Lonei's self relaxer...(Pics)

You and your little BIG bump are so beautiful. God Bless you three. Oh and I'm so loving your hair!
Keep taking your prenatals even after your bundle is born:grin: might help:yep:

I am allergic to multi vits! The only thing i have been allowed to take is Iron and Folic Acid throughout, I try and eat well but I do love me some chocolate! Hehehe
Wow ladies, thank you so much for the love and support over the years. God bless you all xxx
Looking good Mama !!! You are looking so pretty preggers!!! :gorgeous:

Btw Lonei has your hair thickened up during the pregnancy?
Looking good as usual lady! Congrats on the hair and the baby! That style under your baby tracker is exactly how I want my hair to look on my wedding day..........in a few years lol
:blush: Fabulous!!! Congratulations to you and your hubby on having a baby :yep:

How do you self trim??:look:

I do it wet after a relaxer. I part it at the back, maybe about and inch thick at a time, part it down the middle, bring it over my shoulder and snip a tiny bit off. It comes out way better than a dry trim but is harder to do correctly.

Thanks for the well wishes x
Congrats girl I also remember when you got married!! My shedding tips are garlic, garlic, garlic. I had nutrine garlic shampoo, garlic oil, that I appled to my edges and there is also alter ego garlic condish.. Be patient with your hair, its gonna shed, also keep taking those prenatals... Be blessed!!