Lloyd's Hair In New Video: How do you get this look?

To answer the OP question, I have not a clue. Now on to homey's hair--it's always been gorgeous to me! Long hair don't care, for real! Something about him always looks dusty though. Like that dirty lil mixed kid that lived in the neighborhood. Don't front, almost every hood had one! Not sayin he's mixed, it's simply an analogy :rolleyes:
To answer the OP question, I have not a clue. Now on to homey's hair--it's always been gorgeous to me! Long hair don't care, for real! Something about him always looks dusty though. Like that dirty lil mixed kid that lived in the neighborhood. Don't front, almost every hood had one! Not sayin he's mixed, it's simply an analogy :rolleyes:

Hahahahah :lachen::lachen:!! We had "one of those"!
......and he had the purtiest ashen blond kinky curls ever...with his dirty lil' self.

But Lloyd's hair is too gorgeous! (and he does resemble one of those monkeys)
im mad ya think a black man look good with a braidout and a perm:barf: he looks more like a chick than any man should. i think he looks a hot gay mess.

Mmmmm that was pretty derogatory but whatever... he's still fine... nothing gay about flaunting your real hair male or female... who said he had a perm??? his natural hair is wavy/curly like 3b... it only takes a good flat iron to achieve that temporary straight look...