Long 4a coily naturals

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aww thanks la colocha:):):)

Your fotki is a-mazing and has to be one of the most extensive and thorough that I've ever seen. I just friended you :grin: I must say also that you must be my hair brother or something. Another inspiration to transition :-)
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thanks ajoyful! i've been at it long enough.:drunk: it's a definite labor of love, but i'll be glad when i finally reach my hair goals. i'm always happy to find another hair sis:)
Ediese - You are officially my newest hair idol! :notworthy

I'm gonna try the denman one more time...

I was thinking a D3.

Which Denman do you guys use?

I use a D5, it's the same as a D4 but with a heavy handle. I chose the heavy handle to slow down my movements.
My intention in starting this thread was to see what long, coily 4a looks like. And it has become something different, If any one sees my avitar my head is full of coils, and its hard to take care of. I wanted ladies to show thier pics for inspriation. No one's hair in here looks like mine and its not going to but i do see some similarities.

mine looks like yours but it was short. my fotki is in my profile.
I love your hair! Your coils remind me of mine in a way (still transitioning).... I've added you as a fotki friend, I'd love it if my hair looks like yours when I BC. I especially love the pics with conditioner defining your coils :-)

it's not quite long yet, lol, but it's getting there:) give me another year or so :drunk::drunk::drunk: ... but anyways, i have longish, type 4a/b hair -- it still shrinks like a mug though:spinning: ... i just updated my fotki with pics:

thanks ajoyful! i've been at it long enough.:drunk: it's a definite labor of love, but i'll be glad when i finally reach my hair goals. i'm always happy to find another hair sis:)

My texlaxed wet hair looks like your natural wet hair. I wonder how that would translate if I went natural? Love your hair.
it's not quite long yet, lol, but it's getting there:):drunk::drunk::drunk: ... but anyways, i have longish, type 4a/b hair -- it still shrinks like a mug though:spinning: ... i just updated my fotki with pics:


Your hair looks GREAT! :worship2:

My hair looks a lot like your hair, but mine doesn't do those stretched out cute wavies when it's wet and coated with conditioner. Mine coils and shrinks and makes tiny coils.

Maybe when I get some length. Hope so!

My shrinkage is extreme just like yours. Now you have me wishing I could do twists right now :lol:

I wish I could figure out how to define my coils too!

This is my best attempt:


but the curl isn't stretched or lengthened at all.

Feel free to share your tips tkj25 :poke: :)

Have you tried Teri's method at www.tightlycurly.com? I have a section of hair that I could NEVER get defined, and I used her method with great results. It doesn't help the shrinkage at all :lol:, but it does help with the definition. I did it on Thursday before court on Friday, and my utterly non-observant secretary kept commenting on how curly my hair was, and how there was no frizzing or anything. The other thing I do differently is add gel to my hair when smoothing it, because my hair needs more hold than conditioner alone. Def look into it.

Have you tried Teri's method at www.tightlycurly.com? I have a section of hair that I could NEVER get defined, and I used her method with great results. It doesn't help the shrinkage at all :lol:, but it does help with the definition. I did it on Thursday before court on Friday, and my utterly non-observant secretary kept commenting on how curly my hair was, and how there was no frizzing or anything. The other thing I do differently is add gel to my hair when smoothing it, because my hair needs more hold than conditioner alone. Def look into it.

I haven't tried that method yet. I keep thinking... I would have to be there ALL DAY smoothing them out one by one. :lol:

Maybe one day I'll try when I'm bored!

subscribing for inspiration...
I guess I see your point, but I feel that I do see a big difference still. It's all beautiful hair nonetheless...there just needs to be a better typing system b/c I consider myself to be 4a also but don't feel that too many of the heads in this thread are anywhere close to mine.

Oh well :-)

I agree with you 100%. My 4a hair looks nothing like what i've seen in this thread. Beautiful heads of hair - absolutely :yep: 4a? - I don't think they are :nono: Either that or i'm not a 4a. Hmmmmmmm :scratchchin:
thanks ajoyful! i've been at it long enough.:drunk: it's a definite labor of love, but i'll be glad when i finally reach my hair goals. i'm always happy to find another hair sis:)

I am soooooooo glad you mention that you are a guy in your sig. I just peeped your fotki (gorgeous hair!!!) and saw the 'stache and was like "that poor thing!!"

Whew!!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
I agree with you 100%. My 4a hair looks nothing like what i've seen in this thread. Beautiful heads of hair - absolutely :yep: 4a? - I don't think they are :nono: Either that or i'm not a 4a. Hmmmmmmm :scratchchin:

Who are you telling?!??!!??

While i can appreciate the difference between, silky, cottony, more wave-like textures... and also take into account fine, medium, and coarse... most of the posts ive seen in this thread just aren't what id consider 4a. But thats just me...

Or maybe my hair is 4b/c. :drunk: And it very well could be, it just means i've been confused for a while. tkj25 has what i call 4a/b hair (and its BEAUTIFUL too)
Can some one please post some pictures of what's supposed to be 4a hair. Hell now yall got me confused:look:. I would really like to see what 4a hair is supposed to look like.
Can some one please post some pictures of what's supposed to be 4a hair. Hell now yall got me confused:look:. I would really like to see what 4a hair is supposed to look like.

I think I'm a good example of 4a. Close to
100% or 100% 4a

I dunno... anyone can correct me if I'm wrong :perplexed

I think others in this thread have some 3c thrown in. Or silkier hair. but I don't think there is anyone claiming 4a that doesn't have ANY in their head.
I think I'm a good example of 4a. Close to 100% or 100% 4a

I dunno... anyone can correct me if I'm wrong :perplexed

I think others in this thread have some 3c thrown in. Or silkier hair. but I don't think there is anyone claiming 4a that doesn't have ANY in their head.

Ok thank you neith, my hair favors yours but your hair is thicker than mine and fuller. I don't know how i even came to type my hair, i never asked anyone. I just went by peoples pictures that hair looked like mine.
I've had almost no one argue that I'm not a 4a...


My curl pattern, in April after being sort of shingled.


My hair in March, unstretched, and undefined.


The back in March, unstretched, undefined.


A puff from 2007

Now, my coils are clearly 4a, and that's the only barometer used when determining "hair type." I might be considered a "silkier" 4a than some, but as you can see, I could also be considered a "spongier" or "coarser" 4a by others, depending on how my hair looks at a given time. My strands are fine and my hair overall is thin, so I'm not going to look like those thicker stranded 4as.

I do think that many "4as" could appear to be "3cs" or "4bs" as well, depending on hair style.
I've had almost no one argue that I'm not a 4a...


My curl pattern, in April after being sort of shingled.


My hair in March, unstretched, and undefined.


The back in March, unstretched, undefined.


A puff from 2007

Now, my coils are clearly 4a, and that's the only barometer used when determining "hair type." I might be considered a "silkier" 4a than some, but as you can see, I could also be considered a "spongier" or "coarser" 4a by others, depending on how my hair looks at a given time. My strands are fine and my hair overall is thin, so I'm not going to look like those thicker stranded 4as.

I do think that many "4as" could appear to be "3cs" or "4bs" as well, depending on hair style.

Your hair is so pretty cheleigh. Thank you
My hair is very coily/nappy/frizzy/wavy....my coils are about the size of a pen spring..


old pic

If I comb out my hair intently my coils will stretch and my hair will fro up like in my signature

My hair clumps up a lot when I wear a wash and go (which is fine). I know how to rock a large fro but I don't know what products define or bring out (the structure) of my natural coils?
uggggh, i'm so upset because i had written this really long post and i lost it :wallbash: but anyways, i wanted to post some more pics because after reading the rest of the posts, i kind of feel the need to "defend" my hair type (which is one of the reasons i really don't like like this system). i also realized that maybe the picture i attached makes it look like my hair either isn't mostly 4a or 4a at all, since it's from the front where the curl is looser or nonexistent. below i'm adding a few from waaay back after my first BC when i left my hair unmanipulated more often (can we say tangles???). i've also posted some pics of coils and twists b/c i stumbled upon them and wanted to share :grin:

basically, i think the "typing" system forces us to fit our square pegged hair into round hole categories. our hair is so diverse and varied, it defies categorization. i just hope these categories don't create divisions. i'm really grateful to have found a place with women of color who share my hair woes/experiences, and who have such a wealth of knowledge. i've learned so much from all of you ladies - whether we share certain hair characteristics or not. :yep:

[fwiw i didn't edit my face out because i'm tired and i'm clothed in these pics lol. sorry in advance for the super awkward angles/close-ups.]


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uggggh, i'm so upset because i had written this really long post and i lost it :wallbash: but anyways, i wanted to post some more pics because after reading the rest of the posts, i kind of feel the need to "defend" my hair type (which is one of the reasons i really don't like like this system). i also realized that maybe the picture i attached makes it look like my hair either isn't mostly 4a or 4a at all, since it's from the front where the curl is looser or nonexistent. below i'm adding a few from waaay back after my first BC when i left my hair unmanipulated more often (can we say tangles???). i've also posted some pics of coils and twists b/c i stumbled upon them and wanted to share :grin:

basically, i think the "typing" system forces us to fit our square pegged hair into round hole categories. our hair is so diverse and varied, it defies categorization. i just hope these categories don't create divisions. i'm really grateful to have found a place with women of color who share my hair woes/experiences, and who have such a wealth of knowledge. i've learned so much from all of you ladies - whether we share certain hair characteristics or not. :yep:

[fwiw i didn't edit my face out because i'm tired and i'm clothed in these pics lol. sorry in advance for the super awkward angles/close-ups.]

:lol: at the bolded. I know where you are coming from.

I think you have beautiful 4a hair! :yep:

From reading this thread I guess that people see 4a as being very coarse and for lack of a better word, very "nappy" all the time.

but this system only defines coil size. Not how coarse or silky someone's hair is.

Just like you have kinky 3b hair vs. "European" 3b hair. The curl diameter is the same. The actual look and feel of the hair is different.
Im drooling here ! so many beautiful heads of hair ! this is why im no fan of mr andre's hair type system . it really is just a guideline . my sister jennyfur and i are both 3c's but she is on one end of it closer to 2 im on the other closer to 4 . but we both have extremly curly hair and use the same products . there are so many subdivisions there really needs to be a revamp of that chart .
:lol: at the bolded. I know where you are coming from.

I think you have beautiful 4a hair! :yep:

From reading this thread I guess that people see 4a as being very coarse and for lack of a better word, very "nappy" all the time.

but this system only defines coil size. Not how coarse or silky someone's hair is.

Just like you have kinky 3b hair vs. "European" 3b hair. The curl diameter is the same. The actual look and feel of the hair is different.

This is all that Andre's system describes which is why I think people find it so confusing because other things like strand diameter (thickness) and density often have a greater effect on the look of the hair IMO. Plus isn't 4a classified as the size of a coffee stirrer/straw up to the size of pencil? There is a lot of room for different looks in between those two very different sizes!
I LOVE This thread. Great photos and hair typing info. It's so confusing to me. I think I"m 4a under and 3c on my "canopy" (had to steal that term) but my hair is coarse and fine at the same time. Those typing systems leave a lot to be desired.
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This is all that Andre's system describes which is why I think people find it so confusing because other things like strand diameter (thickness) and density often have a greater effect on the look of the hair IMO. Plus isn't 4a classified as the size of a coffee stirrer/straw up to the size of pencil? There is a lot of room for different looks in between those two very different sizes!

Yep to the bolded. It's not ONLY coffee stirrer sized coils, 4a can be looser than that.

Even I have some larger than coffee stirrer coils.
:lol: at the bolded. I know where you are coming from.

I think you have beautiful 4a hair! :yep:

From reading this thread I guess that people see 4a as being very coarse and for lack of a better word, very "nappy" all the time.

but this system only defines coil size. Not how coarse or silky someone's hair is.

Just like you have kinky 3b hair vs. "European" 3b hair. The curl diameter is the same. The actual look and feel of the hair is different.

i don't. i just thought it was really small coils like what you and me have.
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