LOA: Attracting our way to LONG HAIR

The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away

He surely can bless you and put favor on your hair, I am a testimony to that, but if things are out of perspective and order he can give wake up calls too

just dont indentify your whole selves with your hair ladies , as much as he wont give money to a heart that will use it as their God or that will cause that person more harm than good, the same goes for everything

Hair doesnt make or break you:yep:

just adding my 2 pennies
i think the problem is gonna turn into the "one update post for every 10 religious debate posts" that i see. i will be visualizing on my own though, so thank you for the suggestion.
For people new to it LOA is not the only law to the universe, of course, so just keep things in perspective, like someone already said. :yep:
I am with you all the way, God says ask and you shall receive, I am claiming SL lenghth by mid to end of october. this is certainly a positive thread. Long lucious beautiful hair ;here I come.

Bless Your heart for this
I am not an LOAer but I follow Mark 11:24 that says:
I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.

Same Concept. This is a good challenge...

The Creator knew what He was doing, huh? Believe that you have received and it will be yours....This is my mantra....
The Lord Giveth and the Lord Taketh Away

He surely can bless you and put favor on your hair, I am a testimony to that, but if things are out of perspective and order he can give wake up calls too

just dont indentify your whole selves with your hair ladies , as much as he wont give money to a heart that will use it as their God or that will cause that person more harm than good, the same goes for everything

Hair doesnt make or break you:yep:

just adding my 2 pennies
ITA!:yep: And that is what I am putting into perspective. Thank you for this!:yep:
Someone made a good point earlier about needing to be clear about her hair goals. It will be hard to manifest something that you are conflicted about.....do you really want it if you do know what the IT is?

So let's get CLEAR about our hair goals - whether it is a certain length, look or feel.

A wishy-washy, vague goal (like…….. I want better hair) will only get wishy-washy, vague results (how would you measure “better” hair).

Be SPECIFIC. :yep:

Don’t be afraid to be BOLD. :yep:

If you want waist length hair (and no one supports you in this goal with the typical yada yada “black hair only” talk or the “don’t get your hopes up” talk or the “why focus on your hair” talk – ignore them) then DECLARE it!:yep:
Ask, believe, receive is straight out of the Bible. I recognized it the second it saw it. Although I think God make this universe to respond to us in ways we find hard to imagine. I substitute the word God/Jesus/Father/Christ for universe.

Did you know Christmas was originally a pagan holiday? Christ was born in April.

He told them, "Because of your lack of faith. I tell you with certainty, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you. -Matthew 17:20

He didn't say ask God to move it for you. He said YOU could move it by YOUR faith. That's LOA to me and I know it works.

Faith is believing that God can do the impossible.

By Faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of the things which are visible Hebrew 11:3. Not hear to debate the word. We will have to go to the religious thread for that. I'm just saying that we give credit to the universe, nature, this that and the other but the One who deserves all of the credit is God/Jesus.

Keep giving the universe credit if you want. We all have our own personal choices.

Oh yeah, I know about Christmas. Did you know the Sabbath day is not Sunday but Saturday.:blush:

thx for bringing that up:yep:
I believe in LOA. BUT I am having a very hard time believing I can grow my hair. I've had LOTS of setbacks, my biggest one I am going through right now. I KNOW with faith anything is possible, still I doubt my hair can grow. I feel so discouraged sometimes. I'll look in the mirror and I can picture myself with APL hair but yet it's not growing.

I believe I can clear my skin.
I believe I can be financially independent.

But I just can't believe my hair can flourish.:ohwell:
I didn't think that positive thinking or karma has ANYTHING to do with religion. They both can coexist easily imo. :perplexed

I tend to be a very negative person. I'm going to try keeping it positive and doing positive things!

btw... has anyone here seen what the bleep do we know? It's quantam physics theories broken down in an easy way to understand. Love the movie and made me think twice about the true power of the mind and thought.

I believe in LOA. BUT I am having a very hard time believing I can grow my hair. I've had LOTS of setbacks, my biggest one I am going through right now. I KNOW with faith anything is possible, still I doubt my hair can grow. I feel so discouraged sometimes. I'll look in the mirror and I can picture myself with APL hair but yet it's not growing.

I believe I can clear my skin.
I believe I can be financially independent.

But I just can't believe my hair can flourish.:ohwell:

These are two opposing thoughts in one sentence. One of them is going to win my dear...
This is what I have always done: pray, meditate and visualize, BELIEVE, RECEIVE, pray, meditate and visualize, BELIEVE, RECEIVE. It is extremely powerful and nothing to play with. LOA principles are found in scripture itself so before you start a deep religious discussion about it, you have to have matured in your own faith and have read widely enough to understand how the whole thing works. From what I have experienced, I can say that it works for my hair growth and for all other areas in my life. Great challenge! Those who do join the challenge, take it seriously and apply it to other areas in your life as well. Extremely powerful stuff. Good luck!
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I believe in LOA. BUT I am having a very hard time believing I can grow my hair. I've had LOTS of setbacks, my biggest one I am going through right now. I KNOW with faith anything is possible, still I doubt my hair can grow. I feel so discouraged sometimes. I'll look in the mirror and I can picture myself with APL hair but yet it's not growing.

I believe I can clear my skin.
I believe I can be financially independent.

But I just can't believe my hair can flourish.:ohwell:

:wave: Locabouthair,

It sounds like you are still conflicted about having longer hair.

Maybe it would help write out why you want APL, describe how it will look, how you will wear your APL hair day-to-day or style for a special ocassion.

Be as specific as you can be...
Im here to stay so: I WANT APL HAIR THAT IS SHINY, STRONG AND SOFT (ie healthy in my mind)
I have faith I will achieve this. :yep:
*Puts TV on mute... sit's up straight*

"I want long, healthy, unstretched hip length hair"

I totally know this works. I had alopecia 1 year ago and the doctor told me my hair would not grow back. It's growing back like gang busters now that it hasn't had a relaxer on it since October. I have a hairline and a cute afro puff. I am protecting and taking care of my hair as it grows and I thank God for the miracle of it coming back stronger than ever. This is the perfect challenge for me because I am already living it every day. This is just re-enforcement. See this is why its been on my mind to step up my diet to and to do a couple extra things to help continue foster the successful growth of my hair. And ladies don't sleep on Knox for Nails, I feel it has the most bio-avaliable biotin in my experience. I'm getting back on it full force, I had my fastest growth while taking it twice daily. (and pretty nails)
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i'm in, i've been very negative lately about everything, and this pass week, I have been trying to focus on positive things, sometimes its hard, but i'm working on it. i'm visualzing me having waist length hair