LOL! What do yall think of this invention: EZ Hair Braider


Well-Known Member
Here's the vid: EZ Hair Braider

Its essentially this HUGE contraption that you slide three strands into that braids your hair at the speed of light. I think you sacrifice tightness to the root and sometimes uniformity of the braid....but it is fast. I'd also be worried about using that hook on slghtly kinky blownout it looks like it pulls on the hair pretty hard as it does its thing. I feel like if something goes wrong and your hair gets caught up in there the wrong way...its a wrap for that section of hair:lol:

Here are some comments posted under the vid:

Johari3 said:
this is lazy as hell

saxygurl8 said:
More work is going into installing hair in the machine. WACK.

bbqpanties said:
What's with the porn music?


What do yall think of the EZ Hair braider invention?
WTF???? I could see if maybe it cornrowed for you but honestly why on earth would anyone need something that plaited hair? Wouldn't it be faster to just do it by hand? And how on earth would you even be able to see the back in order to load the machine. The only way I could see using something like this is if you had a child with really long hair and had carpal tunnel or some such disease that made it impossible for you to braid hair manually for any length of time without experiencing pain. Other than just seems pure i'd be worried about the stupid thing pulling out my hair. IDK maybe it's just me.....
@ QBOE2001 Well Americans are all about doing things asap so I'm thinking this appeals to that facet of our culture lol.

I'd never seek out this product but I'm not gonna front, if someone gave this to me I might use it for pixie could be useful for doing the body of a braid and really help you finish way faster then you could doing it manually. When you have long thick hair doing pixie braids can be a really arduous undertaking. I would manually braid the first inch of the braid then use the contraption for the body of the braid...I have to admit I'd finish pretty darn fast!:giggle:
I gotta step in and disagree with all yall. Im sorry but braiding hair is just not for me, at least on my own hair anyway. I have no problem braiding other people's hair but my hair is hell for me.

I would consider it. It might take me awhile to decide but i wouldn't throw it out the window just yet
The lack of conformity doesn't bother me as much as the lack of tightness at the root--however, I'd consider using it. That would cut an all-day job of braiding my 2 DDs hair down dramatically. Something to ponder...
Well, I've seen even 'lazier' contraptions at the Sharper Image or in a Sky Mall Magazine. I won't even lie. It looks tempting because my arms start to hurt after a while plaiting my hair. I think I'd try it. The "As Seen On TV" junkie is calling me........
A time study should be done on this. Length of time to braid manually vs this m/c. Also the pros and cons. I think it could be good for the micro braids and looks like someone needs to do it for you. The tool may need improvements.
I have a friend with MS and this would be good for because she losing control of her hands which prevents her from really taking care of her ds' hair.
I can imagine the braid-outs that would produce but trying to unbraid those tiny things would take FOREVER. I'd need a nap by the time I got done undoing them
i would NEVER put my hair in three big a$$ tube to be hooked up to a bigger tube to plait my hair when i can just do it myself. ontop of that what if the thing goes hay wire?!?!?!

and it looks heavy and like it may hurt.
WTF???? I could see if maybe it cornrowed for you but honestly why on earth would anyone need something that plaited hair? Wouldn't it be faster to just do it by hand? And how on earth would you even be able to see the back in order to load the machine. The only way I could see using something like this is if you had a child with really long hair and had carpal tunnel or some such disease that made it impossible for you to braid hair manually for any length of time without experiencing pain. Other than just seems pure i'd be worried about the stupid thing pulling out my hair. IDK maybe it's just me.....

i literally laughed out loud as i read that, its so true tho, the ONLY excuse is if you have some disease and really want braids,

Other than that haha its a NO NO, stop being lazyy!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I actually like braiding my hair. I get movies, drinks, snacks... AND then when I'm done I don't have to worry about my hair for like, a month!? psshht... please.