LOA: Attracting our way to LONG HAIR


Well-Known Member
I’m ready to add a new strategy to my hair growth – the LAW of ATTRACTION!

For all of you fellow LOA’ers, you already know what I’m talking about…………For any new comers, I’ll provide a simple, easy-to-understand explanation of the principles of the Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction in 3 simple steps:
  • Asking………..Ask for what you want, let the universe know what you really want…be (get) clear………be concise.
  • Believe……….Believe that it is all ready yours…..Must know and have faith that what you want is yours. Your thoughts must be of having it, not about lack of or the how of getting it. Imagine it!
  • Receive!

If you want to learn in-depth (or want to use LOA for other areas of your life), please visit the Off-Topic Forum and do a search for all of the monthly LOA threads.

The rule for this challenge is simple, we will include Law of Attraction methods and updates to visualize and believe in our hair growth and length goals.

There will be no room for negativity in this thread – no stories about “Nay Sayers”, “Setbacks” or “General Problems”.

Remember what you focus (........think, speak, or act) on (POSITIVITY….. POSITIVITY ……POSITIVITY), you will receive more of (POSITIVITY …..POSITIVITY…… POSITIVITY).

Ideally, this thread will be a place where we will share how we envision (and ultimately achieve) longer, healthy hair!

Who wants to join me for a LOA HAIR CHALLENGE?
Nice thread.

I've never thought to post any healthy, natural hair pics on my vision board. I think that's a good idea.
Yes! my Grandmother always taught me about the power of positive thinking - and I believe it! I'm with you girl!
I am not an LOAer but I follow Mark 11:24 that says:
I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.

Same Concept. This is a good challenge...
The LOA is based on new age principals, which is a distortion of Biblical principals. Instead of saying God they use universe. God created the universe. I could go on. I don't want to see people fall into this. It is very dangerous. To deny the power of God and give credit to the universe, which he created. Give him his props. There is nothing impossible to him that believes. Take care.
The Universe?

Can I substitute that for Jesus / God


There is no substitute fo God/Jesus they are the real deal. If anything LOA has substituted universe for God/Jesus.

Believe and you shall recieve.
Sometimes I forget the basics that my momma taught me.
Lesson number one was about who you argue with and
how it looks to others standing by.
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Ask, believe, receive is straight out of the Bible. I recognized it the second it saw it. Although I think God make this universe to respond to us in ways we find hard to imagine. I substitute the word God/Jesus/Father/Christ for universe.

Did you know Christmas was originally a pagan holiday? Christ was born in April.

He told them, "Because of your lack of faith. I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. -Matthew 17:20

He didn't say ask God to move it for you. He said YOU could move it by YOUR faith. That's LOA to me and I know it works.

Faith is believing that God can do the impossible.

By Faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of the things which are visible Hebrew 11:3. Not hear to debate the word. We will have to go to the religious thread for that. I'm just saying that we give credit to the universe, nature, this that and the other but the One who deserves all of the credit is God/Jesus.

Keep giving the universe credit if you want. We all have our own personal choices.

Oh yeah, I know about Christmas. Did you know the Sabbath day is not Sunday but Saturday.:blush:
Can we please honor the OP's request regarding this? If you don't believe in it fine...but it would be ridiculous for this hair thread to turn into a religous debate.:nono:

I still think the intent behind this thread can apply if you are doing LOA or prayer to God..focusing/visualizing healthy long hair.
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This is awesome. I've always believed that you can accomplish dang near anything if you just believe you can and let nothing stand in your way. The mind plays a powerful role in the things we accomplish (or do not accomplish) in life.
The Universe?

Can I substitute that for Jesus / God?
(serious question)
  • Asking………..Ask for what you want, let Jesus/God know what you really want…be (get) clear………be concise.
  • Believe……….Believe that it is all ready yours…..Must know and have faith that what you want is yours. Your thoughts must be of having it, not about lack of or the how of getting it. Imagine it!
  • Receive!
works for me :yep:

Can we please honor the OP's request regarding this? If you don't believe in it fine...but it would be ridiculous for this hair thread to turn into a religous debate.:nono:

I still think the intent behind this thread can apply if you are doing LOA or prayer to God..focusing/visualizing healthy long hair.


I would definitely join this particular challenge seeing as how it's about "believe that you have it and you have it" --I love that. but I know me and I better just focus on the challenges I already joined. I may be a spectator from time to time. I think this is a wonderful idea. I love it!
I think this is a good challenge as well! Thanks for the idea.

On a separate note, who or what we choose to give the glory honor and praise to for our success is up to us as individuals because after all we have the power of choice and free will. :yep:

ETA: Please count me in the challenge :yep:
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This thread for FOR those who want to use LOA principles to visualize and achieve their HAIR GOALS!

This thread is not to debate the origins or merits of the Law of Attractions.....if you went to the Off Topic Forum as I suggested and READ anyone would have seen that many participators uses the word universe just to be........... more UNIVERSAL.

If you feel more comfortable use a different word to represent your faith (whatever faith that may be), PLEASE feel free!

If you don’t' want to participate or don't believe that the POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING, FOCUS and FAITH will work for you then guess what.........it won't!

Good luck everyone! :yep:
I definitely need this! I keep picturing myself with a bob, and I want to get to APL(layered). But, I think something in me wants to keep in on the shorter side, but I want it longer. Confusing, I know!:spinning: I am trying to get it clear in my mind, so I can bring this about(or God can help me, bring this about:look:).But, we have to first be CLEAR about what we want, than ask. So clarity is coming in for me!:yep:
I am soooo in this. I keep having dreams (those crazy msm dreams :look:) that my hair is mid back length and i'm finally starting to think I actually can grow long hair