple of months he's been asking me to visit him and I keep ignoring his requests. Last night we talked and he said that he would pay for half of my plane ticket if I would come visit him one weekend.

The reason I keep dragging my feet is because we had a friends with benefits relationship before we moved to separate cities and I don't want to be expected that we'll hook up that weekend if I decide to visit. I don't want a visit to become a long distance booty call.

Are guys really willing to shell out money in order to get some nooky? :ohwell: Am I just being paranoid about the visit?
If you really want to see him, go. But I would expect him to want some bootay, especially if he's going half on the plane ticket. Is he the type that would want something in return? Did u ask him what he expects from the visit? I'd tell him straight up, no cookies! Are u afraid of what u might do? Are u still attracted to him?

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If you really want to see him, go. But I would expect him to want some bootay, especially if he's going half on the plane ticket. Is he the type that would want something in return? Did u ask him what he expects from the visit? I'd tell him straight up, no cookies! Are u afraid of what u might do? Are u still attracted to him?

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That's what I was thinking. He won't push for anything to happen if I don't want it to. I've asked a couple times why he wants the visit and he always says it's so we can hang and catch up...harmless enough until the paranoia kicks in :lol:

I think I'm also hesitant because I used to have feelings for him and it took me a while to get over him (I hope). I guess I don't want to see him again and the feelings take over again. Unrequited "like" sucks :nono:
I think you're hesitant because u know in the back of your mind somewhere u still have feelings for him. That's something to think about. In my experience, if I truly wanted to get over someone I would cut ALL ties. Otherwise the feelings would linger and I was always at risk of relapsing. Lol. U have to decide whether u want to risk relapsing or not.

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So he wants you to pay to come give him some booty? He could at least up the anty and pay for your whole ticket.

If you feel like you are going to go back to the previous relationship and you don't want too, then stay home. If you are horny and want some then go. I think it would be cheaper to get local peen, if peen is what you are after.
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Girl if you are giving up half for that ticket don't give up no arse! LOL
Oh I would think if you are going to foray in the booty call game long or short distance wouldn't matter.
Read the thread titled "The Nature of Snakes".

I'm not calling him one, but you could take a note from the young lady in the story.

....just saying "don't ignore your gut feelings".
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Thank you he needs to pay for the whole trip and if you give him some you give him some and if you don't you don't.

Just make sure someone has his info and knows where you are going and that you have enough to get a room and make it home if he shows out.
Yes men will pay to get some, over and over again. I am questioning why you need to go at all. If he wants to see you why doesn't he come to you? It's his idea. And he can pay for his own ticket.

If you want to go then cool. I see a lot of warning flags though.
I wouldnt go either...but then again, bootycalls are not my cup of tea. My heart is fragile and it loves monogamous whole relationships...AND I just know my limits. If you had feelings for him and you also had a FWB relationship, feelings are sure to return and you will have more getting over it to do.

You know what it is and so does he...if you go I'm sure it will happen and your heart will be open again. If I'm wrong...then I'm wrong...
Yes men will pay to get some, over and over again. I am questioning why you need to go at all. If he wants to see you why doesn't he come to you? It's his idea. And he can pay for his own ticket.

If you want to go then cool. I see a lot of warning flags though.

^^^ This...

He needs to pay for the ticket and come to see you. Even if you aren't sure about the context of the relationship, you can at least control the environment by having him come to you. Plus, it's a lot of hassle to travel so why add that on top of all the other issues?
Men will pay millions and go to the ends of the earth for some kitty. Don't go, cuz you're gonna get fukced.
I wouldn't go because I don't believe in long distance rlp or booty calls. Booty calls should be local and accessible.
He should come to you, but I agree that booty calls should be local. The main ingredient for a booty call is being able to just call and get some... not call, buy tickets, take a few days off of work, travel, then get some.
You all are saying exactly what I've been thinking each time he extends an invitation to see him. I did a list of pros and cons, just to make the decision more clear, and there were only two pros and 8 cons! And that was just from five minutes of listing reasons whether to see him or stay home.
Anyway, thanks Ladies. I had to write that question on here because even though I knew what my gut was telling me, I still wanted to see what some other people's thoughts about it.

I've tried to just remain cordial with him, but in the past month he said something that was completely unacceptable (not to me, but on FB :rolleyes:). That's the main reason I don't think it would be a good idea for us to see each other, let alone become stressed out over spending money for a plane ticket, taking a day off from work, and spending money and worrying about whether or not he would try to sleep with me.
Yepp men are willing to pay the nookie

prime example my best friend is at this very moment out of town visiting her ex whom paid for her flight, her hair to get done, and paid off her vicky secret card so she can buy a few new things for him to see. it worked out cause she didnt wanna pay for nothin. As long as yall have an understanding it shouldnt be a problem
Wow, bootycall women are strong as hell....especially those who are dealing with ex's. I mean an EX would be the last **** I'd want a sex only relationship with....much less any other dude. If he was ALL mine once before, it could never be any other way but over.